Stars Without End v1.5.5


♫We got the guillotine♫
Mar 31, 2008
Earth 2135
Stars Without End is set in a near-future solar system in which an high-tech reptilian species arrived to Earth. The game will have two major theaters: the Earth-Luna System and Mars.

Earth-Luna, home to roughly a hundred thousand steaddunno and nine billion humans, has experienced massive social, economic, and political upheavals the last century because of the arrival of intelligent alien life. War is fast approaching as those for and against the Core line up to take their shot for a prize, whether that be rulership of Earth or something more complex and holy than that.

The second theater, Mars, is in the middle of a colonization effort. Prior to the war, a massive frenzy of space exploration and colonization had gripped the Earth.

In this campaign, players will form factions, organizations ranging from political parties to corporations and from cults to private military companies. Players can engage in diplomacy, politics, spycraft, trade, and war, Do you wish to focus on mercenary work, lending your services to the highest bidder? Or do you wish to use military might to destroy your rivals and seize Earth?

Maybe you just want to become a manufacturing, mining, or agricultural cooperative? Or a religious organization seeking to spread the faith to humanity and the steaddunno?

In Stars Without End, there is no rule requiring you must participate in all aspects of the game. You can go this entire game without seizing a planet, colonizing, building a factory, or firing a shot in anger. The choice is yours.

To aid me in this journey will be Ninjacow, who has accepted the role of co-GM. As co-GM, he will handle independent NPC factions and have the power to create them ex nihilo. I will take over the traditional roles of a core GM as well as managing player sub-factions.

Creating your Faction
Your core faction is the faction you will directly control over the course of the game. As the campaign progresses, you may create sub-factions for your main faction, such as an armed wing for a political party, but your core factions will always be the center of your existence.

To join Stars Without End, fill out this block.

Faction Name:
Leader: Who leads this faction?
Homeworld: Earth or Mars? If you pick Mars, you must pick the Colonist tag.
Primary Attribute: Force, Cunning, or Wealth. You will have 4 in this attribute.
Secondary Attribute: This attribute will be 3.
Tertiary Attribute: This attribute will be 1.
History and Description: This is not option. A sign-up will not be accepted unless the History and Description is approved by both NC and I.
Headquarters: Name and describe your HQ. This is your starting Base of Influence, and most important.
Starting Assets: You may start with up to two assets of your primary attribute and one of a non-primary asset. If you do not max out, you will start with a larger treasury of CCs (Core Credits).

After filling out this block, answer this question: How are you involved in the war?

Neutral: You haven’t formally taken a side in the conflict, either because of a commitment to neutrality or because you merely lean toward one side or the other.

SC/GPA: You are fighting for the Core. Maybe the Core has promised your faction power or wealth after the war, or because you’re a loyal steaddunno. Your reasons are up to you.

Rebels: You are fighting against the Core. Maybe you’re a steaddunno who truly subscribes to the ideas of the World Corps, a xenophobic human, or an amoral opportunistic corporation. Again, your reason is up to you.

See the rules linked above for the rest of the rules!
What is this post for?
To players working on sign-ups, please post your sign-ups in progress so NC and I can get a proper headcount.

Sign ups will close Friday night.

Faction Name: the Corporate Collective Conclave AKA the CCC AKA the Conclave
Leader: to maintain harmony among the corporate entities that make up the Conclave a agreement of shared oligarchic control has been maintained between the Great Five, the 5 chief executives, with a figure known as “The Speaker” assigned from the members of the CCC as the united voice of the CCC.

However the key founder of the CCC, Au Yeung Xing-fu, has remained a central figure even after death, the glass tomb a shrine deep within the Conclave.
Homeworld: Earth
Primary Attribute: Wealth

Secondary Attribute: Cunning

Tertiary Attribute: Force
History and Description: The Corporate Collective Conclave came to existence through advancements in genetic engineering, stellar colonisation and cybernetics. Originally the corporations had settled for a agreed co-operation under the Smiths Pact to organise a free trade zone in California, with the decision to create a specialist research and development facility in the Mojave Desert leaded to the corporate decisions to make the site a industrial and corporate administration point in a PR campaign to promote Martian colonisation, with intention to use the desert environment as simple test for what would be gene developments on the Red Planet.

