"Stuck on You"


Latina Goddess™
Aug 22, 2003
Wishing I Was Here
The Farrelly Brothers are once again putting out an anti-PC flick. Before, they have done films that made fun of fat people, and people that put...ahem.."stuff" in their hair. Now, they are putting out "Stuck on You" where two brothers try to make it in the world when one is a short-order chef and the other longs to be an actor. The only catch is that they are conjoined twins. Do you guys find this offensive or hysterical? Opinions?

A Review of the Movie
I find my time is better used elsewhere.
I was actually traumatized at the stupidity exhibited in "Pumpkin". If I will have to see another PC movie I will shoot myself.
The more people it offends, the more money they'll make.

Could care less myself.
Offensive is good. Now if the movie results in more children being born conjoined, then it is distatseful. But I see no reason to believe this, so it is fine. It may even be as funny as other Farrelly Brother movies have been, but I doubt it. Matt Damon is annoying.
It might be funny, but it will all be, "Look how awkward sex is with two of them! Or look how awkward getting changed is with two of them! Or look how awkward masturbation is with two of them!" jokes, which would get old fast.
It looks good, I love movies that make fun of people.
I think it will be hilarious. If it offends I find it funny. I love to make fun of, and be made fun of. I wish more people were this way. We wouldn't have to be all 'politically correct'. I really despise people who can't take a little bit of humor. Even if it is making fun of them.

Oh well, I digress from the topic. Looks like it will be funny, and I like Greg Kinnear, but don't much care for Damon.
I don't know but I personally loved the movie and take GREAT offense to you forgetting it.

I'm gonna go cry now :cry:
Judging from the previews, I'd say it's about as offensive as watching a blind man fall down some stairs and pointing and laughing at him. Which is pretty darn offensive.

But of course, I should probably bother watching the movie before I make any harsh judgements.
It might work if they actually looked like they were attached to each other.

Instead, it looks like their mother was too cheap to buy two sweaters at K-Mart, so she just cut a hole in a big one to make it large enough for her two sons.
At first glance, I'd say it was a pretty tacky thing to try to make humor from. Not having seen the movie, however, I'm not in a position to say whether it was handled with sensitivity or with a mocking "look-how-freakish-conjoined-twins-are!" attitude. And since it looks like a movie I'd stand in line for an hour to not see, it doesn't look like I'll be posting my own review of it anytime soon.
I just can't believe Ben Affleck isn't the one attached to Damon in the movie.
Originally posted by Skullbones
I just can't believe Ben Affleck isn't the one attached to Damon in the movie.

why would he want to be when he's got Jennifer Lopez to be attached to instead :p
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