Minor Annoyance
I make a spreadsheet to calculate the time to the return on your investment when building new cities or improvements.
You enter the number of cities and existing improvements on the correct special/biome row for the planet and it will tell you how many turns it would take for the extra resources you get from that improvement to add up to the cost of the improvement. You can also set different valuation for resources. I set energy higher and food lower but that can be changed. Also has switches for the three leaders that would change the calculation.
It's also colour coded from green to red so that you can easily see what takes too long to get back. I set 10 as a point where it just blanks out that cell because most games take 10 turns total so anything that takes that long isn't worth considering.
The trickiest part was the Primal worlds that increase in population every turn. I needed help from reddit to do the math for an increasing change of output.
EDIT: Improved the file. Now includes switches for having Earth and Xanadu type planets in your federation. Made it slightly easier to read and added extra rows for the more common planets. I knew you'd have more than one planet with no type resource modifier but still with the same biome but I forgot it wasn't as easy to add new rows without adding them to all the calculation pages too, so I added two more for each biome with no resource modifying type. Also two more no type, no biome rows for if you capture homeworlds. You could catch more than two homeworlds but by that time you'd have your planets developed and are close to the end, so you wouldn't need to think about resources for long.
You enter the number of cities and existing improvements on the correct special/biome row for the planet and it will tell you how many turns it would take for the extra resources you get from that improvement to add up to the cost of the improvement. You can also set different valuation for resources. I set energy higher and food lower but that can be changed. Also has switches for the three leaders that would change the calculation.
It's also colour coded from green to red so that you can easily see what takes too long to get back. I set 10 as a point where it just blanks out that cell because most games take 10 turns total so anything that takes that long isn't worth considering.
The trickiest part was the Primal worlds that increase in population every turn. I needed help from reddit to do the math for an increasing change of output.
Spoiler :
EDIT: Improved the file. Now includes switches for having Earth and Xanadu type planets in your federation. Made it slightly easier to read and added extra rows for the more common planets. I knew you'd have more than one planet with no type resource modifier but still with the same biome but I forgot it wasn't as easy to add new rows without adding them to all the calculation pages too, so I added two more for each biome with no resource modifying type. Also two more no type, no biome rows for if you capture homeworlds. You could catch more than two homeworlds but by that time you'd have your planets developed and are close to the end, so you wouldn't need to think about resources for long.