During chaos however one of the corporate executives at the site, Au Yeung Xing-fu, of Yíchuán Tújǐng or Genetic Visions, decided to run out the competitor company, Highmawn Industries. After a successive take-over Genetic Visions turned against Saisei to Kenkō no Kaisha with the aid of Future Unlimited, forming Collective Visions by merging with Future Unlimited and aiding a series of take-overs in Saisei to Kenkō no Kaisha. Eventually through corporate warfare Collective Visions, along with its allies in Wǎngluò Gōngsī and Saisei to Kenkō no Kaisha, managed to settle a agreement with Adaption Unlimited and Behemoth Arms Corporation to turn the facility they had made in the desert in a max conclave and to channel their resources as a united entity.

Au Yeung Xing-fu had been influenced from both Maoist and corporate ideologies, as well being subjected to the thinking of eugenics. With a dark vision the Corporate Collective Conclave was created as a means of creating a genetically enhance collective that would through the use of corporations seek to out-compete other societies in the name of enhancing itself. In the process the close ties to the Core, including special cloning contacted by the Saisei to Kenkō no Kaisha to aid Core efforts, ended up hence in the hands of a rouge ideological power.

The CCC is made up of five Earth bounded mega-corps that have united with themselves and smaller corporations, these are:

Adaption Unlimited: an environmental engineering company that originally specialized on human adaptation to the Red Planet and R&D towards terraforming. After united as a core member of the CCC it has become a key researching in engineering human genetics to suit a wide arrange of environments on Earth and beyond, while the CEO has enshrined to the company’s constitution the end goal ideal of the Omi-Adapter: a being which could adapt to any environment with only the minimal supportive systems required.

Behemoth Arms Corporation: a Martian splinter from the American defense contractor Siegfried Unlimited.

Collective Visions: the first member of the CCC was born to create it by the merging of both Alex Mullen’s Future Unlimited and Au Yeung Xing-fu’s Yíchuán Tújǐng or Genetic Visions.

Saisei to Kenkō no Kaisha: founded by adventurist Osaka bornadventurer Makoto Ikeda this healthcare organed corporation is specialised in cloning, beginning in animal husbandry and healthcare to eventually beginning to R&D the projects of cloning as a means for alternative methods of human reproduction other than sexual. Things started to shift when a aged Makoto Ikeda retired with the dual announcements of the creation of Makoto 2, a clone of the CEO, and the desnigation of successor being switch from Makato’s son Kenji Ikeda to Makoto 2. Kenji was not pleased but found fortune as Makoto 1 as it were had oversignt a error in Makoto 2’s development that saw a shorted livespam through muscle degeneration, which allowed Kenji is coup the company. However the destabilisation allowed Kenji rival and cousin Izumi Ikeda to impose her own directive that resulted in a alliance with Yíchuán Tújǐng. After she took the company over Izumi Ikeda proceeding to agree to join the CCC under the impression of its corporate notions. When full realisation of the ideological desires of Au Yeung Xing-fu came to being it was too late for Izumi Ikeda: she was assassinated by a returned Kenji Ikeda, only for him to be removed and replaced by Makoto 4, whom was developed covertly by both Izumi Ikeda and Au Yeung Xing-fu as an experiment, the 3rd having suffered a decline only a few days after their covert creation. Now Junkyōsha Zaibatsu is run by Makoto 7, after the previous deaths of the former lots, and remains key in CCC access to cloning, as well in other areas of genetic engineering and healthcare.

Wǎngluò Gōngsī: a telecommunication engineering turned cybernetics company that orginally was founded in China but moved its CEO, Tseng Jiao-long, decided to move to California, splitting to leave a child company back at China while most of the assets can to the CEO. The CEO’s murderer and successor, Jin Jie, came to be the first to be swayed to the ideals of Au Yeung Xing-fu and became the second member of the CCC after the formation of Collective Visions.

