Fixed known bug: A unit held-up due to population doesn't start training until the turn after the population is available. (Originated in v0.06)
Fixed bug where errors will appear on someone's screen if they have no selected unit and another player in MP pops up the unit chooser.
Fixed bug where unit attacking with turn-attack mode would attack with all attack points left, even if they didn't have enough movement points.
Fixed bug where some units will attack even though they have no attack points, but because they are in a group with a unit that does.
- Made building cancellation refund a percentage refund rather than full refund (75%).
- Cancelling the only building in a city destroys the city.
- Zerg buildings destroy drone on build and spawn drone on cancel.
- Terran building only builds with SCV constructing on the plot. The SCV can leave the building and keep it "stalled" until it or another scv comes and continues the build using the "Continue Construction" mission.
- Zerg eggs are now cancellable.
- Morphs now retain percent of HP from unit morphed from.
- Added functionality for morphing units to cancel back to their original form.
- Buildings start with small HP and HP slowly builds as it's building.
- Made mod only allow for non-public maps (This means that only scenarios will be allowed to be played. You'll notice that the "Play Game" function has been disabled on the main screen, so only the scenarios will be allowed. This DOESN'T mean that player-made maps will be unsupported. They will just have to use the "Mod=Civcraft SC" tag in the map file to ensure that it is playable in Civcraft).
- Changed implementation of global building prereqs (This shouldn't change anything, but is put here as a notice incase there is a global
building-prereq bug to pop up in the future, so now I know when it probably was introduced).
- Implemented building upgrades to update city name and building-unit w/ proper hitpoints. (Hatchery->Lair->Hive, Spire->Greater Spire).
-Further shut-up any AI trying to do anything, which probably caused the bug reported by Shqype at:
- Fixed possible problems that would have eventually come up with having more workers than allowed to harvest a plot in a group and telling the group to harvest.
- Made right-click on enemy unit do a pseudo-move-basic-turn-attack, rather than try going through Civ4's combat system and most likely crashing. You should probably stick to the hot keys and actions for now, however.
- Added larva spawning at Hatcheries.
- Added Zerg's ability to morph from larva (with eggs in the middle) rather than be built from Hatchery (while disabling building from hatchery).
- Added ability for Hydralisks to morph to Lurkers (with lurker eggs in the middle) and Mutalisks to morph into Guardians and Devourers (with cocoons in the middle).
- Spawning a new hatchery will spawn one larva on the plot at completion of the hatchery, then continue the larva breeding as normal.
- Changed "upgrade" (now morph) help text to better suit Civcraft needs.
- Added a "Morph" row in the unit info pane to show how far along the morphing is.
- Appended the unit being morphed next to the morphing unit (Ex: "Egg (Zergling)") in plot help text and info pane (for owner only).
- Shut down 99% of the ai.
- Changed how workers will be assigned to harvest. If more units are in the group than will be allowed to harvest, the exact amount that will be allowed to harvest do, while the others leave the selection group.
- Removed the "Push unit out of building if the building has no rally point." The reason was so that a player couldn't just sit their unit in the same plot as the building. With a targetting system, I don't think this matters anymore.
Known Bugs:
1.) Map Health Bars are not to be trusted. I would turn off "Show Health Bars" in the "Graphics" options. (Originated in v0.02)
2.) A unit held-up due to population doesn't start training until the turn after the population is available. (Originated in v0.06)
3.) Two units with different attack ranges in the same group being sent a mission to attack (either single, turn, or destroy) will have unknown results (Originated in v0.08).
4.) Selecting larva can be REALLY annoying. Because larva have zero moves, there is constant problems with selecting them, then having the game do it's silly "cycle to the next group" before being able to do anything with them. (Originated in v0.11)
- Fixed a bug where a unit that was popped while stalled due to population from starting would remove population points, even though
the players population due to that unit would never have changed (since the units production was stalled).
- Fixed Zerg Drone's "Pointer Arrow" picture not showing up correctly.
- Implemented destroy mode. The attacking unit will continuously attack the target unit until either the attacking unit or the target unit is destroyed. If the target unit moves out of the attacking units distance, the attacking unit will give chase, if possible. If at any time the attacking unit can not attack or chase after the target unit, it will end destroy mode and revert control back to the user. Also, destroy mode can be used on a unit that isn't currently within the attack range of the unit.
- Added in costs of unit and building creation in the help texts.
- Changed worker actions to show the ability to build buildings they can not build yet (but greyed out, with message of required building in help text).
- Implemented correct health and shield bars in the plotlist bar (small icons on bottom of screen above interface).
- Implemented a new(er) resource collection scheme, to slow down the collection of minerals, speed up the collection of gas, all in a way to hopefully allow for better tweakability later on. See the thead for full details.
Known Bugs:
1.) Map Health Bars are not to be trusted. I would turn off "Show Health Bars" in the "Graphics" options. (Originated in v0.02)
2.) A unit held-up due to population doesn't start training until the turn after the population is available. (Originated in v0.06)
3.) Two units with different attack ranges in the same group being sent a mission to attack (either single, turn, or destroy) will have unknown results (Originated in v0.08).
