[GS] [Story] Fun with the Swedes


Feb 4, 2021
This AAR is an attempt to get a bit more depth to my game of civ - by creating some kind of story about my nation and it's history. I am complete noob, so I am playing with prince difficulty - and I will not propably do too well. But who cares, as long as it is fun. I am quite sorry about my crappy english. Let's begin our journey.

In the Beginning there was the Settings:

Map: shuffle
Map size: large
Civilization: random (got Sweden - btw. I love Sweden IRL. Gotland-island at summer is just wonderful)
Difficulty: Prince (and still losing :D)
Speed: Normal
Disaster strength: 3
Random tech & civic tree

PART 1: PREHISTORY 4000 BC - 2000 BC

Since time immemorial, the tribe of swedes has wandereded across the world, foraging fertile areas which could support them with reliable sources of fish, wild plants and game. Finally one year (which happens to be 4000 BC, altough swedes don't know that yet) they arrive at the shores of beautiful lake, which is rich in fish. And even better - forests around the lake are full of edible and delicious fruits. The climate of region is gentle, even during winters.

Several families decide to settle at the shores of the lake, and so the first permanent settlement of the swedish tribes is established. Near their new homes they find weird steaming ponds and even smoking mountain. These must be signs of powerful spirits living in this region, and swedes become even more convinced about the exellence of this new home area.

Not all swedes stay at the shores of this cosy lake. Some of them continue their original nomadic lifestyle, and travel to the west. Several generations later, some of them meet weird new people. These foreigners call themselfs venetians and they speak completely weird language. Venetians seem to live near a fertile river, called "Niger". Swedes wonder, who could invite so weird name for a river..

Soon nomads meet also some other new peoples. They find mali-people, who are fighting against smaller, unorganized tribes living near great mountains. Swedes get along with malis, who invite them to visit their small hometown. Swedes deside to help their new friends to fight against brutish mountain-people.

At the same time people living around the lake are making expeditions towards east. They find some primitive desert-people. When desert-people hear about the fertile lands of the west, they emigrate away from their unfriendly home region and join to the swedish tribes (village gave +1 population)

New immigrants create new social tensions, overpopulation and social hierarchies. The most powerful swedish families demand that there must be commonly accepted rules and ways to enforce them. Most of all, they demand that their status at the top of the societal organization is clearly recognized, as they are worried that new immigrants will eventually drive them away from their plentiful home region.

So, the first code of laws is accepted by the most powerful families of swedish tribes. It is not written law-codex, but just a loose collection of rules based on oral tradition, which confirms prevailing social hierarchy.

The most powerful family declares it's leading member as a son of volcanic spirits. Political status of spirit-king is legitimized by religious beliefs: according to legend, king communicates with the powerful spirits of the smoking ponds and mountains, and delivers their guidance to the ordinary people. When years pass, people start believe that high priest is actually a high ranking volcanic spirit himself!

The first god-king reforms military organization. Before, tribes have not had any kind of military organization, and private persons have defended only themselfs and their own families & property whenever needed. Now private citizens can be gathered under god-king's absolute command during times of crisis. This makes military more organized and effective.

Meanwhile, swedes who travelled towards west have fighted against mountain-peoples for centuries. Brutal conflict has now nearly destroyed both mountain-peoples and swedish explorers. After 2720 BC last swedes beyond Niger-river are finally driven away. However, tales about their heroic struggles inspire all swedish warriors of future generations.

Tales praising the glory of the god-king of the Swedes are spreading, and finally even Venetians acnowledge the divine status of swedish king! However, relations between distant tribes remain loose, and tribes of sweden and venice do not form any kind of unitary state.

Years pass, and swedish tribes continue to grow. Social structure remains static, and dynasties of god-kings rise and fall...