Focus is on absolute power of the CEOs, with a collectivist corporate ideology that especially came enshrined after Au Yeung Xing-fu, the nearest the CCC had to a absolute leader, died. Security is handled by both contracts and by home-grown guards, while efforts are focus to ensure that population growth is handled in the vats. Competition between the corporations in the CCC is encouraged but co-operation from the outside is valued and it is regarded a breach of contract to betray a CCC member to a outside entity.

Perhaps the icing on the cake is a eugenic element in the ideology, which appears to focus on ensuring the CCC would be ready in case of a plantery breakdown to thrive and out-compete the other powers... but for now most people know from the CCC face to face are the creepy merchants with their "products" of clones and the mercenary bodyguards.

Headquarters: Mammon’s Conclave, a underground citadel in the Mojave Desert.
Starting Assets:


Allegiance: neutral by logic of allowing the two factions, the Core and the Rebellion, to fight each other in weakening themselves, thus allowing the CCC to feast on the aftermath like vultures. Peace may be good for trade but war is good for trade and the CCC will take advantage. Additionally the CCC for their advancements are not (yet) made for (open, not-assassination based) war, and will need to still build up their power.
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Faction Name: Nationalists Against Zionist Interlopers & Steaddunno
Leader: Joe Gateman & The Chanic Council.
Homeworld: Mars
Primary Attribute: Cunning
Secondary Attribute: Force
Tertiary Attribute: Wealth
History and Description: This is not option. A sign-up will not be accepted unless the History and Description is approved by both NC and I.
Headquarters: The /k/ommpound: A huge bunker complex meant to be self-sustaining and designed to defend against anything, even potential orbital bombardment. Hydroponics labs
Starting Assets: You may start with up to two assets of your primary attribute and one of a non-primary asset. If you do not max out, you will start with a larger treasury of CCs (Core Credits).
Faction Name: Terracotta Army (兵馬俑)
Leader: The Terracotta Army is currently led by "General" Chung Yeong-suk (정영숙, or Yeong-suk Chung in western naming conventions), an ex-member of the Korean People's Army. Merely a lieutenant at the time, in the siege of her native Kaesong by the Core's police action in North Korea, she became a symbol of North Korean resistance by organizing a desperate defense in the city's industrial district. However, the aliens eventually broke through, with embarrassingly high casualities, and captured her alive in their own publicity stunt. She dissapeared from the face of the Earth after her capture, and she was presumed to have died as a POW.

However, as mysteriously as she dissapeared, a woman matching her physical characteristics has reportedly resurfaced in the Gobi Desert. Her right eye visibly replaced with cybernetics (one she claims was designed to sense the psychic energy that is emanated by Steaddunno experiments), the Korean woman claims she was held in cryogenic prison by the Steaddunno and was experimented on, but managed to escape when she was being transferred to a new facility. Whether or not she is the genuine Chung Yeong-suk, she has become a symbol for the cybernetic liberation movement, speaking out in guerilla broadcasts against the crimes of the Steaddunno. "General" Chung, as she now stylizes herself, also put out a manifesto about how cybernetics represent the future of humanity, and how her true physical and mental potential was unlocked through her cybernetic implants.

Including, Yeong-suk claims, psychic abilities of her own.

Homeworld: Earth
Primary Attribute: Cunning
Secondary Attribute: Force
Tertiary Attribute: Wealth
History and Description: The Terracotta Army, as its name implies, finds its origins and highest support in East Asia, particularly the hyperindustralized urban centers of China, (now unified) Korea, and Japan. Cybernetic humans in the under-rung of society, while having implants which caused them to be far superior to their unmodified brethren, still had to face a society which the more numerous majority viewed them with suspicion and disdain. Visible cyborgs were often shunned from society in these large cities, forced to segregate themselves into slums that city authorities always made sure were perenially underfunded. The Core's various apparatus, for their part, went out of their way to hire enhanced humans wherever their implants proved to be useful. This meant working for the occupiers ended up being one of the most steady and lucrative career paths for cyborgs, furthering resentment of regular humans as cybernetic humans got dubbed Quislings. Resultingly, many cyborgs found the Core to be their main source of salvation, a way for them to be meaningfully integrated into society.

