Static LeaderHeads (visual responses)


Dec 7, 2005
I've been having good results using the "Space Leader" template for static leaderheads--breathing a little life into static LeaderHead images.

In the Charlemagne scenario "His Holiness" uses two different static images "" and "" alternating depending on His Holiness' response. From my limited understanding this seems to be controlled or determined by the "HisHoliness.nif" file and probably the "HisHoliness__His Holiness_****.kf" files.

The Space Leader .nif looks somewhat similar, but doesn't contain (it seems) entries for different responses. If I use the "His Holiness" files as template, I have no static noise in the images.

I would like to add "responses" to the Space Leader template, specifically so that I have 3 different images (.dds?) to alternate between: Idle, Affirmative and Negative.

Furthermore, it might be nice to have 2 different idle images, one being the main image and another randomly appearing showing some extra static noise or something.

Problem: Is this possible?

If it is possible: How is it done?

Any help?

Since it was my idea for Rubin to ask for help here. ;)

And this is for SMAC so please help guys!
I looked over the files. My experience is coming from making units, so the following is a bit of a stretch. Anyway:

The .Nif File contains all the Model/Scene/Texture information.
.Kf are animations (KeyFrames) telling how to change objects included in the .Nif. You can replace some of the stuff in the .Nif, or retexture. But if you add something completely new, it will most probably not be animated, snce the Keyframes will be missing in the KF file.

His Holiness nif contains both happy and angry objects, and i believe the visibility is animated to switch them. This means, that you can replace the textures, to change the Happy/Angry looks, but you can not add a Third texture file for let's say idle.

As to static noise from SpaceLeader. It seems, the static noise thingie is kind of layered over the leader animations from final frontier. I believe it is done via XML - since it seems not to be in the Nif/kf files themself.

This means, You should be able to use His Holines files for Happy/Angry and then lay over the noise from space leader...

This is kind of a qualified guess, and since i am not that familiar with the XML files in question, i can not be more precise. But i hope it makes some sense to you.
Ok, i did a quick sweep through the XML files. And fired a couple of testshots. If something is unclear ask - i am not native with english and it's late now :D

The CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.xml does have this somewhere near the end:


This is how it looks in BTS and in Charlemagne.

Now the same Block from FinalFrontier:

			<NIF>Art/LeaderHeads/Space Leader/Space_Background.nif</NIF>
			<KFM>Art/LeaderHeads/Space Leader/Space_Background.kfm</KFM>
			<NIF>Art/LeaderHeads/Space Leader/GenericLeader.nif</NIF>
			<KFM>Art/LeaderHeads/Space Leader/GenericLeader.kfm</KFM>

I added the references from FinalFrontier to Charlemagnes CIV4ArtDefines_Misc.XML, and gave the Popes textures (Angry/Happy .dds) a alpha chanel to make the background visible.

I got me a Holographic Pope and Charlemagne, Both with animated Star BG from FF.

I also Added Just the FOREGROUND part to standard BTS, and my Leaders all Looked like the Saladin in the Picture. Being Holographig but having they original solid BG.

So now you can go on and make you leaders having Happy/Angry responses using HisHolines as template and at the same time having the static noise and probably the background from Space Leader.

You can adjust the amount/pattern of the Noise by editing the ALPHA chanel of the from Space Leader. And you Could have diffent slightly animated Backgrounds using Space_Background as template.

This seem not to be working with completely staic Leaderheads (.dds) as you can see from the from the other two guys in the first picture. Neither With nor Without alpha chanel.

I still see no way, to add a third mood-state to HisHolines.nif - it seems impossible with the tools at hand.

I believe however, that i could set up and export another template in max, allowing for more static mood-states to be plugged-in. I can't promise this works, since i can only work by reverse engineering HisHolines/SpaceLeader, but it seems that i have all the necessary technical information to do that.

To try this however i would need some more info on what you are doing, and what materials you have at hand, so please contact me if you are interested.
Refar, thank you very much!

I feel a bit stupid overlooking the background being defined seperately in XML. However, this is why getting help sorting the things out is much appreciated!

Based on your findings, I'll need experiment with the "HisHoliness" template. If I understand correctly, I should be able to have 2 different mood states. This is definitely an improvement to the old single state .dds LeaderHeads.

The next step would be to have 3 different .dds images to represent Ilde, Affirmative and Negative responses.