To be continued

Year after year, swedish people live their peaceful lives. Under the guidance of their god-king, they prosper and tribes grow larger and larger. There is occasional political conflicts between competing families, and sometimes god-kings are dethroned and replaced by a new dynasty. However, political system remains relatively stationary, and swedes start to respect their old traditions.

In 1360 BC, the Lillö mountain erupts! Northeastern shores of the home lake are covered by black ash. Luckily eruption is relatviely gentle, and there is only few casualties.

Eruption however encourages religious dispute: some believe that eruption is favourable divine sign and means, that fire-spirits are strongly with the swedish tribes and their god-king. However, some people are shocked and few have even lost their homes, and they believe the spirits are wrathful and that swedes should abandon their king and leave their home area. Group of worried swedes leave the shores of their home lake behind, and start looking a new home from the west. Self-confidence of those who decide to stay grows stronger, as they start to believe that they are protected by the powerful volcanic spirits.

Few decades later, social structure starts to change. Not everyone recognizes the status of god-king anymore, and his status as the absolute leader of all swedes is deteriorating. However, many swedes now consider them as the chosen people of volcanic spirits, and some are even thinking that they should actually rule the whole known world! This change in people's attitudes marks the beginning of swedish early colonization.

Around 1200 BC the first swedish colony is established at the banks of Niger-river. Most of colonists are descendants of those, who left the home-lake after Lillö's eruption. There is another "smoking mountain" near the new colony. This new Volcano is called Rallate. Colonists start to worship the spirits of this new volcano.

In 775 BC, swedish colonists arrive at the shores of lake Uppsala, where they find a new colony. As Uppsala-region does not have it's own volcano, they keep close connections with their mother-city and it's mythology.

The tales about volcanic spirits are at the very centre of Swedish mythology. When years pass, Swedes start to consider volcanoes as representations of some greater divine power, the fire goddess. People living near Lillö volcano are calling their goddess as Lillö, and people in west are calling their goddess as Rallate. Some also believe, that Lillö is actually fire god and Rallate - fire goddess - is his spouse. Swedes also believe that there are lesser gods & spirits, who live in hot springs. After 750 BC, the swedish religion based on volcanic gods and fire spirits is commonly accepted everywhere in Swedish areas.

As population keeps growing, swedes find it difficult to find enough food to support all the population. However, as agricultural knowledge is advancing and value of crops increasing, they start to establish larger and more organized farms to grow more grain. Floodplains around river Niger are especially fertile, and many swedes living here amass notable personal wealth with their large grainfields. After 550 BC, the growing agriculture makes it possible for Swedish villages to join together as larger urban communities. The first of these urban centers are Stockholm, at the southern coast of ancient home-lake, and Lund, at the banks of Niger-river. (Adopted urban-planning policy card). These two cities together do not form any kind of unitary state, but their cultural- and trade relations are dense.

Historians consider 550 BC as the beginning of classical era. The most important difference between ancient- and classical era sweden, is the more stationary & urbanized way of living and more developed arcitechture during the classical era.

Classical era also marks growing military tensions in the region. Especially Lund is constantly fighting against northern barbarian hordes. After 300 BC Lund adopts new kind of military structure, in which all males must participate mandatory and lifelong military training, and should always are prepared to defend their home city against any foreign threat. After some years, this ultra-militaristic lifestyle also spreads to the Stockholm (adopted Agoge policy card).

Religion also plays important part in the lives of the swedes. In 150 BC the holy site of Lund, dedicated to goddess Rallate, is established. This holy place, surrounded by mountains where powerful spirits are believed to live, becomes the most important religious site of swedish mythology. At the same time (150 BC) metallurgy advances, and first bronze artifacts are made. Copper mines of Lund make the city even more prosperious.


