Starryager's GameMod


Mar 23, 2010
Starryager's GameMod

Version 1.0.1
  • Predator II moved to Supremacy Warfare due to Landraider V being added.
  • Predator II Offense Points Increased to 26, Defense Points Increased to 12.
  • Each Civilization have traditional units.
  • Workbug was added for some factions that are traditional to have them. They are extremely fast worker.
  • Landraider Crusader was added, they are cheap to build and are only available to Imperial Empire and Baradutus Empire.
  • Only Scikor can have Dreadoughts, the world most deadly unit in the game.
  • Battle Kroozer was added to give more naval combat.
  • Air Raids is now available, All faction can start bombing other faction terroirites. They are effective as Air to Air combat as well.
  • All combat units now can pillage
  • Governments now limits the amount of units faction can controls.


This is finally... my first complete gamemod... (My first mod that i did by adding units from this site, no of the units was created by me, so i thank to people who create cool units)... I think I'm gonna to do the whole story of this gamemod. ;) I've tested them and they work perfectly fine. All other factions can start generating some real threat to other factions as well as me. :D

In Additionally, International Police Force had been added, it is a wonder that allows all of the faction that controls that wonder to have police station in every city. With that wonder, it will also generate more threat to other factions who are neighboring with that faction holding that wonder.

Well, I guess... I'm ready to play that game for Real! Get ready and prepare for the wars! Wars!!! Wait? Did someone said wars? I mean, ummmm... Cultural Victory? :D I will be doing this game in first person view. So... ENJOY!!! Keep on rallying me if you want more of this game ^_^


Your Choices​

You can request me to choose any faction from those list you want. These faction has each advantages and unqiunes. These are only factions I will play.

United Universe Union - Special Unit: Work Bug - Traits - Militarsic/Scientific
Scikor Empire - Special Unit: Dreadought - Traits - Militarisc/Commerical
Imperial Empire - Special Unit: Landraider Crusader - Traits - Militarisc/Religion
Confusican Empire - Special Unit: Work Bug - Traits: - Militarsic/Industrial
Baradutus Empire - Special Unit: Landraider Crusader - Traits - Scienfitic/Commerical
Ister Empire - Speical Unit: Work Bug - Traits - Traits - Industrial/Commerical

By tommorow, the empire with the most vote will be selected and go into the game on a large map 120x120 with other 9 AI players, on level Monarch. (I cannot go any farther than Monarch yet. It's way too much hardness for me) On a map 60% water, Pangea.

Along with a cultural victory for a city of 50K Cultural points, and 150K Cultural for the entire civilization. For Domination, 80% with 90% Population.


Well, it had came to an conclusion that there is more vote for Imperial Empire than Baradutus Empire. Imperial Empire will be selected and the leader will be named Shoguki, the commander of Imperial Empire. Shoguki will become me :D, let's get the game start!

I will play the game for the first 50 turns, then when it is over, I will give out options to you guys, to what you want Imperial Empire to do for the next 50 turns.

Story will be update soonly!
Chapter 1 - Shoguki's Favor

Map Size: Large 120x120
Land: 40%
Water: 60%
Land Type: Pagena
# Players: 10


At the homeland planet of the Imperial Empire. All of the Imperians stood in a large crowd, soon began to applause as Commander Shoguki approached from the tall speaker floor. He waved to everyone and began to talk.

Shoguki: For all of the Imperians, Today, it is a new rise, a new hope for us...
Shoguki: A hope to contiune our generation and survival against other faction threats.
Shoguki: All of you people, who has no knowledge about the news that our scienists found recently...
Shoguki: We had found another suitable planet to survive. My goal is that we shall colonize that planet fast as we can!
Shoguki: There shall be no threat from other factions! NO THREAT! For the Imperial Empire! ALL RISE! ALL RISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Imperians stood up and claps in a thundering sound. Commander Shoguki pointed out his arm and rose it up in the air, signaling with pinky finger for I letter.

(Slowly becomes black screen)


"Shoguki's Favor"
Private Fytha - Regiment 207th Force
Date: August 2387 A.D
Location: Unknown Zone of Planet Exostar

I see that Constructor had been established. However, it is premature. It has no support or defense yet. However, it cost of expansion is critical to overtake the entire planet by the end of 2450 A.D... Shoguki, we cannot afford to lose the precious time.

Shoguki: Right, Fytha, you are right. How about I send you over there and help it grow, as well securing its perimeter?
Fytha: I rather not.
Shoguki: Well, welcome to my squad, get ur ass moving on and start fulfilling our goal! We cannot afford to lose another hostipable planets!
Fytha: Alright, On One Condition -
Shoguki: Who the hell why would you want to negiogate with me? I'm your commander! Do as I said! Get lost!

Fytha left the fleet and arrives at Planet Exostar.

As the escape pod opened up, you move forward, sniffing the fresh hazy air. You wiped the cool moisture on your helmet screen. Carefully reloading the gun ammos. Your watch beeps as you look at the watch. it says objective: explore and secure vaulable resources. You knew you must do what you are told to.

So Fytha began to explore. He found a coast and some good resource that will promote the expansion of Imperial Empire.

Fytha: Shoguki...
Shoguki: Yes Fytha? You had been on Exostar for a year, have secured something vaulable for our expansion?
Fytha: Some, but I've found a coast.
Shoguki: A coast? Who cares about coast. If i find you to be an invaulable explorer, you are to be kill. Shut up and don't say anything that doesn't possess any dangers or critcal to our expansions.
Fytha: Very well.

Fytha explores more, as the city of Rastar builds more constructors to expand more bases.

The constructor moved southwest and established second city. The third constructor moved northwest and established third city. They are set up to secure the luxury resources that will provide support for Imperial Empire.

