Ever had that absolute dinosaur right next door. Its just you and him left and no matter how hard you try its just impossible to build enough troops to finish the game? (Well you can but it wont be you winning it)
Here is what you do. Keep up the research until you get tactical nukes. tacticals are cheaper than ICBMs, build mountains of them, forget everything else. Pay any cost to get the unranium and you will need horses or oil. Build a fast unit for every city in his empire. Set the science slider to zero and using the embasy investige each of his cities in turn. Your looking for his Missile shield. Hint, it will probably be in a core city, not always though. you will need atleast 10 nukes for this city, just to be safe.
Build 2 nukes for every city he has. Be sure to keep on really friendly terms with them during this time. Dont use spies to do your espionage as the ememy may declare war.
Get right of passage and move all fast units to 1 tile away from their designated city. remember that nukes damage everything around the target too. Move your tactical nukes so that atleast 2 can cover every city. Declare war and put nukes into the city with the shield, until you get 3 hits, take it that same turn. 2 nukes generally kills everything in there but 3 is just to be sure. now he's got no shield, nuke and capture all his other cities with out ever hitting end turn. War over. used this stratergy to win repeated , deity, conquest, pangea, maps.
Here is what you do. Keep up the research until you get tactical nukes. tacticals are cheaper than ICBMs, build mountains of them, forget everything else. Pay any cost to get the unranium and you will need horses or oil. Build a fast unit for every city in his empire. Set the science slider to zero and using the embasy investige each of his cities in turn. Your looking for his Missile shield. Hint, it will probably be in a core city, not always though. you will need atleast 10 nukes for this city, just to be safe.
Build 2 nukes for every city he has. Be sure to keep on really friendly terms with them during this time. Dont use spies to do your espionage as the ememy may declare war.
Get right of passage and move all fast units to 1 tile away from their designated city. remember that nukes damage everything around the target too. Move your tactical nukes so that atleast 2 can cover every city. Declare war and put nukes into the city with the shield, until you get 3 hits, take it that same turn. 2 nukes generally kills everything in there but 3 is just to be sure. now he's got no shield, nuke and capture all his other cities with out ever hitting end turn. War over. used this stratergy to win repeated , deity, conquest, pangea, maps.