Strategy discussions


on time
Apr 13, 2004
Germany GMT+1
Now we are at a point where we have to decide our mid-term strategy.

Here are questions that come to my mind.

1. Who should we ally/co-operate with? (Tendency so far: The Brotherhood)

- Do we want a long-term agreement? (NAP and /or tech trading)

2. How do we deal with the other tribe (probably Die Kueche)?

- Should we try to co-operate with Die Kueche during the AA, or not at all?

These things came to my mind quickly. Please feel free to add other topics.

As for 1:

I am quite sure that The Brotherhood is aiming towards Republic (and are already researching it). This is our best option (in my opinion), to get Republic quickly, while offering some other techs to them and to get ahead of Die Kueche.

I would like to convince them to send us Republic as soon as they completed it and give them our techs as they come in.

As for 2:

Currently Die Kueche are researching Iron Working and would like to trade it for Philosophy. If we do this, on the one hand we'd get iron for swordsmen, but on the other hand we speed up their path to Republic. (They already mentioned their intention to research CoL next. So: trade, or not? (I will make a poll out of this). A further thought: Declining a tech trade that early might cause a change in their attitude towards us early on. :dunno:

If we plan to attack Die Kueche at some point in a not too far future, we should not trade with them at all, as this will bind their research towards Republic for quite a while.
I think it would be best to do the philosophy trade, seeing as we've already made somewhat of a commitment to that deal, and we kind of need iron working. Backing out now would be seen with suspicion. Keep in mind they will likely meet the brotherhood soon, which would increase their research time for philosophy even more.

We should float the possibility of a trade of map making, literature and mathematics for the republic with the Brotherhood very soon (that deal is slightly more beneficial to the hood), with the understanding each team is to gift the tech when they finish it. We need to know if the Brotherhood would be willing to make any sort of trade at all soon, so we can go back to die Kuche if necessary (Brotherhood may have an agreement with Anarchie).

If we continue to deal with die Kuche, we will get the republic much later (and mapmaking later by a few turns), but our trading partner will remain behind us in tech (they are behind us by one tech). I think this is a satisfactory plan B if discussions with the Brotherhood fall through.

Since map making and the republic are looking to be our next techs after CoL, we need to begin discussion on the Lighthouse, and on the timing of our revolution (which could impact our trade deal).
I think we would prefer to work with the Brotherhood, but it depends hugely on whether or not they will trade Republic to us. If they will not, then we will be spending a while researching Republic ourselves and will have nothing to offer the Brotherhood for a long time.

My suggested approach - try to make an agreement with the Brotherhood for Republic. If one cannot be reached, then make a long-term tech trading agreement with someone else (the Kuche if we don't make our final contact soon; the other tribe if we can find them).
As Lanzelot is part of The Brotherhood, I am optimistic that such a deal will be possible.

We have to wait for their reply and then be quick with our answer as maybe they also try to deal with Die Kueche.

So basically your proposal would also be my approach.
Given the tenor of the diplomatic notes from the Brotherhood, I'm not sure we can cooperate very effectively with them. They seem to be a touchy and paranoid lot.
I am really not sure, whether putting our trust into the Brotherhood anymore is the right way.

But if we want to co-operate with the Kueche, we need to fall on our knees to them and do it real quick....

What is the teams opinion?
THe Kitchen just offered us two techs. Why do we need to fall on our knees. Never mind...

I think that's a bad approach.
THe Kitchen just offered us two techs. Why do we need to fall on our knees. Never mind...

I think that's a bad approach.

You do not even recognize how we treated them recently, do you?

Mainly we ignored them after the iron/writing trade. Now we have stalled them lately. If we want to co-operate with them, we need to gain their trust first of all.

And a proposal would be really helpful, instead of just: "Nah, you're wrong".
It was more of a "I disagree" than a "Nah, your wrong". Are you sure you're not related to me? :)

Hold on and let me put something together. At this point, I just read that you started MM, when I would have gone for Republic. The Brotherhood is just stalling us now. Probably because of the details of our proposal for Republic. Do not trade MM for Lit until we get Republic or work out some other equitable deal.

And stop being so touchy. ;)
:) Currently it's not too easy not being touchy, as game costs more of my time than I am willing to spend, frankly speaking. ;)
I'm sure the game would be a lot easier for you if there was more participation from others.

But it's not personal, of course.
As a matter of strategy, I would have sent that Settler to one of our luxuries instead of the Eastern coastline. We need to stop having our cities riot.
I think hooking up the Iron and the Horses should be a new priority now. Aerie can still pump out Settlers and The Hatchery, Workers. But let's get those resources connected in case we need to improve our military quickly.
We should build the city on the dyes and the lake next. We don't have enough workers to afford us the luxury of improving a mountain, even though it will have to be done eventually.
You do not even recognize how we treated them recently, do you?

I just went through their thread. We sent them a letter on the 2nd. They replied on the 7th. We replied on the 9th, but they did not respond until the 16th. We did not treat them badly. We made and completed a meal/deal with them and then scoped out the menu while they took 5 or 7 days to get back to us. I think you're over-playing this. I don't mind making the deal with them now, but get off your knees.
I think hooking up the Iron and the Horses should be a new priority now. Aerie can still pump out Settlers and The Hatchery, Workers. But let's get those resources connected in case we need to improve our military quickly.


We should build the city on the dyes and the lake next. We don't have enough workers to afford us the luxury of improving a mountain, even though it will have to be done eventually.

Do you mean the purple spot on the river next to the mountain?
I don't think the iron should be connected - I'd keep the option to build warriors for upgrade open for now.
I don't think the iron should be connected - I'd keep the option to build warriors for upgrade open for now.

I agree, i would only have enough units to show equal to Kitchen, put them on that side and send a few out for early warning.

Invest gold in research rather than unit support

Next I would concentrate on coastal cities to develop our UU
Should we build a harbor in any of those cities? I'd be inclined to say yes, since it will allow trade much earlier and will give us an extra HP for our flamethrowers. :mwaha:
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