Stargate Battles Scenario #1: The Battle of Antarctica BETA2


Sep 23, 2006
Here it is, the first in a series of Stargate Scenarios, The Battle of Antarctica.
Anubis (unplayable {playable in BETA3 or Final})
Special Units:
SG Infantry (can build roads and colonies)
Jaffa (can build roads and colonies)
SG Team Munit
SG Elite
Anubis Guard
Kull Warrior (super soldier)
Specific Details:
You start with four bases, as does your enemy.
You can either eliminate all of his bases and/or gain control of the unclained victory point location and hold it until the 50 turns are up.
Do not enter the civilopedia, for some reason i cannot figure out the game exits when you enter the civilopedia, so just ignore it, hopefully it will be fixed in BETA3 or Final.

Let me know if you find any other problems.

Thanks to Spacer One, and Leaven with helping with the graphics.

Moderator Action: Broken download updated - Blake00
Download Here
BETA2 will be removed after 100 downloads.

Remeber this is my first scenario.

Do not expect BETA3 or Final for some time, as I have been very busy.
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Well, due to the fact my computer is unable to handle the file, could you perhaps post a few screenshots?
why cant your computer handle the file?

here is a screenshot


  • screenshot.JPG
    55.4 KB · Views: 1,689
Nice work SG-17 :)
i remember 1 story on the Antarctica , where SG-1 group got problem dialing stargate device when running from enemies....half got back to base and half is in 2nd stargate device in Antarctica...they try to dial back to respone...because it works as dialing your phone number from the same phone :D
I just checked this thread again. Im still here but mostly in the OT.
I've been on the hunt for Civ scenarios relating to Stargate and found this thread.

@SG-17 well.. you said not to expect beta 3 or final for some time but its been 12 years haha! I'm guessing you abandoned this lol? Shame as it sounds like you got a lot done and that screenshot looks cool!

The old 3D download link for your Stargate Battles 1: The Battle of Antarctica scenario has long been down (& takes you to some dodgy squatter page you don't want to be visiting unprotected) however thankfully I was donated a copy of it a while back! :) However there's no version numbers in your readme or credits files so I don't know if its your final beta 2.

I've tested it with my disc install of Civ3 (steam users will be fine too as there's no label files) and it worked! Looks cool!!!

I've repacked with 7zip (down to 26MB) and uploaded a copy of the mod to CivFanatics servers to preserve your work, however if you've got a newer version that this one let me know and I can stick that on CFC instead! Feel free to modify your OP download link for this mod to link to here instead of the old one. EDIT: As part of the dead mod link rescue/replacement project I'm working on with Quintilius I've edited the original thread post's download link for this mod to link to here instead of the long gone 3D one that was taking people to a dodgy page.

General Hammond is in Civ3 haha!

The Prometheus and SG teams stand ready for action!
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