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Steam Internet Game


Apr 28, 2017

Me and my friends play this mod since a few years now. In the beginning without not so much succes as we have now.
We used to get a lot of sync issues. However we find out that the old 2.4 (unfortunately) works best for us without too much problems.
We played this through the legacy game from the original cd's.

Now yesterday there was a Steam sale, 6 euros for the complete bundle. So we bought this and tried to setup a game.
The original game works fine with Internet Game, something that before didnt work because it used the old Gamespy servers.
Opening ports and making a direct connection always worked fine in the old game.

However in the steam version, my friends do not see an open game in Internet Game when connected to the Steam servers with the R&R mod loaded, which does work fine in the game without mod loaded.

The direct ip connection option is also missing in this version. This makes us automatically go back to the original legacy game from the cd's. And buying this through steam seems to have been a waste of money and time.

Can anyone help?

Yes you are right, but this is the orignal legacy version from the cd. So in this version the Gamespy servers are still there, so you are unable to connect to the steam servers then.
The new steam version not only removed Direct IP, but also some mod support. You really should use the legacy version and type in the IP address of whoever is hosting the game. This mean if you play R&R in multiplayer, Direct IP is really the only stable option. Forget about the steam stuff. It's not worth much considering the state of the mod support. Also remember that each player needs to open ports. If A hosts and B and C joins, C will open a connection directly to B. The server will not relay direct messages between clients. They are indeed direct.

Could you explain a bit better what's wrong with R&R newer than 2.4?
Thanks for your reply.

In every version we test, we always get sync issues. Something we have used to live with. However when we play 2.4 without random events, select the right indian villages, english and russian AI, no wild animals, no sea animals we get almost no sync issues. In 2.7 we get sync issues all the time and when one of use tries to reconnect and comes in game and gets the window for selecting what the specialists and workers in your villages do, it crashes and the one that crashes can not connect anymore to the game, everytime they connect the same window appears for assigning work to the specialist and it automatically crashes. One option that sometimes works is loading an older automatic savegame, but these games sometimes go 15 or 20 or more ticks back.

The 2.7 is also a lot harder then 2.4. 2.4 is just rushing and easy play, something that fits us well in a chaotic game night with old friends ;-)
Though i really like the 2.7, for me personally i like it way better then 2.4. A lot less silver, when playing with veteran players like us too much silver in the map is not good haha.
( my buddy loves to buy all the silver early game and sell guns to the indians right away, this is wayyy to easy, specially because theres a ton availible ;-) )
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