As more humans were forcefully kidnapped by the Core and forcefully turned into cyborgs (nd escaped back into normal society), a second rung of cybernetic society formed. These cyborgs considered the Core, not their xenophobic human neighbors, as the real enemy. They alleged that the Core was intentionally trying to turn cyborgs into an underclass, to turn them into a useful slave race for whatever nefarious purposes they had. Mostly dismissed as a ludicrous conspiracy theroy, this second view remained on the fringe. Yeong-suk was one of these escapees, and her initial manifesto against the Core is considered the beginning formation of the Terracotta Army. Named after the clay soldiers in Qin Shi Huangdi's tomb, the ever vigilant artificial soldiers were often alluded to in Yeong-suk's speeches, causing her followers to be initially disparagingly referred to as her "Terracotta Army". The name was willingly embraced by her (hence dubbing herself as General Chung), and the Terracotta Army swelled to become the de facto leader of the cybernetic liberation movement.

The Terracotta Army's main goal was simple: embrace cybernetics as a way to elevate humanity, and overthrow the Core. Only through cybernetics could humanity stand a chance to make its own destiny. Yeong-suk also claimed that cybernetics was a path to literal psychic abilites which, contrary to Steaddunno teaching, was available to every human given enough modification, not just a select few. With its revolutionary rhetoric and ties to a wanted fugitive, the Army was immediately branded a terrorist organization, making open political action difficult. Instead, the Army had to embrace a brief policy of seperation, creating their own community on the outskirts of human civilization, a complex in the Gobi Desert referred to as Qin's Tomb.

When evidence for the Core's misdeeds finally credibly surfaced in 2134, Yeong-suk immediately found herself vindicated. The Core really was trying to turn humanity into a cybernetic slave species, and that they did in fact experiment callously on them. Now it was time for the Terracotta Army to act, to put Yeong-suk's vision in place. Siding with the rebellion, Yeong-suk ordered the Army to mobilize, both with ballot and bullet. The time has come to overthrow the Core, by any means necessary.

Headquarters: Qin's Tomb. As Yeong-suk embraced the name "Terracotta Army", it only seemed natural to further feed into the legend of the famous heritage site by naming her base of operations after where the Army was buried. Qin's Tomb refers to a complex in the Gobi Desert, away from human civilization, where a village of Yeong-suk's most ardent believers have created a makeshift village to act as the spearpoint of their planned society. No unmodified humans are allowed in the Tomb; it is a community only for cyborgs, so that they may live openly and freely as themselves. The community itself acts almost in a proto-socialist fashion; there's no currency, and everything is ran as democratic as possible given conditions allow. Yeong-suk theoretically runs the Tomb (along with the Army as a whole) as an autocracy, but she gives the civilians in the Tomb leeway to develop to seek fit, caring only to meticulously micromanaging her budding armed forces and political organization.
Starting Assets: Cybernetic Ninja, Vanguard Cadres, Elite Skirmishers
Allegiance: The Terracotta Army is firmly Rebel. Long before branded as terrorists by the Core even before the outbreak of mutiny by the World Corps, the Terracotta Army has no reason to hold back anymore now that the Core's grasp on humanity is finally breaking apart.
voicing intentions of joining
Faction Name: The Eastern Mars Shipping Company
Leader name: A large and looming man at six feet and seven inches, made less intimidating by a limp, "Jack Sparrow" cuts a mysterious figure. No one knows his real name or where he comes only that he is a semi-honest businessman. And honest is really stretching it
Homeworld: Mars
Primary Attribute: Force
Secondary Attribute: Wealth
Tertiary Attribute: Cunning
History and Description: In the years before the war, Jack Sparrow began by building the ground work for his enterprise - by stealing, salvaging and borrowing as many parts as he could fine to build his own fleet. In those days, the space lanes between Mars and Earth weren't that well protected, and Sparrow made enough to invest into a side shipping business, As the business grew, the pirating became less of a way to make money as away to sabotage rivals and protect his own fleet. This is of course, the worst kept secret on Mars, and would likely have lead to government intervention - if the government was united enough to commit to such an action - however the civil war has made armed force a valuable commodity and a faction with a significant space and ground force are not assets to dismiss.
The company is built on the philosophy "Sometimes the best bargaining ship is one you put in someone else's skull."
Headquarters: The Xhiang Bay Warehouse is a headquarter that perfectly encapsulates the dual nature of the operation - both pirate and business, whatever the difference between the two is. One might think there would be a greater effort to separate the two faces of the operation, and that person would be wrong. Above ground is the warehouse with both legal and not-so-legal cargo and below ground, the armed escorts and the pirating ships are one and the same - technology allowing all identifying markers to be switched around providing the layer of plausible deniability the company needs.

