Picture from the Civgame Twitter account, https://twitter.com/CivGame/status/1540020625145823234 .
Current sales of the Civ franchise and related titles:
- Civilization 6: 85% down, from 59.99 to 8.99
- This includes the Anthology edition, 86% down, from 209.85 to 29.22
- and also the Platinum edition, 91% down, from 167.91 to 15
- Civ6 Gathering Storm: 75% down, from 39.99 to 9.99
- Civ6 Rise and Fall: 67% down, from 29.99 to 9.89
- Civ6 New Frontier Pass: 50% down, from 39.99 to 19.99
- Civ5 Complete: 91% down, from 136.84 to 12.88
- Civ5 Gods & Kings: 75% down, from 29.99 to 7.49
- Civ5 Brave New World: 75% down, from 29.99 to 7.49
- Civ: Beyond Earth: 75% down, from 39.99 to 9.99
- Civ: Beyond Earth - Rising Tide: 75% down, from 29.99 to 7.49
- Sid Meier's Starships: 75% down, from 14.99 to 3.74
- Civ4: Complete (incuding both addons and Civ4: Colonization): 80% down, from 24.99 to 4.99 (or 5.00 on GOG)
- Civ3: Complete (including both addons): 75% down, from 4.99 to 1.24 (or 1.29 on GOG)
- The Original Colonization: 60% down, from 6.99 to 2.79
- Alpha Centauri (on GOG): 76% down, from 5.69 to 1.39
Other notable sales:
- Humankind: 33% down, from 49.99 to 33.49
- Old World: 20% down, from 39.99 to 31.99
- The Total War Franchise: Between 10 to 75% discount on most titles
- The Master Of Orion Collection (1, 2, 3, and remake): 60% down, from 29.99 to 11.99
- Imperium: Greek Wars: 50% down, from 29.99 to 14.95
- Stellaris: 75% down, from 39.99 to 9.99
- Kainga: Seeds of Civilization: 25% down, from 16.99 to 12.74
- Sumerians: 15% down, from 14.99 to 12.74
- Hearts Of Iron 4 Ultimate Bundle: 54% down, from 190.86 to 87.79
- Crusader Kings III: 20% down, from 49.99 to 39.99
- Europa Universalis 4: 75% down, from 39.99 to 9.99
- Expeditions: Rome: 25% down, from 44.99 to 33.74
- Endless Space 2: 75% down, from 39.99 to 9.99
- Galactic Civilizations III: 67% down, from 33.99 to 11.21 (or 11.29 on GOG)