Star Wars vs. Lord of the Rings

Which movie series is better?

  • Star Wars

    Votes: 26 39.4%
  • Lord of the Rings

    Votes: 40 60.6%

  • Total voters
They're both excellent, but Jackson has yet to film three bad remakes of Bilbo's dragon adventure - with more in the works! - so LOTR gets my vote
Originally posted by CivCube
That said, SW is Pokemon compared to LOTR.

Well, I tend to agree.

I think that lots of "first trilogy was awesome" opinions comes more from nostalgia and childhood memories than from the real quality of the first SW movies. We'll see in some years, if people who had known both SW and LotR at the same time, will tend to prefer one or another.
Originally posted by Sobieski II
I prefer Star Trek over both of them :D :mischief: :vomit:
First of all that and then it is true that Star Wars is much more Fantasy then Sci-Fi (what's the science part in it supposed to be anyway?) and so much more comparable to LotR than to Star Trek.
I guess it is worse than both.
this isnt a match at all, LOTR rules the world of fantasy and everyone knows it.
Originally posted by Akka
Star Wars just can't compete with LotR, be it on the story level, the acting level, the image level or the SFX level.
They just don't play in the same league.

Sure, fault the producers for not putting in yet to be invented effects.

Id say Star Wars is better because I dont really find the whole wizards and warlocks stuff that interesting.
Originally posted by archer_007
Sure, fault the producers for not putting in yet to be invented effects.
How that, "fault them" ?
I don't "fault them". It just happens that, being more recent, LotR enjoys better SFX. It's not a question of blaming SW, it's a simple fact.
If you take a rally car of the 1920s', it can be quite fast for it's time, it'll still be slower than an up-to-date Formula 1. It's not "faulting the engineers" of the time for not making a fast enough car. It's just accepting that the contemporary ones are faster, it's all.

And anyway, SFX aren't the only advantage of LotR. Acting and story are simply better in LotR than SW, and it's nothing to do with the age of each movie. The beauty of sceneries is also another strong point that blow SW out. Granted, it was harder for SW to be on par, as they had to BUILD these sceneries, while nature just already exist. But anyway, just like the SFX, it's a fact that one movie, whatever the reason, has just an advantage on this point.
The original SW trilogy stirs up old memories (my first matinee, action figures, etc.) and LoTR hacked up my favorite book of all time.

My vote goes for SW (original trilogy)
Eliminate the second half of Return of the Jedi and the three 'prequels' from human history and ask me that question again.
there both really good however i had to say LOTR because its quite simply better in all respects.
Star Wars is better than the cinema version of LOTR, but the extended version of LOTR cant be beaten.
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