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Starships v1.3 patch


Dec 27, 2012

Firaxis Games has issued a new update (V 1.3 on PC and iPad, V 1.4 on Mac) for Sid Meier’s Starships today.

This update, which adds greater depth to AI behavior, increases overall difficulty and implements design changes requested by the community, is available on iPad, and PC and Mac through Steam. The Mac App Store version will be updated at a later date.

You can read the full list of updates below:

• AIs will play by player-chosen constrained Victory rules.
• On the "Impossible" difficulty setting, players will now start the game with one ship.
• Megabot strength has been increased.
• The Wonder Victory now requires 9 Wonders to complete.
• AI will now attempt more missions per turn on the Impossible difficulty setting.
• AI will now use stealth more often.
• The Negotiate button on the bridge view is now named “Negotiate”.
• Fixed the damage meter in the Fleet Overview when ships need repair.
• The "How to Play" screen now states that a Population Victory is only one way to win the game.
• Other minor bug fixes.
Before the patch, AI would do their move, then activate stealth at the end. Now, they do that right away. I find that this makes it very difficult to see against how many opponents you fight. Guess I have to take a closer look at the info panel in the briefing room before starting missions now :)
AIs will play by player-chosen constrained Victory rules.

Yes! Finally! Now I don't have to worry about them getting all the planets before my massive overpowered battlefleets do once the AI inevitably allies against me (even those they hate join forces)!
My first new game went longer. Usually I win in 10 turns. Like exactly 10, just about every time. I usually played with just population victory but even with all victories on this time it was 13 turns. I won by wonder victory, mostly by capturing them. I lost a several missions early on due to having only one ship. Still didn't see a lot of enemy stealth but at least the empire with the cloaking wonder was using it. Also, them cloaking first and then moving was good.
Also I think they fixed a but I noticed before. Entering the market from the fleet upgrade screen, making trades, accepting the changes and then cancelling out of the fleet screen reset your trades but kept the changed prices. I don't think it does that anymore.
So good patch. Not a lot changed but it's improved. Wonder if there will be another.
My first impressions of the patch after playing one game on Impossible:
- Starting with only 1 ship definitely makes the early game more difficult. Impossible actually feels like a more even fight now and not the walk in the park it used to be.
- The AI uses cloaking a lot now. And cloaking actually "works" now. By cloaking before moving, I don't see where the AI ships go, so I actually need to invest in sensors or scout ahead with fighters.
- Megabots are stronger now so investing in planetary defenses makes sense now. Attacking homeworlds is more challenging now.
- The changes to how victory conditions work, are good. Games are longer. Also, games are not cut short prematurely now by the AI accidentally triggering a different victory.

All good changes to the game!
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