Strangling Rome


Nov 19, 2003
As the Germans, I had already won a space victory in 1912, but I yearned for just a wee bit more. Just off the coast of my mainland was an island, with two Roman cities, an American city, and a French city. I wanted that island.

Rome, being the biggest threat, had to go.

So, I whipped up some MPPs with India and China (they flanked Rome on either side) and launched my attack on the first island city.

"For attacking my distant island cities, Bismarck, I hereby sentence you to a sound nuking!" proclaimed Caesar. At least, it sounds like something he would say.

About ten are sent, and half are zapped by my SDI. However, my capital, two former Japanese cities, a former English city, and a big production city of mine get hit.

Practically the entire world (China, India, Persia, Babylon, Russia, France, Greece, Aztecs, Zulu, maybe Egypt) immediately declares war against Rome for this atrocity. Plus, I bring my own arsenal of 72 ICBMs into play, and so Rome is pretty much out of the game.

Notice I said 'practically'. America had a MPP with Rome, so saddled up with them. I signed a RoP with France (she was between myself and Lincoln) and sent three armies of Modern Armor, all veteran or better (each army was at size four). After a turn or two, I seize New Orleans.

And then I find out how much Lincoln really cares for his citizens when he drops a nuke onto the city, killing all three armies at once.

But, the nuke does free me up to flex my own arsenal, and how. America is equally as charred as Rome, but possibly because of their solitude (peninsula), they remain intact. Over on the other continent, Rome is being divvied up by China, India, and the Zulu.

However, things start to go way off plan. Allies of my allies attack the other allies of my allies. Egypt (the backwards nation) declares war on three or four different civs. Some nations sign war agreements to fight other nations. Eventually, I go to war with Persia as well, thanks to my MPP with India. I sign peace with Rome for 500 gold (to get my share of the pie before the last radioactive slice is eaten) and one or two turns later I'm drawn back in with them by the Indians!

All this time, Greek and Aztec units are snaking their way through my territory. I figure that they're just too lazy to build transports to go attack Abe, and ignore them for the duration of the war.

That is, until, out of the blue the Greeks attack me. The Indians and Chinese throw their support behind me, and sign an alliance with the Aztecs even to fight the Greeks (the Aztecs are on a peninsula of my continent, while the Greeks are on an island very close by). The Aztec units swiftly dispatch the treacherous Greek units (but too late to save a former Japanese city with over 20 population). In retaliation for the treachery, I give Alex's island a crown of fire with my still-hardy supply of ICBMs. The top portion of his island is mostly mountainous, and doesn't have any territory I really want. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on his plentiful spice resources, though.

However, since I was the one who initiated the first strike this time, the Zulu and the, wait, the Babylon declared war against me earlier for attacking the Persians (MPP). So, the Zulu and the Russians declared war against me (the Russians occupy a peninsula split off from the French/American peninsula).

And that is where I saved and left for the night. I got what I wanted -- the island and everything on it -- and maybe I even wanted to see Caesar taken down big-time (he only had four cities left in an anarchistic state last I checked). But I didn't actually expect to be drawn into a massive world war. If I have the time to continue on with the game, I know it's going to be awesome.
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