Why didn't you work before college? You should have saved up an not just rely on hand outs.
Why didn't you work before college? You should have saved up an not just rely on hand outs.
You must have a hell of a job. Most won't come close to covering my tuition, rent, texts, food, etc for the year, even when I live at home and spend as little as possible during the summer.
There are lots of tricks students can use to not have to pay quite so much of a fortune for books. The hell of it is that some instructors will say that you MUST have the latest edition of a book, even though the difference between it and an earlier, MUCH cheaper edition may be extremely minor. And sometimes all you need out of a book is a single chapter or maybe a couple.Happily for me I dont have to pay for a dorm as the college is in town. Im going to see what textbooks are actually needed before buying them.
This is uncalled-for. Aimee does have a job. And loans are LOANS. They have to be paid back eventually.Why didn't you work before college? You should have saved up an not just rely on hand outs.
That's pretty expensive!It's not as bad as the States, but it's not cheap either. For an Undergraduate Engineering degree I was paying about $6000/year (11 courses a year, at about $550 each). Plus more for living accommodations and textbooks and such as required. I personally never bought more than 1 textbook a year after I realized how useless they were in first year.
I did almost all studies without buying any book at full price.The hell of it is that some instructors will say that you MUST have the latest edition of a book, even though the difference between it and an earlier, MUCH cheaper edition may be extremely minor. And sometimes all you need out of a book is a single chapter or maybe a couple.
That's pretty expensive!
There are lots of tricks students can use to not have to pay quite so much of a fortune for books. The hell of it is that some instructors will say that you MUST have the latest edition of a book, even though the difference between it and an earlier, MUCH cheaper edition may be extremely minor. And sometimes all you need out of a book is a single chapter or maybe a couple.
Some books are available in a library. Or buy the book, take notes on the chapter(s) you need, and then return the book for a refund (ALWAYS keep your receipts!).
Amazon.ca is having a HUGE textbook sale now. Some books are up to 90% off.
Do you have any used book stores in town? Does the college have a used book store? Go to those places first. And check the bulletin boards to see if other students are selling their books. Sometimes you can negotiate a really good deal.
This is a revelation for me... I always (and wrongly it seems) assumed that all Canada had European style welfare.It's true. Alberta, the province I (and Valka coincidentally) live in is like America junior. The people assume that reasonable government funding of education is some sort of apocalypse.
While all provinces have more than most of the US, we are not close to most of Europe. It also varies heavily by province (like US states), so long they meet the minimum requirements of the Federal government the have complete control of things such as healthcare and education.This is a revelation for me... I always (and wrongly it seems) assumed that all Canada had European style welfare.
This is a revelation for me... I always (and wrongly it seems) assumed that all Canada had European style welfare.
It's quite shortsighted for a country or state to don't finance high education.
Ontario universities are quite cheap, compared to their American counterparts, and OSAP is a pretty good loan system.. only thing being that you have to pay it back later..
Is University expensive in Canada? Doesn't seem like the sort of place where a loan is necessary. We only have a semi-functioning welfare state here and I got a free ride through Undergrad in one of the main Universities.
This is a revelation for me... I always (and wrongly it seems) assumed that all Canada had European style welfare.
It's quite shortsighted for a country or state to don't finance high education.