- Made single attack, turn attack and destroy attack as their own missions (previously worked as air-strike and air-bomb). Note that Destroy attack missions and interface modes, though created in XML and such, are disabled for now so that I can work on other things. This will probably be worked on much, much later, as it's not really necessary, just an interface improver.
- Gave these missions their own interface-modes, cursors, etc.
- Made a new screen to pop up, showing the units on that plot eight at a time, with a page button in the middle if there is more than eight units.
- Allow users to use the alternate mission of the three attacks (by using shift+<key> where key is the key used for the original mission) where the new unit chooser screen pops up, allowing the user to choose a specific unit to attack.
- Made unit-chooser work correctly in turn-based multiplayer settings. Simultaneuous games may experience some problems with actions not happening (such as if units in the plot that are to be chosen from move before the user makes their choice).
- Fixed Bug #2:
2.) City names appear to be misconstrued in some help and info texts. (Originated in v0.06)
- Fixed bug originating in v0.06 where units that were harvesting while being removed from the map using the world builder caused the game to crash.
- Fixed bug in loading saved game that caused crash (most likely introduced in 0.04).
- Put back together the diplo window, only so that if someone ever gets into that they could get out. Although, perhaps when AI is implemented, we could use it as a way for players to give commands to ai, like "Let's joint attack here." But I'm getting ahead of myself...
- Fixed bug in CvPlayer.cpp that caused incorrect player data on save game load (population, minerals, gas, etc. were loading incorrectly).
- Fixed some buildings giving free population.
- Fixed problem with extra movement points being used in an attack that kills an enemy unit.
- Made units exit factory buildings when created and there is no rally plot already set.
- Made units not allowed to enter plots with buildings in them.
- Set all players starting units in the plot next to their base, closest to the resources.
- Set rally point for players starting base in this same plot (aren't I nice?)
- Reimplimented attack system to use airbomb as well as airstrike. Using airstrike will use up one attack, and using airbomb will use up the rest of the units attacks on the plot (so you don't need to keep hitting airstrike if you want all the attacks to be on one unit).
- All units are now considered "ranged" units. Melee units have a range of one. This is so that it's more clear in the code what path should be taken.
- When a group of units attack, all units that can attack the space do so, while all those that cannot (out of range, no attackable units) do nothing.
- When a unit attempts to attack another plot, it will not attack if there is no unit in the plot it can attack (a ground-attack only unit will not be able to attempt to attack a plot with only air units).
- When a building unit is destroyed, the city is destroyed as well.
- Set worker build mouse-over help pane to not show hammer improvement, and to correctly show how many turns the build will take.
- Changed plot help to show players name above units name. Also, buildings no longer have movement, attack stats and range displayed.
- Changed the XML tags in UnitInfo. Explosive, Concussive, and Splash attacks now can be dependent on if it's an air or ground attack.
- Changed splash tags to have SmallSplash (Mutalisk: hits 2 closest units within one - two tiles), Splash (Firebat, Goliath vs. Air, many air units: affects all units in same tile for a specific percentage of damage), and LargeSplash (Seige Tank, Infested Terran, Reaver, Spider Mines: Affects units in same tile for a percentage units in adjacent tiles for a lesser percentage).
- Combat now takes explosive, concussive or plasma, and splash damage (except for mutalisk's special splash damage) into account when attributing damage. Protoss shields are not affected by combat modifiers and always take full damage.
- Civs be at war or peace properly from the start (All players not on the same team are at war).
Known Bugs:
1.) Unit health bars are not to be trusted. (Originated in v0.02)
2.) A unit held-up due to population doesn't start training until the turn after the population is available. (Originated in v0.06)
- Fixed unit supply to work in all known cases.
- Added extractors/refinery/assimilator costs, and change bonus/improvement scheme to unit-buildings. Completely reworked the resource-collection paradigm to fix possible problems with old version and offer better leeway for improvement. Units now collect by themselves, rather than working together, more like starcraft. Multiple units can still harvest the same spot, but once one player starts harvesting a spot, no others may harvest there until they first stop those harvesters from harvesting.
- Changed upper left screen to show population warning color if pop goes above max (if a player were close to max and an overlord/pylon/supply depot was destroyed, for example).
- Added in rest of non-addon buildings (shield batteries, photon cannon, bunker, missile turret, creep/sunken/spore colony).
- Made units for each style of building, that will be spawned and used to store the cities hit points for now.
- When a worker starts building a new building, placed the corresponding unit in that citys tile.
- Made sure plot was empty before starting building construction. Gave message if not empty.
- Changed city billboards to display building-unit name (Now a hatchery displays "Hatchery", etc.)
- Added Nexus, Command Center, and Forge buildings for testing out graphics.
Known Bugs:
1.) Floating units large health bars (Originated v0.02)
2.) City names appear to be misconstrued in some help and info texts. (Originated in v0.06)
- Added multiple entries for each UnitInfo in the XML, as well as the SDK changes to read/write all and python interfaces.
http://civ4-scmod.pbwiki.com/Civ4UnitInfos for details).
- Gave unit classes ability to keep track of hit points, health, and number of attacks per turn.