Starting Assets: Regular force, strike fleet and freighter contracts

After filling out this block, answer this question: How are you involved in the war?

Neutral: The Eastern Mars Shipping Company provides valuable services to both sides and sees no reason to stop. Until someone begins threatening the profitability of the space lanes we ... protect, we see no reason to get involved besides shipping cargo and providing ... limited armed services.

I hope this is satisfactory
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Faction Name: National Socialist Front of Chanada
Leader: Joe Gateman & The Chanic Council.
Homeworld: Mars
Primary Attribute: Cunning
Secondary Attribute: Force
Tertiary Attribute: Wealth
History and Description: The National-Socialist Front had its beginning after the Seaddunno won its war for control over Humanity. At the time of arrival and up until the defeat, the chans and their ideology had it very good. It had dominated certain countries, and had accomplished a number of its goals including making social media not so popular anymore. The "Neo-Nazi" block also were among the most Xenophobic of the human nations, considering the Seaddunno's sob-story simply that: a story. This was further reinforced when they began pitting the humans against one another, and their actions resembled their greatest enemy. No wonder that among the first speciest slurs was "Soace-Jews." And so such regimes and ideologies were banned and dismantled after the War, but ideas are hard to put down, and many important leaders went to ground before they could be caught. And the imageboards once more went underground, while continuing the fight. Many Terrorist groups rose from the chans to oppose the S.W.O , though none are more infamous and influential than the National Socialist Front of Chanada. One of the first rebel groups, they were especially dedicated to seeing an end to the S.W.O, and have performed all sorts of campaigns, operations, and raids against it. And against "Anti-White" groups, which were still active in this world. They were also able to infiltrate quite a bit of the S.W.O's organizations, continually leaking information to either the public or other Chanic groups. In fact, a prevalent theory is that NSFC diggers were the ones to discover the Seaddunno's Human Slave experiments, and then gave it to the World Corps, setting up the current crisis. Speaking of that, it seems this terrorist organization has taken the opportunity from becoming out of focus to almost entirely evacuate to Mars. Something which is debated about across all circles, especially in places like "1488chan". The motives are unknown, but likely to be sourced from its White Supremacist ideology, as it would otherwise take the time to go Full-Out on the Seaddunno Core in this time of crisis.

Anyways, the organization itself is divided into 3 structures:The Aggressors, the Diggers, and the Subverters. The Aggressors are those who take up arms and assault the S.W.O directly, performing cunning raids against it. The Diggers are information analysts and searchers, digging up information and going through it, whether it be from inside or outside Steaddunno Organizations. Suberters infiltrate and subvert, using info gathered by the Diggers and opportunities from the Aggressors to go out and subvert the intentions of the S.W.O, whether it be a new "grassroots" campaign being hijacked to attack non-whites, an add-campaign to push xenophilia being picked apart to serve counter to its intentions, to causing the S.W.O to waste countless resources on projects that go nowhere. Subverters are also well-versed in memetic warfare and propaganda, performing their own campaigns along with subverting S.W.O operations. Anyways, most members of it are fanatic to the cause, and though on popular imageboards like 1488-chan they retain classic Chan attitudes, they are no larpers. Any semi-silly titles members may have is simply an artifact one, which does not reflect the seriousness and passion these guys have.
Headquarters:Mars Compound, a large bunker complex and base with everything a Terrorist/Rebel group could need, from advanced hydroponic farms to mass fabricators capable of producing military hardware. Its also rumored to somehow have good ping for the Internet on the Earth, but given the... Serious nature of this chanic group, its very likely that it merely has its own internal network.
Starting Assets: Informers, Seditionists, & Elite Skirmishers.
We are Rebels, of course.
I hope this is accepted
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A note to many players. Your starting assets have to be purchasable by a faction of your starting attribute level. Nobody should be starting out with space marines most definitely. Remember, your primary stat is a 4, secondary is 3, and tertiary is 1. If your tertiary is force and you want a starting force asset, you can only start with a Force-1 asset.

