[submod] Cross' Overhaul: 17 New Civs, Shia Religion, Civics Rework, Crusades and Much More!

I have a proposal to add a nomadic civilization in the western part of the great steppe, which would reflect the many nomadic peoples who influenced both Iran and Europe. For example, you can start with the Scythian-Sarmatians or Huns, in the early Middle Ages designate them as Khazars, then as Cumans and, already at the collapse of the Mongols, respawn them as the golden horde which Russia will have to resist. Because now the great steppe in the west looks a bit empty considering the size of the map.
This would work really well if there was a Gothic civ too, I guess they could start in ukraine/Vistula and then move westwards to take over west rome after being conquered by the Huns (similar to phonecians).
New zone could be italy and Spain, And would give both the Byzantines, Moors and franks a early enemy instead of just independant cities. Plus could then make spain more into Leon etc instead of spawning them so early.
This would work really well if there was a Gothic civ too, I guess they could start in ukraine/Vistula and then move westwards to take over west rome after being conquered by the Huns (similar to phonecians).
New zone could be italy and Spain, And would give both the Byzantines, Moors and franks a early enemy instead of just independant cities. Plus could then make spain more into Leon etc instead of spawning them so early.
Yeah, we could have them invade Spain and Aquitaine, and spawn Spain only if the Goths fell (they were conquered by the Moors) or they broke up into independent states
Yeah, we could have them invade Spain and Aquitaine, and spawn Spain only if the Goths fell (they were conquered by the Moors) or they broke up into independent states
An idea then. Around 350 AD, Goths spawn as "Kingdom of Oium" in Southern Ukraine and Crimea (Also flipping whichever Crimean city exists to them), an entity unifying all the Goths led by a powerful Gothic king Ermanaric. Then the Hunnic invaders spawn at 370 AD as the barbarian horse archer hordes invading Gothic lands, and right next. Among the UHV goals of Goths there could also be "Survive the Hunnic hordes by seizing a city owned by the Romans", as these hordes should always be too overwhelming for a Gothic civ to withstand unless they go into the Roman territory, either by moving the stack of units they spawned with as a human player, or by having a conqueror event as an AI.

So then, if we speak about the AI, they invade both the Eastern and the Western Romans with the conqueror event at 370-375 AD and attempt to capture one Balkan and one Illyrian city. Then the Hunnic barbarian hordes begin pushing into the Roman and Byzantine territories proper, starting with 395 AD. Same with other Germanic barbarian units starting to break deep into the Western Roman territories, followed by the Gothic conqueror event on the Western Romans at 400 AD with them trying to seize a city in Italy and a city in Aquitaine. Then, once succeeding, they proceed to take over the Roman Hispania. By this time it is likely that the Western Rome would also already be collapsed.

Somewhen at around early V Century, a Hunnic civilization could finally spawn with the capital city in modern Hungary and the Southern Ukrainian and Crimean cities flipping to them, which would later proceed to represent the Turkic Empires in Europe, not just the Hunnic Empire. Then they also get the conqueror event attempts at the Goths (In case if they own any cities in the Balkans, in Illyria or in Italia), at the Byzantines and at the Western Romans simultaneously. The Hunnic Empire may later change to being the Avar Khaganate centered in modern Hungary.

Now I also think, maybe Hungary could be its own civilization as well? It seems to fit in as well, just like Bulgarian civilization, with this larger map. They're usually always represented as the spawning independent city of Buda which tends to always fall quickly to either the Holy Romans or the Byzantines soon afterwards.
are there any aspirations on adding more civilizations to precolumbian mesoamerica and the andes?
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The next big change may add a civ or two to Africa as I have discussed in the past, in addition to more balance tweaks as a run games.

I am largely satisfied with the current state of the game in terms of balance or bugs. The autoplay results are good and the games I've played have been fun.

I also just need to set aside more time to play games as different civs.
The next big change may add a civ or two to Africa as I have discussed in the past, in addition to more balance tweaks as a run games.

I am largely satisfied with the current state of the game in terms of balance or bugs. The autoplay results are good and the games I've played have been fun.

I also just need to set aside more time to play games as different civs.
Yes, please do Timurids. For extra fun do it with reports like Cross plays Timurids.
I’m thinking of incorporating some civs and mechanics of your mod into mine, and I’m wondering if you’d permit me to do this.

Whenever any civ or mechanic from your mod has been included, I’ll give credit and link to your modmod, but obviously I don’t want my mod to take all the glory away from yours, so I’m wondering if you’d allow it.
I had the crusade event show up 3 times, and each time I choose to pass it up, this error appeared.


  • Civ4ScreenShot0263.JPG
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Finally, a historic victory for Tibet was achieved. It was not easy, since the small population of the core region greatly hindered expansion, and the Europeans were eager to take away the captured cities in Bengal. But in the end, the most difficult historical goal was to reach 7 prophets in the capital, which I managed literally in the last few moves. Monarch/Marathon


  • tibetan_hv.png
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Finally, a historic victory for Tibet was achieved. It was not easy, since the small population of the core region greatly hindered expansion, and the Europeans were eager to take away the captured cities in Bengal. But in the end, the most difficult historical goal was to reach 7 prophets in the capital, which I managed literally in the last few moves. Monarch/Marathon
if only there was a freshwater lake in western tibet. . .
I can't if ts is ironic 💀🙏 but ngl i think a boer civ to first represent the boer Republics then the Union of South Africa would be better than a Zulu civ

on second thought i recognize how having a zulu civ would add more variety compared to another european-style civ
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I have a proposal to shift the core region of Macedonia to Syria and northern Mesopotamia after the conquest of Babylon and the transfer of the capital there in order to better reflect the period of the Seleucid Empire, which lived for several more centuries until it was conquered by the Parthians and Rome
I’m thinking of incorporating some civs and mechanics of your mod into mine, and I’m wondering if you’d permit me to do this.

Whenever any civ or mechanic from your mod has been included, I’ll give credit and link to your modmod, but obviously I don’t want my mod to take all the glory away from yours, so I’m wondering if you’d allow it.
You can go ahead. Everyone borrows from everyone else in the civ4 modding community so there's no problem.

I had the crusade event show up 3 times, and each time I choose to pass it up, this error appeared.
Thank you for the bug report, I will look into this one. It will probably be the first change in an upcoming patch.
Ever since I have started my game I could not declare on Wu, which makes my China goal impossible! Please fix!


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