Streamlined Units with emphasis on Arcade-Realism


Feb 27, 2018
UNIT OVERHAUL PROJECT: Streamlined Units with focus on arcade-realism

I'm looking for someone/ or a co-effort to make a distinct unit-overhaul mod.
If you've been around modding communities before, you know that some people are very passionate about certain aspects of the game, but ultimately fail to sell their product as they might make their mod alien+confusing, severely incompatible, too much focus on details or complete disregard for the actual gameplay (or also disregarding balance of power).

I myself have been around many modding communities for the past eon and I'm very knowledgeable about these things and flaws people do, but I can also play any game on a high-level of play.
I would like my co-workers to be equally knowledge/ or aware of these things, but being able to replicate 'high-level' play is not a requirement (albeit you will have less to say).
Personally, I'm looking for more of a developer role, yet I'm open for input and cool creative ideas that are historically accurate (as Civ is a civ-simulation after all) that make unique interesting gameplay.

I'm mainly looking for someone to make the foundation for the primary goal entry here.
Should this be any success, I plan on having a policy card overhaul in separate following mod (in which the goal is to make policies less of a one-turn gimmick) as I feel I have very good understanding of balance ((instead of like some people who just like to buff globally across the board).

Personally, I'm very fan of the Vox-populi mod in Civ 5 - and I would like to have something similar here.

See attached file (excel) for details, overview and understanding.

Primary goal:

[X] Mod is based on MOAR Units and Warfare Expanded mods (as well as Quo's).

  1. The goal is removal of unnecccessary bloat and confusion (renames and model update) and also provide historically adequate representation of units with vulnerability-phases for certain lineages of units.
  2. Follow-up- adjusted bonuses to compensate for different unit-type/ lineage fighting.
  3. Adding a separate naval recon unit that is significantly faster with enhanced scout radius, albeit severely vulnerable, but cheaper to produce and maintain.

Secondary fine-tuning pass (only after first one):
  1. Economy Changer: Historic very expensive units should be more difficult to maintain (delete unit compensation (gold)).
  2. More unit distinction: Light and Recon units are faster from +1 to +2 in movement in a general census.
  3. Stealth overhaul: Default stealth for recon units starting with rangers in wood+jungle tiles and then better with spec ops in hills. No longer 1 range only detection stealth, but different viability levels depending on unit.
  4. Basic function overhaul: All gunpowder units have ranged attack of 1, whilst tanks have 2. Default attack considered the assault mode (bonuses and penalties pass).
  5. Support Units: Observation-b's and Drones halve fortification bonuses, whilst also only provide enhanced strength against targets instead of range. Additional basic infantry enhancement support units to help combat certain threats (in a way of economically specialize them)
  6. (these are not all the planned adjustments)

(will be edited later for clarification purposes if needed)


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