Its also rumored to somehow have access to the Internet on the Earth

This is more a fun point of information to everybody, because of the Mars colonization drive starting very shortly before the outbreak of the war that there is some infrastructure on Mars allowing for Earth-Mars internet play. However, ping is terrible. We're talking anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes of ping time between Earth and Mars, meaning real time communications don't really happen. This isn't really a limitation of infrastructure, but more of a limitation of reality.

A note of reminder to our Martian players: Do not forget the limitations of Mars. Mars will not have a population over 100,000 people at game start, which means it will be unable to build logistic-type, starship-type, and some special assets.

Mild Update

Now that we've gotten over the first hump, a few points of business.

1. I choose tags based on roleplay. Everybody will start with a tag at game start. If you're starting on Mars, congratulations, you already have the colonial tag.
2. I have begun work on the update, which will be up next Friday. As NC and I worked out, there will be one main update and signals headline a week.
3. Expect there to be rule expansion with regards to planetary governance after the civil war. To put it bluntly, I haven't fleshed out the governance rules hardcore yet in the rules because the rules are definitely going to be more "loose" than the hardbound political rules some of you are used to seeing from me.
4. Expect the formatting of the first updates to be in extreme flux as I test out what works and doesn't work with regards to updates and conveying information to players. I think a lot of you will really enjoy how I handle this, but feedback is appreciated.

First and foremost, however, is a reminder that this campaign uses the rules as a foundation for rulings, but not the holy canon writ large. Events, stat changes, tags, etc., can change base on roleplay and simple luck of the roll. There is no end goal state; just a very gradual expansion of the game's scope over time, but more on that much later.
This be my interest post yo
In Progress

Faction Name: The Court of the Gunners
Courtmaster Nagisa Jigokumeguri
Homeworld: Earth
Primary Attribute: Wealth
Secondary Attribute: Cunning
Tertiary Attribute: Force
Headquarters: The Court of Eight Hells: A lavish and luxurious compound located in in Kyushu, built in the style of old Japanese castles but nonetheless fitted with state of the art security and defensive systems as well as a small space port for the Court's private uses.
Allegiance: To money, aka neutrality.
History and Description: Some horrid mixture of shipping and business conglomerates and criminal syndicates. The Court of the Gunners grew rich from its control over a significant percentage of shipping between Mars and Earth in the colonization fervor and used its less reputable branch of operations in order to maintain an edge over its competitions. The Court of the Gunners is united at its core around a family of individuals who go by the family name of Jigokumeguri, clearly a fabricated nickname but something that they maintain nonetheless.

As a mostly civilian and criminal operation providing invaluable service to various interested parties around the solar system, the Court of the Gunners saw no particular reason to declare for either the CORE or the growing rebellion on the breakout of the war, instead choosing to seek new economic opportunities in an ever continuing quest to be prosperous and indispensable, no matter who rose to the top of the throne.

Assets: Shipping Combine, Cyberninjas, Postech Industry
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1.5.6 Patch Notes: Sinker of a Thousand Ships
  • Banks now hide how many credits the faction has on the world to observers.
  • Shipping and Smuggling are being rebalanced to become purchasable commodities. Shipping assets can produce Shipping and Smuggling like factories and harvesters produce other commodities.
  • Not a change, but because Mars is a colony and doesn't have a starport, Shipping and Smuggling will not be purchasable on these worlds.
  • Shipping can be purchased on another world to bring goods to it. For example, a Martian producer can purchase shipping on Earth to transport goods from Mars to Earth or goods from Earth to Mars. Purchasing goods on Earth, of course, requires having a credit balance on Earth.
Commentary on Changes: Shipping and Smuggling were way too restrictive being limited to a handful of assets. It would force goods producers to have to purchase shipping assets to transport their goods to Mars or Earth or rely on a third party faction. The latter was intended gameplay, but also extremely unlikely to happen.