Soon, something came into Fytha's eye. He detected other faction.

Fytha: Uhoh... It is scikor empire... I better call the goddamn leader Shoguki.

He switched the channel on his speaker to talk to Shoguki through the radio.

Fytha: Ummm, Bad news. :D
Shoguki: What do you need? If it is some kind of prank, I will lay a baton upon on your wounds!
Fytha: It is no prank. I just saw Scikor Empire just settled on this planet too.
Shoguki: Scikor Empire? Oh no! They need to go away! I command you to kill them right now!
Fytha: Sureeeeeeeee. (Thinks to himself - Yeah, Yeah Yeah. You don't control me. I'm free out of your hands. Sucker. :mischief:)
Shoguki: Hang on, just hold back a bit until our expansion base gets more troops ready for war.
Fytha: (How coindence. 0_0. I feel so goddamn lucky!) All in your respect commander!

Imperial Empire spy detected that they had more soliders than Imperial Empire has, and they posed threat to Imperial Empire. That's not good.

After exploring in deep jungle. Fytha bumps onto other person, he switched around and opened fire, but nobody was there.

Fytha: Who was that? I'm so scared!!!

He walked slowly upon into the mountain and he saw another faction troop. He waved at him and then that troop turned his head and opened fire at Fytha. Fytha dodged and hid behind the rock wall.

Fytha: Wow, that was close one. I'm so goddamn scared now!
Shoguki: Scared about what?
Fytha: I want my mom. :sad: I hate you for drafting me into the war.
Shoguki: Fytha... you are a disloyalty troop to me right now... I command you to come back to the expansion base.
Fytha: Okay sir! (Hrumph! Who needs him anyway? He is worthless person, probably the most unimportant leader of all the game history!) I'm on my way sir!

Imperial Empire also spied at their military force. Once again, they outnumbered Imperial Empire also.

This is the view of Imperial Empire for the first 50 turns...



1 - Contiune to Expand and trade Technology with them.
2 - Contiune to Expand and Delcare war againist Scikor Empire in attempt to weaken them.
3 - Contiune to Expand and Do nothing

You need to use a space age terrain art pack!
Chapter 2: Scikor Empire Poses Threat!​

Shoguki: Fytha, you here?
Fytha: Yes commander?
Shoguki: You are about to lead a regiment of Space Marines to tear Scikor Empire' defense down and capture it so they won't pose any threat to our expansion.
Fytha: I'm not quite capable of leading a regiment yet.
Shoguki: You are out of luck. You must fight to death or flee like a coward and will be capture later on, hang to death.
Fytha: I would rather hang to death (Thinks to himself, Ah well, I can alway roam in jungle anyway. They can't catch me) I Mean, i will fight :)
Shoguki: Oh look, our spy had found them stalling at their military cap, it is time for them to get out!
Fytha: Ha, alright.

"Scikor Poses Threat!"
Private Fytha - Battalion Regiment 100st
Date: Jan 2393 A.D
Location: Planet Exostar - Zone: The Curved Peak

After instense construction of road, The Imperians stared at the horse for a while...
Then came Shoguki, he gets a bit pissy about it.

Shoguki: What was the hell is these creatures? I've never seen them before!
Imperian #1: They eat plant, the one that grows from the ground.
Shoguki: Obivously.
Imperian #1: They graze.
Shoguki: Someone get this citizen to death chamber. I don't want to see his beautiful ugly face!

2 guards came and grabbed that citizen.

Imperian #1: HELP! HELP! HELP!

Other people gasped in terror and begged Shoguki to release him.

Imperian #2: Why did you do that!?
Shoguki: Listen up, if we can transform the war into lighting fast war with these horse... We can use their bone to make treadmills for our tanks.
Imperian #3: You are one sick leader. Disgusting!
Shoguki: You can leave out and die or stay here and live.
Imperian #4: Bite me!
Shoguki: Bite you? Okay, enjoy this gift. (Points gun at Imperian #4) (Gunshot)

Other people gasped in a very terror and began to flee.

Shoguki: Wow, Colonial empire is such a rebellious one to control. Still, i wonder how i manage them so well.

At The Curved Peak, Fytha's regiement was building up. More troops are arriving to his squad in few months. Later on it will grow bigger.

Imperian Spy caught that Imperian Empire military force outnumbered Scikor Empire's force and proudly boasts about it.

Fytha's Regiment makes up of 14 inexperinced marines. They entered Scikor Land and began the invansion. The result was exact what they expected.

Shoguki: Hey Stormstrike, What's up?
Stormstrike: Shoguki, you are the leader of Imperial Empire, correct?
Shoguki: Yep, that's correct! Who you think you are messing with!? Surrender to us now or die!
Stormstrike: Surrender? Oh sureeeee... Right. Your troops don't stand a chance against our military.
Shoguki: Really? Our spy found that you have less troops than we have That delcares for war! (hangs up the phone)

War started. Scikor attacked first and lost 7 troops to 0 imperial troops. The Imperial Troops had defensive advantages. After it is over, They attempt to take over Scikor Empire's captial city, however, all died.

Scikor Empire force moblizes, that location is the current place where Scikor's soldiers are.

End of 100 turns. Scikor Empire troops had arrived at The Imperial Empire borders. Shoguki wasn't very sure what to do next, he knew that if Scikor Empire manages to overtake one of his city, it will cause more threat to the expansion of Imperial Empire.


Option 1: Make Peace With Scikor Empire and Contiune to Expand.
Option 2: Make Peace with Scikor Empire, Expand and Revolt for New Government
Option 3: Contiune to War With Scikor Empire, while expanding
Option 4: Contiune to War with Scikor Empire, Expand and Revolt for New Government
Subbed as always.
Option 2
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