The 125 BC saw significant political reforms. As barbarian activity settled down, less people were needed to stand in arms. Instead, system of part-time conscription army was adopted, and adult male population would be recruited to fight only during crisis. Traditional, harsh military education of all male citizens came to end. (Adopted conscription card)

Also, as cities grew larger than before, more construction workers were needed. In 125 BC the most significant elders of swedish tribes ratified corveé system, where all citizens could be forced to serve in public works. Also the counsil of elders was established to plan and organize these public works. (Adopted corveé card)

Around 100 BC this new labour policy proved it's strength, when corveé-slaves of Stockholm finished the construction of the holy Stone-Circle of Goddess Lillö. This incredible achievement caused religious zeal all across the Swedish civilization. The most prominent of those religious zealots was Lundian prophet, Z.

Z was strongly against the cult of Lillö. He promoted henoteistic doctrine, which emphasized Rallate as the only goddess worth worshipping. He lived his life in the Holy City of Lund, where he taught about the supremacy of goddess Rallate. He also taught about importance of ancestors and respect towards their earthly remains. When Z finally died, he was buried at the slopes of mt. Rallate, and his students started to spread his teachings all across the Swedish lands.

In 25 AD there was a gentle eruption of Rallate volcano. This was considered as a divine sign supporting Z's teachings, and soon the majority of the Swedes confessed the supremacy of goddess Rallate and his true religion, rallatism.

It was not before ca. 50 AD when Swedish writing was invented. Swedish writing uses runic alphabets, which are carved on stone- and clay tablets. The major reason to develope writing was to record Z's teachings and religious legends for future generations.

Rallatian theology was formalized in 250. As interest towards theological study grew stronger, group of scholars of Stockholm established their own remote community, where they could study religious truths, without any interruptions from the surrounding society. This Skolan of Stockholm was established in 350

5th century was a period of relative stability, with no major incidents. This was about to change in year 585, when Lillö exploded, stronger than ever before:

Thousands of people were killed in this catastrophic eruption. Stockholmians however were not too shocked, as this eruption destroyed only northern shores of the lake Stockholm - not affecting urban areas, where rich people mostly lived. In fact, the eruption was widely considered as a divine sign telling that the power of Rallate lives also inside the Lillö volcano, and thus godly power protects also Stockholm against northern barbarians.

However, the worst was yet to come:

Megacolossal eruption of 645 AD spewed deathly cloud of volcanic gases all the way to Stockholm. Tens of thousands of lives were lost, and all habitated areas north to the city were completely wiped out. However, the elite of the city lived in southern suburbs, in new governmental district - outside the ruined area. So once again, the weakest part of the society took all the burden of this unprecedented but somewhat foreseeable disaster - and distrust between social classes grew stronger than before.

Social conflict in Stockholm worsened, as ordinary people were demanding safer housing, far away from the frightening volcano and were at the same time protesting against substantial use of corvee-labour, which was used to rebuild the destroyed parts of the town. After severe riots, the ruling elite finally had to renounce. The old corvee system was abandonded, citizens got more freedom and new kind of housing was developed to offer cheap housing for those who had lost their homes during the disaster.

The destruction of Stockholm and overriding the traditional ruling class signify the end of the classical era and beginning of the Middle Ages. Classical era was a period of corvee-slavery, urbanization & religious development. During the Middle Ages the international relations of Swedes will become more dense, important social reforms will take place and religion will play even more central role in their lives.

Religiously enthustiatic Swedes start to consider spreading their religion. Rallatism has already spread towars the city states of Mali, and many border cities have already converted to this new religion. Middle ages were time of religious zeal in Swedish cultural sphere.

In 810 it happens again. This time the eruption of Lillö was not as strong as the eruption of 645. However, several Stockholmians are now seriously considering leaving their home city, as they are increasingly worried about the volcano. Many believe that this eruption is an omen, and it is telling that goddess Rallate is enraged towards her people.

The most important work of Swedish poetry, the Songs of Stockholm was written in 840 AD. It was inspired by religious turmoil caused by eruption. However, it also contains a collection of several traditional poems, which were originally passed on oral tradition. The Songs of Stockholm marked the beginning of written poetry in Swedish language.