- Changed info pane and help text boxes slightly to show units hit points and shields (more will be done later during an interface upgrade).
- Implemented basic Melee Attacks
- Fixed melee units from automatically entering territories if they kill the unit there.
- Implemented basic ranged attacks.
- Fixed ranged units to have colored boxes around plots they can aim for (like an air strike unit would).
- Changed "Airstrike" cursor to one that looks like an attack.
- Implemented unit population count.
- Restricted all units to their max attacks per turn limit.
- Implemented cooldown.
- Fix unit still having airstrike mode interface on after making last attack, but having more moves left.
- Fix to allow for unit sleep mode (can end units turn without finishing moves or attack turns).
- Units now build new buildings in new cities.
- Every unit has a <BuildAt> trait saying where what building to build it at. The <BuildingPrereq> trait now just lists additional dependencies to build that unit. (Ex: A firebat
has a <BuiltAt> trait of "BUILDING_BARRACKS", but a <BuildingPrereq> trait of "BUILDING_ACADEMY").
- Changed minerals to be mined every 2 turns rather than 3 (too slow w/ just 3).
- Added Supply Depot and Pylon buildings.
- Allow for "upgrade" buildings to be built (Zerg Lair/Hive, Zerg Greater Spire, etc.)
- Removed culture plots (to be added later, but not seen on map).
- Implemented units individual sight ranges.
- Changed unit info pane to show HP, Shields, Attacks and Movement points left.
- Updated Plot Help Pane (the thing you get when you hover over a plot) to show some unit stats:
- Removed some unneeded automate buttons.
- Message displayed to declare when you don't have enough minerals/gas/population to make a unit or building.
- Threw together a helluvalotta text keys.
Known Bugs:
1.) Floating units large health bars (Originated v0.02)
2.) When minerals are harvested, credit may go to a player who owns a unit in that plot, even if they did no work. (Originated v0.03)
3.) When a CC, Nexus or Hatchery is built, it may be given to a player who owns a unit in that plot, even if they did not create it. (Originated v0.03)
4.) Players can harvest vespene gas from other players harvest building. (Originated in v0.03)
- Added "iMineralCost" and "iVespeneGasCost" to all unit and building xml's.
- Added costs to all unit and building xml's (cost = time to build)
- Check if the player has enough materials first.
- When a unit's build starts, subtract their cost.
- Check if the building has enough materials first.
- When a building's build starts, subtract it's cost.
- Added TXT_KEY's for leftover bonuses, builds, and harvest automation.
- Fixed issue with v0.03 that threw errors on harvesting gas.
Known Bugs:
1.) Floating units large health bars (Originated v0.02)
2.) When minerals are harvested, credit may go to a player who owns a unit in that plot, even if they did no work. (Originated v0.03)
3.) When a CC, Nexus or Hatchery is built, it may be given to a player who owns a unit in that plot, even if they did not create it. (Originated v0.03)
4.) Players can harvest vespene gas from other players harvest building. (Originated in v0.03)
5.) Unit cancellation does not yet work.
6.) City production pop-up may cause forced production selection.
- Added map QuickBath (a very small, four-person Bloodbath-like map).
- Allowed each building to be made multiple times (some had restrictions of one building).
- Gave terran units some more realistic power, movement and cost data (just for fun, they'll be changed when combat is implemented).
- Changed floating units to combat type MELEE (from HELICOPTER) to make them actually want to fight me.
- Changed Shuttle, Overlord, and Dropship AI to the assult, escort, and settle (sea variants).
- Added Improvements and builds for all three capital structures (CC, Nexus, Hatchery).
- Allowed worker units only to build (only) their own type of capital structure.
- Have cities build when a correct improvement is laid down.
- Changed SDK so new cities built will no longer destroy underlying improvements.
- Made cities only able to build a capital structure if the improvement lay on that plot.
- Allow improvements to be built in any neutral territory as well as your own.
- Took away workers abilities to found cities.
- Made cities start building their capital city right from the start.
- Allowed workers to "harvest" minerals by creating a "Harvest Minerals" improvement.
- When the "Harvest Mineral" improvement is completed, it immediately disappears.
- Also, 8 gold added to the reserves.
- Allowed workers to "harvest" gas by creating a "Harvest Gas" improvement.
- When the "Harvest Gas" improvement is completed, it immediately is replaced back to a mine.
- Modified SDK to keep track of gas. Works just like setGold, getGold, but now setGas, getGas.
- Modified main screen to show both the current gas and minerals where typically the gold is.
- Allowed for workers to automatically continue harvesting the current spot after they've completed.
- Give first city to each player along with underlying improvement.
- Made each player have their starting units centered on their starting plot.
Known Bugs:
1.) Floating units large health bars (Originated v0.02)
2.) When minerals are harvested, credit may go to a player who owns a unit in that plot, even if they did no work. (Originated v0.03)
3.) When a CC, Nexus or Hatchery is built, it may be given to a player who owns a unit in that plot, even if they did not create it. (Originated v0.03)
4.) Players can harvest vespene gas from other players harvest building. (Originated in v0.03)