Strategy with jungle start


Dec 2, 2003
How do you guys play the game when you start in or near a jungle. I personally hate this situation and will frequently restart unless the game setup will provide a chance to expand out of there. Do you focus on clearing the jungle or getting out of it?
I just restart, but when half of my city is near it, i'll just cut down the jungle. Just builds roads on the side that does not half jungle on it. It might be awhile to clear the jungle (12 turns in despotism) so prepare to make a lot of workers.
I like jungles after playing a few. You get coal, rubber, and defence. It's a pain to clear but there are always a few grassland and rivers.
For jungle, you need 2 times the number of workers and it takes forever if your not industrious. However, once the jungle is cleared, the land beneath is the best in the game, grassland.
I usually try to capture as many AI workers as I can and then just automate to clear the jungles. I dont like jungles, because it`s hard and takes loooong time to make them thrive! But it`s great (kb2tvl said) to have a jungle as a boarder with AI (defencive bonus), especialy with Germans. :)
Originally posted by Kubannus
I usually try to capture as many AI workers as I can and then just automate to clear the jungles. I dont like jungles, because it`s hard and takes loooong time to make them thrive! But it`s great (kb2tvl said) to have a jungle as a boarder with AI (defencive bonus), especialy with Germans. :)

Damm! I dont like jungles, because it`s hard and takes loooong time to make them thrive! I mean make your cities thrive! :) Jungle grows great! :lol:
If it's aLOT of jungle, and I'm not industrious, I quit. It's an impossible task.

I changed the game in my scenario so that jungles get cleared a bit faster. 21 turns instead of 24. I didn't want to make it easy, I just wanted to make it possible for a non-industrious civ to compete in a junglicious world.
I few a jungle start as a challenge ...

Actually, my first Monarch win was from a jungle start. Being Industrious Egypt helped too.

It was, BTW, also the game that truly opened my eyes to the greatness of the War Chariot. Thanks to a single line of Hills and a strategically placed bit of road, I was able to take out Rome early on, providing me with the territory and resources to catch up with the non-bejungled AIs.
I've started near a jungle in probably 80% of my Epic Games. And when I get those bonus grasslands after clearing the jungle, it's like finding buried treasure. :crazyeye:

And besides that, it always feels like such a tremendous accomplishment to totally obliterate what's usually the world's largest rainforest... :rolleyes:
jungles offer some of the rarest resouses in the game. They also add a defense bonus. Along with that, jungles bring the potential for MANY Luxeries. I also find that for some reason my economy progresses better in a jungle game. And, if you do want to cut them down, they do head a good terrain mass.
Normally the best thing to do is expand as much into it. Almost as a placemarker. The cities that you place won't be productive at first - but once you start clearing away the tiles...
If you don't want to quit, and all 20 tiles in the city radius are jungle or coast. And I do mean all here. Then, it would be best to move around slight. Just outside the jungle area are usually grasslands followed by plains. Look for those before settling down. It is not unusual to see cattles. wheats or such bonus resources if you move around abit. This should take you less than 5 moves and it is better to take that 5 moves than to be stuck in that jungle without being able to grow. If you restrict yourself to settle on spot. Well that would be a different game - you good trading skill, ability to squeeze every ounce out of the AI becomes a very important skillset.
For late game - Nuke = Jungle Eliminator.
i have started when my capital was engulfed in jungle, and had 2 water squares it looklike this



it ended up bieng vey good as a conected two ends of an ocean saving me potentially AT LEAST 4-5 turns for every boat in that area, not to mentionit was great for expansion, but anyway,my capital was baicaly jungle for 7-8 squares to the south, & 9-10 squares north. luckily after that there was great bonus grasslands, and some plains & floodplains, i pulled off a great space race win (greeks)i didn't clear most of it until the industrial age, just get out of it, there's probably some nice grasslands waiting for you
I like to play Industrious, and then the task of Clear Jungle holds no fear for me. Only one question I wonder about:

Does clearing the jungle lessen your chances of getting Coal and Rubber later in the game, when Steam Power and Replaceable Parts are finally researched? Will you still get Coal and Rubber on those tiles just the same, regardless of whether you cleared or not?
my current game was a severe jungle start, which i just continued to see how soon it would be hopeless.

but surprisingly, i'm doing well now, because i rushed to expand out to good land, and i was able to defeat some neighbors early. but connecting roads took forever.
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