Sticks and stones may get you shot by police

Bah, just let all violent felons flee. No biggie.
You can throw rocks at me and then run away. It's cool.
Not sure why anyone in their right mind would want to be a cop. We all have to feel sorry for the people that put themselves in the situation. You're screwed no matter what they do.

I'm not losing any sleep knowing some crazy m'fer that was throwing rocks and people and police ended up shot and killed. Big whoop.
Not sure why anyone in their right mind would want to be a cop.

This is indeed the problem. We take people who are not in their right mind and give them a gun and immunity from law. From a societal perspective this might be the absolute most stupid course of action possible.
Not sure why anyone in their right mind would want to be a cop.

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane, he had to fly them. If he flew them, he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't want to, he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.

I'm not losing any sleep knowing some crazy m'fer that was throwing rocks and people and police ended up shot and killed. Big whoop.

"There must have been a reason," Yossarian persisted, pounding his fist into his hand. "They couldn't just barge in here and chase everyone out."

"No reason," wailed the old woman. "No reason."

"What right did they have?"


"What?" Yossarian froze in his tracks with fear and alarm and felt his whole body begin to tingle. "What did you say?"

"Catch-22," the old woman repeated, rocking her head up and down. "Catch-22. Catch-22 says they have a right to do anything we can't stop them from doing."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Yossarian shouted at her in bewildered, furious protest. "How did you know it was Catch-22? Who the hell told you it was Catch-22?"

"The soldiers with the hard white hats a clubs. The girls were crying. 'Did we do anything wrong?' they said. The men said no and pushed them away out the door with the ends of their clubs. 'Then why are you chasing us out?' the girls said. 'Catch-22,' the men said. 'What right do you have?' the girls said. 'Catch-22,' the men said. All they kept saying was 'Catch-22, Catch-22.' What does it mean, Catch-22? What is Catch-22?"

"Didn't they show it to you?" Yossarian demanded, stamping about in ager and distress. "Didn't you even make them read it?"

"They don't have to show us Catch-22," the old woman answered. "The law says they don't have to."

"What law says they don't have to?"

Bah, just let all violent felons flee. No biggie.
You can throw rocks at me and then run away. It's cool.

The Police did try to use a stun gun
None of the rocks thrown hit
Person was unarmed
Married with two kids, apparently employed as a farm worker ?
Shooting him dead was a dumb outcome, no matter how you cut it.

Unless he was high on some dangerous drugs and was crazy violent. Then police have every right to shoot to protect themselves and the public.
We pay, train and equip policemen to handle situations like this. We do not pay, train or equip them to kill crazy rock-throwers. These policemen are not very good at their jobs and should find other lines of work.
We pay, train and equip policemen to handle situations like this. We do not pay, train or equip them to kill crazy rock-throwers. These policemen are not very good at their jobs and should find other lines of work.

What other line of work do you think would easily or with success return those policemen to being useful citizens? ;)
Landscaping? Agricultural? Interpretive dance?
Paid thugs are paid thugs. If the government won't hire them they will work for someone else.
Paid thugs are paid thugs. If the government won't hire them they will work for someone else.
This is an interesting, albeit chilling concept. I think you might be right about this, except that they could/might also join the military and find themselves very useful in that vocation.
This is an interesting, albeit chilling concept. I think you might be right about this, except that they could/might also join the military and find themselves very useful in that vocation.

But then they would be shooting at people who also have guns. Bad risk-to-reward.

There's a way out of course. And I think Maj. Major Major Major had the right idea.

Maj. Major Major Major: Sergeant, from now on, I don't want anyone to come in and see me while I'm in my office. Is that clear?

First Sgt. Towser: Yes, sir. What do I say to people who want to come in and see you while you're in your office?

Maj. Major Major Major: Tell them I'm in and ask them to wait.

First Sgt. Towser: For how long?

Maj. Major Major Major: Until I've left.

First Sgt. Towser: And then what do I do with them?

Maj. Major Major Major: I don't care.

First Sgt. Towser: May I send people in to see you after you've left?

Maj. Major Major Major: Yes.

First Sgt. Towser: You won't be here then, will you?

Maj. Major Major Major: No.

First Sgt. Towser: I see, sir. Will that be all?

Maj. Major Major Major: Also, Sergeant, I don't want you coming in while I'm in my office asking me if there's anything you can do for me. Is that clear?

First Sgt. Towser: Yes, sir. When should I come in your office and ask if there's anything I can do for you?

Maj. Major Major Major: When I'm not there.

First Sgt. Towser: What do I do then?

Maj. Major Major Major: Whatever has to be done.

First Sgt. Towser: Yes, sir.
I have been trying to set up my law office to get the Maj. Major Major Major treatment.

Off course, being Texan, this is more like it:

Then there was the educated Texan from Texas who looked like someone in Technicolor and felt, patriotically, that people of means—decent folk—should be given more votes than drifters, whores, criminals, degenerates, atheists and indecent folk—people without means.

The Texan turned out to be good-natured, generous and likable. In three days no one could stand him.
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