Since 915, the first road between Stockholm and distant Indian civilization is established. Caravans between these two civilization become regular. Traders from India teach new cultural habits and bring their own religion, hinduism into swedish cities. Even some missionaries visit Swedish lands, but most of them seem to just pass through towards southern lands of Brazilians. however, many conservatives are worried about these newcomers, altough at the same time their valuable goods of their traders are highly respected and widely desired.

In 950 Lillö explodes again. This eruption marks the darkest day Stockholmians have ever faced. After this disaster Stockholmians are convinced, that Lillö is not a representation of Goddess Rallate, but a demon sent to punish them because of trading with Indian pagans. Swedes start to curse on Lillö's name, and despair and agony conquer the minds of miserable Stockholmians.

The neighboring countries luckily see the despair of the Swedes, and they offer some material help to rebuild completely destroyed Stockholm.

After the destruction wealthy citizens built new farmlands on the ruined areas and their fertile soil. The class of wealthy landowners was created. Iron working was also invented in 990 AD.


As Lund's most important ally Stockholm was weakened by natural disasters, the league of Malinese city states saw their opprtunity to conquer fertile agricultural lands and important trade routes of Niger-river. In 1035 Malinese troops launched a large scale assault toward city of Lund. War was complete surprise for Lundians, and there was not any kind of formal declarations of war.

In 1035 Gällabjer volcano erupted. This was widely considered as a good sign, telling that goddess Rallate will stand with Swedish troops in upcoming battles.

Malinese troops were superior in their numbers. They also had better leadership and highly competent generals leading their operation. However, Lund was located in easily defensible position, behind Niger-river and between impassable mountains. Lund had also built new city walls just before the attack, and altough battles were fierce, these fortifications effectively prevented enemies to conquer the city.

Also, altough Stockholm was destroyed and Stockholmians were still very weak, they were somehow capable to send a moderate-size group of archers to support Lundian military.

As years passed by, and attacks against the city of Lund were repelled, the war soon calmed down. After initial major conflict, here was several small scale battles and skirmishes at the western borders of Lund.

One important consequence of the war was changes in international trade: as Stockholmian merchants were no longer capable to trade with Malinese city states, they started new trade journeys towards east and India. This made relations between Stockholm and India more deep.

In 1050 the first Cathedral of Rallate was built in the Holy District of Lund. The purpose of the cathedral was to express gratitude after victorious battles. Cathedral soon became the most important religious site of rallatistic religion.

The war inspired also writers. The first historical writings telling about recent battles and victories were written in 1080 AD.

The war also caused changes in arcitecture. As population of Stockholm was mostly destroyed in natural disasters, and remaining men now lived in military camps, the insulae-style houses of early middle ages were built no longer.

As some wealthy Stockholmians wanted to escape conscription and war, they moved into the Skolan-academy. In Skolan they tried to forget worldly troubles by abstract philosophical thinking. This caused the flourishing of the Swedish natural philosophy during high middle-ages. Some Stockholmians also started to consider refugee towards fertile but uninhabitated lands in south.

After long lasting period of relative peace, 1095 AD Malinese troops launched once again a major scale attack against Lund. This time they managed to conquer the Holy City. This marks one of the darkest days of Lundian history.

Luckily, as Malis were also devout Rallatians themselfs, they respected shrines and temples of the Holy City, and there was no large scale pillaging.

the Holy City was conquered back during the same year 1095. This more intense period of warfare however continued until 1125 AD. After that Malinese troops were too weak to continue full scale war. In 1170 AD truce between Lund and Malinese league was finally agreed.

At the same year 1170 AD group of Stockholmian refugees established a colony of Linköping. Even tough refugees tried to avoid the war, there was still small scale skirmishes between Linköpingians and Mali explorers just before the truce.

After the war, thousands of conscripts returned to civilian life. As they were figuring out their new place in the society, some great social reforms and turmoil were to come..
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