The intended balance of the Earth-Mars economic ecosystem is that Mars is dependent on Earth for many goods. It is captive market, but small. The advantages of a Martian start is more political and military than economic.

For example, a Martian producer wants to ship rare alloys to Earth. To do so, it needs to purchase shipping, something only buildable and purchasable on Earth. The Martian producer will have two choices.

1. Purchase credits from a faction on Earth. Easier said to done, because Martian credits can only be spent on Mars, something a Terran faction may not care about.

2. Transfer credits to Earth with a bank. This would require a bank on Earth and a bank on Mars. If the faction doesn't own one or either bank, this means working out a deal with the banks.

"Isn't this going to cause the same issues as shipping did pre-changes? As in, everybody in production will double in banking?"

Probably not. It takes only one asset to become a shipping-capable faction. To become a banking faction, you need Wealth-4 (Freighter Contracts kick in at Wealth-2) and half of your Wealth asset slots will be tied down to the two banks.
expressing Interest, having a hard time thinking of a faction though
Interest post. Watch this field.


Leader: Donovan Lake
Homeworld: Earth
Primary Attribute: Force
Secondary Attribute: Cunning
Tertiary Attribute: Wealth
History and Description: Donovan Lake, and the whole mercenary company aren't something aberrant. In times like these, they popped up, satisfying the niche of armed men killing your enemies in brutal ways. There were a dozen like them. What the Cobalt Mercenary Company was: sane prices, anonymity, acting out in a way that no one can trace back, and all those things. More importantly, they also offered, well, civility, so as to say. They weren't just your average thugs who murdered brutally and senselessly. They did what they were paid for, nothing more, nothing less. That being said, this doesn't necessarily mean they wouldn't pursue less savory ways of accomplishing their goals...just that they would try a "nicer" and "cleaner" way of doing it. It does wonders for PR.

Donovan Lake, himself, is a fairly odd figure. He, as well as the main leadership, so goes the rumour across the compound, used to be part of an elite squad of troopers that were once part of the Perimeter Agency. The details of this, of course are unknown, as he keeps a tight lid on it all. While he hasn't denied that, he hasn't shown any evidence of proving it right, either. Not that it matters; whether he worked for the Agency or not, he's leading the Company to a great success. In a more personal aspect, Mr. Lake just loves the finer things in life: wine, books, women (even, some evil tongues say, men, too), antique weapons, modern weapons and so on.
Allegiance: Neutral.
Headquarters: The compounds of the CMC are high above in the Anatolian mountains, overlooking the ancient archaeological site of Gobekli Tepe. Indeed, one of the more peculiar things is how Donovan Lake has fostered and protected archaeology works going on within the area, resulting into a rather bizarre blossoming of archaeology under his guardianship. Some whisper (really, there's a whole lot of rumours about him) that he's a firm believer in a crazy theory that the Gobekli Tepe ruins are just left by Steadduno that visited millenia ago Earth, as supposedly there's just no way this could've been built by ancient humans.

Plus that, the location of the base is where Asia, Europe and the Middle East meet, meaning that one can easily reach the Company and get a contract.
Starting Assets: Regular Force, Hardened Personnel, CCs (give me more of 'em)
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Even more minor update

I like the way missions works in EUIV a lot better than the way goals work in SWN.

So, here are the rules.

1. I will create the initial "goal" for each faction.
2. Upon completion of the goal, the faction will be offered one more more rewards. Usually XP and maybe something like a tag change, free asset, or what-have-you depending on the goal completed.
3. Upon completion of a goal, a number of "goal news" are generated. You're free to take none or one of these goals.

You can cancel a goal whenever you wish. Doing so, however, will cost credits equal to whatever your faction's intrinsic income is plus none of your assets can do anything besides defend for the turn. Canceling a goal will not autogenerate a number of goals. However, there is a chance each turn of a goal event being generated anyway.

PCs will be able to cancel their initial goal for free, but this will not autogenerate new goals.
Please have sign-ups complete by tomorrow evening Eastern Time! I want to push out an update Friday night and will need about a day to have the first update ready.
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