I am not sure if this is a possibility for you to do and I am not sure exactly what kind of information you'll be needing from me. I mostly do 2D graphics and XML work. Everything 3D in Civ4 is still a mystery to me.

Again, thank you very much, Refar!
It seems the static noise is included in the Space Leader template (in GenericLeader.nif). Hence, I am still unable to add noise and mood states to static .dds LeaderHeads--I can only add one feature; depending on which template I use.
It seems the static noise is included in the Space Leader template (in GenericLeader.nif).

Yes, this does not work with completly static .dds leaders.

You can however make every static leader be adynamic one, using HisHolines templates:

- Copy all the HisHolines stuff to a new Folder (the nif, kfm and kf files as well as the textures)
- Replace the Pope_Angry and Pope_Happy dds with your leaders textures. If you only have one Mood state, use the same texture for Angry/Happy.
- Now reference to the new folder in your Civ4ArtDefines_Leaderheads.xml

(there are probably better ways to do that, but this isthe easiest.)

You can repeat this for every Leader you need.

The Space Leader does not need to be changed. I.E. you not heed to add it to every leader separately.
Just reference to it in Civ4ArtDefines_Misc.xml as described above. It will then add ths static noise to all your leaders, that use .NIF
I am afraid the language barrier prevents me from making clear what i mean, so here comes a step by step...

1.) Prepare Your Static Leaders.
Using the HisHolines Template i make pure .dds static Leaders to be .nif static leaders, like the Pope in Charlemagne.

I do it with Eleanor and Gundobad. The Image shows you the new Eleanor Leader Folder. I placed there copies of HisHolines Nif, Kfm and Kf files. I made two copies of and renamed one to Pope_Angry and the other to Pope_Happy. If you have different images for Angry/Happy state, use them. With Gundobad the procedure ist exactly the same, except using

2.) Reference to the new Folders in the Civ4ArtDefines_Leaderhead.xml. Note that all entries are now pointing to the newly created foders.

3.) Change Civ4ArtDefines_Misc.xml as described above. Note that i do not change anything about Space Leader itself, nor do i reference to it on per leader base in the ArtDefines_Leaderheads. The Space Leader is used as Overlay in addition to the .Nif Leaderheads defined in step 2.

4.) We are done. Both static leaders are using .Nif format in the game now, and are overlayed with the static Noise from Space Leader. (Eleanor looks a bit weird since i messed around with the Alpha chanel)

Now of course Eleanor and Gundobad do not display mood states, but this is because i used the same image for Happy and Angry textures. I did not had alternative images. If you have different mood pics for your leaders, use them and they will have Happy/Angry states.
I hope this helps Rubin bring mood states and static LHs to SMAC! Thanks Refar. :goodjob:
Refar, I think I was missing the XML changes to the background and overlay in my previous test.

I just succeeded having both static noise and 2 mood states. The .dds scaling is different from the GenericLeader.nif to the HisHoliness.nif, but I may be able to fix that either by redoing the .dds files or attempting to tweak the HisHoliness.nif file.

With this fixed, I am hoping for the option to add more mood states.

Thank you, Refar!
I've modified the .dds scaling of the HisHoliness.nif (for the PopeHappy state).

The .dds files I am using all have a 1:1 x:y-ratio. In the attached image example I simply changed all the x-values to correspond with the y-values.


  • ScalingHoliness.jpg
    97.8 KB · Views: 43
can you probably provide me with the dds files for one of your leaders, and maybe a screenshot of how you diplo screen looks ? I will use it to set up a template allowing for more than two mood states.

And how many different images / moodstates you would be able to provide for one leader ?

And while i am at it... i understand it is for a Alpha Centauri mod ? If so where i can find info/diskussion on it. I might be able and motivated to contribute more stuff - like units or something.
Refar, I don't have the .dds files for the different mood states done yet. I am using modified files while testing, because these were 1:1 xy-ratio. I could go with any 512x512 .dds file while I am testing this setup. My diplomacy screen is Civ4 default.

My initial idea is to simply use different color overlays representing the different mood states: Red for Negative, Green for Affirmative and default blue'ish for Idle. This means only slight color variations to the default image.

Using additional color "codes" is probably a bad idea, because it would be too hard or confusing to identify a specific mood state--especially with the static noise as additional overlay.

As per my initial post I am interested in 3 different mood states. If it is possible to add a second Idle state randomly appearing for maybe less than half a second that would perhaps provide a little more "action" to the Idle state.

For "general" discussion, please have a look at this thread:
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