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Lord Civius

Mar 11, 2008
If you've come to this thread your probably wondering what the Democracy game is, well you have come to the right place. All the critical information to this game will be availible for you right here.

The game isn't exactly as it is named, a Democracy, everything is decided by the Prime Faction, though the Citizens do have power. We vote, we post ideas, heck, the citizens can even rebel and overthrow the Leaders!

We play a large-scale (as in, we have many participants) Civilization 4 BTS game, this round we are playing as the Aretans, The Japanese Empire with Alexander the Great as our leader. However, not all of us play the game, in fact only one of us does. We refer to him/her as the Governor-General, he is the Prime-Faction leader of the Federation. The Gov-Gen may also appoint a designated player for the turn sessions.

The greatest thing about a Dgame is you don't even need to have CIV to play!

Platform- CIV BTS patch 3.17 HOF MOD This must be installed to view the save files.

All citizens of the Dgame are listed in the Citizens Registry. Post there if you wish to become a citizen. Though non-citizens may lurk and post in threads they are not permitted to vote in the Prime Faction elections.

Federation of Free States- Prime Faction
Military Aretean Directorate
The Venitian Republic
Cycles of Arete
Protectors of the Faith
To join a Faction simply post your desire to do so in the Factions thread.

Archived Factions

Faction Rules:
Spoiler :
Factions are any group of citizens that join together for roleplay or political purpose. A faction is constituted by the following:
  • A membership of at a minimum of 2 registered citizens.
  • A recognized government civic
  • Bylaws based on the above government civic for the running of the faction
  • A constitution based on the above government civic for the running of the faction
A guild is any group that either refuses to be recognized or does not meet the requirements to become a faction. A faction can fall in one of two categories:

Prime Faction (PF):
  • Only one Faction can be the "prime" faction.
  • The entire democracy game uses the prime factions constitution.
  • The democracy game must remain in the prime factions government civic (and obey it's associated penalties).
Secondary Factions:
  • Secondary Factions are any factions that are currently not the prime faction.
  • Their bylaws and constitutions may not violate the national constitution.
Faction Government Civics:
Upon creation a faction must chose one of the following government civics. They can not change that civic during the duration of it's life. Any constitution or rules the faction creates must be based off of the government. Following the government are penalty civics. A faction can not make use of the penalty civics (in italics) associated with it's government civic.
  • Despotism:
  • Hereditary Rule:
    free religion
  • Representation:
    State Property
  • Police State:
    Free Speech
  • Universal Suffrage:

Turn Sessions
As mentioned above only one citizen actually plays the CIV game. It is played in multiple turn sessions (usually 5-10 turns per session). It is the Prime Faction, and their leaders', responsibility to schedule the turn sessions and choose a citizen to play the turns if the P-F leader does not.

The Forums
Citizens Forum
Here is where you will find the Faction threads along with an assortment of other citizen related threads. The Federation of Free States Faction has just taken power. Elections are about to start for the Assembly Representatives.

Gameplay Forum
Here is where citizens discuss ingame issues like Research path, build qeues, non-government civic adoptions, Great People and our military strategy to name a few. This is also where the Prime Faction posts the schedule, turn sessions, instructions from the Governor Generals advisors, game saves and screenies. All citizens can participate in the discussions even if they can't open the save. Saturday was the first turn session under the Federation, the turn report is posted here.

Polls Forum
This is the voting booth for all citizens, from opinion polls to the Prime Faction elections. Though it is not a discussion forum there have been many heated debates within these walls. The New Arkadia Run-off Poll is now up. Vote between two veteran Dgamers, Civplayah and Joe Harker.

Here is where you will find the game within the game. The Role Playing Game allows citizens to earn an income and acquire land within the Kingdom. The Aretan Royal Treasury is the engine behind the game. Questions about the RPG can be found here.

Please feel free post any questions or comments about the Dgame here.
Very cool, this might help me too after reading the rules over again.
Nice work. Excellent thread.
so how do i join and start playing?
Turk, in the first post of this thread you'll find info on the Citizen's Registry. By posting in the Citizen's Registry, you are declaring your citizenship in the Aretan nation. As an Aretanian citizen you will reside in our unseen virtual world that inhabits these threads of the Forums also talked about in the first post. By discussing the current events you'll find in these threads, you'll become involved with other citizens playing in the Demogame. You'll come to understand the process of helping decide in which directions and which policies the nation takes.

As far as actually playing the save (the game), you would have to become involved enough in the discussions to be appointed as a Designated Player (DP). These DPs are the only ones who get to play the game, abiding by the Instructions laid out for them by the nation as a whole. A DP plays the 5 - 10 turns they volunteer for, during a Turn Session. A Turn Session can either be done off-line or the more popular on-line way. When it's done on-line, it's called a Turn Chat (TC). It is called so because citizens can join the DP in a chat room and actually give input or their opinion about what is happening in real time. If you as a citizen can't attend a Turn Chat (or it is played off-line) you can read the TS reports and look at the screenshots posted by the DP afterwards.

So welcome. Register and become involved. It will grow on you.
so this works like a civ game but different people control different parts of the goverment? is there enough work to do for multiple players of the same civ? how many civs are there and whats the Hoff Mod?
but how will we kno how the game is going, is a certian party elected every so often as in every few weeks. do we get like maps or something. Is the HoF a historically accurate map of the world?
sorry about asking so many questions, am thinking about joining a party
We will know how the game is going because with every set of turns, or tunchats, played, the player has to give a report.

A new Prime Faction is elected after 5-10 turnchats, if not overthrown.
The map is a random one, because HoF is just a bug-fixer.

Also, don't be sorry about asking questions. It's been so long since new members have come (I think 1889 was the last one that stayed :lol:) we love it when anyone shows up!
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