[submod] Cross' Overhaul: 17 New Civs, Shia Religion, Civics Rework, Crusades and Much More!

Looks like it's time to move Cadiz back to Cordoba!
Nope, there needs to be as many coastal cities in Spain as possible and there's no room for Cordoba.
I was just making tongue in cheek point, that Spain got to digital age not thanks to cottages, but via nerfing Moors and buffing Spain with coastal cities and other things. Perhaps a little too much ?
New Patch

Before I get into the patch notes, I'd like to explain the purpose behind most of the changes. I have been attempting to improve the historicity of the tech progress, particularly for the European civs. I want them to be slightly behind the curve around 1000, to be a bit ahead of the curve in 1550, and well ahead of the curve in 1860, without snowballing way past the tech level they should have.

I have done this in a number of ways, such as unifying the difficulties into a single difficulty, which is comparable to Monarch difficulty, but the AI has an inflation and civic upkeep rate comparable to that of Regent (aka a higher upkeep than on Monarch). I have also added a few extra turns in the Medieval Era, as well as added a few European-specific corporations like the Hanseatic League and the Knights Templar, to give Europe a bit of a tech and production boost in the later middle ages. These corps die out in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Other changes include getting the Catholic Shine during the Schism (so no Great Prophet is needed), re-enabling the Spanish Reconquista conquest event (if necessary) and giving Spain some additional commerce resources. Many modifiers have been changed as a result.

While I was doing these economic/research tests, I took the opportunity of fixing or altering a number of unrelated issues, which are also in the patch notes. I also added the ability to build hamlets with regular workers after researching Urban Planning, and for Labourers (enabled with Labour Unions) to be able to build Villages. I also reduced the amount of worker-turns it takes to build cottages and such. Slaves are also able to build some improvements at 50% efficiency. I might phase out improvements like Slave Mine and Slave Plantation, because these are "trap" improvements that cause unhappiness and one is always better off not building them; however I have not removed them yet.

  • Allow slaves to build some non-slavery improvements at 50% efficiency as in RFC Classical World
  • Fix +- text for civics that have specialist yield penalties.
  • Reduce worker-turns needed to build cottages/hamlets/villages.
  • Allow workers to build hamlets after Urban Planning tech is researched.
  • Labourers can build Villages, rather than Hamlets.
  • Add indy city in 650 BC to represent early Macedon, prior to Persian Wars (if Greek culture is not on that tile already).
  • Reduce settler priority of New York for England.
  • Increase post-Mongol period China settler map to Mongolia
  • Create barbarian Qara Qorum in 1635 in case it gets razed by Manchus.
  • Nerf Spanish modifiers since they have local gold and silver to help their techrate until 1550.
  • Add new Silver resource in Spain, depletes in 1550.
  • Change depletion date of Gold in NW Spain to 1550 rather than 400
  • Give Sun Quan preference for Taoism instead of Confucianism.
  • Give Wu Taoist state religion at spawn.
  • Give China its expanded settler map (west and north) after 1500, if it hasn't already obtained it via a respawn.
  • Spawn Moors or Fatimids regardless of special conditions if the game is in autoplay (not spawning them does more damage to the timeline than not)
  • Khazar vassal name for Ottomans and Russians.
  • Fix missing text key for communist Celts
  • New translation names for Tyre/Sur/Damascus.
  • Give France a few extra starting units.
  • Shorten timespan of Germanic barbarian spawns by a few decades, since barbarian stacks take a few turns to go from their spawn location to the insides of the Roman empire.
  • Extend Portuguese core 1 tile south.
  • Move barbarian town in Galicia 1 tile north to compete less with Portugal.
  • Nerf Iranian starting techs and modifiers.
  • Consolidated the difficulty settings into one.
    • Monarch, but the AI inflation and upkeep modifiers are more like Regent's
    • This is required to keep the AI economy from snowballing.
    • It also makes it much easier for me to test and to get accurate feedback.
  • Remove some of the north of Spain from the Moorish settler map.
  • Add wine near Madrid.
  • Lower tech costs for many European civs, now that inflation and upkeep is higher for the AI due to the difficulty rebalancing.
  • Re-enable Spanish Reconquista conquest event.
  • Slightly reduce Roman preference for Politics tech.
  • Purge Great People when a city falls to independents, barbarians or natives, prior to Renaissance era.
  • Add Hanseatic League corporation, to give a tech boost to Medieval and Renaissance northern Europe.
  • Add Knights Templar, for a similar tech boost for many western European states in the medieval era.
  • Give AI Timurids more Keshiks.
  • Non-Orthodox Christian states have an aversion to despotism, slavery and caste system, and a preference for Monarchy.
  • Orthodox Christian states have an aversion to caste system.
  • Fix Epic and Marathon game speeds which were not updated to account for Leoreth's increase in tech costs
    • I thought I had updated them, but I hadn't.
  • Add another 10 turns to Epic in the medieval age.
  • Create Catholic Shrine in holy city on schism.
  • Reduce cost of some Catholic wonders.
  • Buff a number of civics.
    • Monarchy gives a free specialist.
    • Republic gives 2 free specialists for the top X (usually 3) cities.
    • Manorialism gives a hammer to farms, but commerce penalty to hamlets, villages, towns
    • Clergy gives temple production bonus
    • Monasticism gives monastery production bonus
    • Vassalage trade bonus with vassals buffed from 25% to 50%
    • Vassalages gives production bonus to castle, stables
    • Theocracy gives an extra hammer per priest (+2 instead of +1)
  • Give Timurids more starting gold to be able to tank the huge economic hit of their empire.
  • Edit Byzantine respawn area to cover only Constantinople, Thessalonica, and Ephesus.
  • Choose Catholic holy city based on random choice of 5 highest culture of potential catholic cities, rather than based on the top scoring player.
  • Leaders now vastly prefer their favourite civics.
  • Add Sindh to Mongol conquest stack regions.
  • Push Bulgarian respawn window from 1800 to 1848
  • Add missing Java (Indonesia) dynamic names.
  • Give AI America extra workers to develop their lands, and an extra settler.
  • Give AI Russia double settlers like Greek UP, to compensate for not having free colonial settlers.
  • Increase French spawn settler count by 1.
  • Buff some European starting techs.
  • Restrict Mongol rebirth area.
  • Remove extended Mongol birth area (they don't need it in my mod).
Very happy to see Taoist Wu, especially because even in later centuries several Song dynasty emperors, most notably Huizong, were active in promoting Taoism, so it does make sense to have at least one civ championing Taoism in game. Often Wu becomes the founder of Taoism, which should help with the 3rd condition for Taoist URV. Speaking of which, don't you guys think that the other condition, centered around sporting the highest approval on the map for 150 uninterrupted turns on Epic is virtually impossible? With dynamic rise of civilizations, any newborn civ will momentarily claim that title and ruin the effort. Perhaps, URV condition should count total turns hitting magic number of 100 on Normal or 150 on Epic?
Stratocracy removes a happy face with University but adds one for each Academy? Surely it was meant to be Military Academy, right?

Also, does Taiwan ever become core for Wu? It could prove very realistic for the late game.
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Big New Patch

2 new civs in Asia! Shu and Xia, to represent various other periods and peoples of the history of China. The civs in China are:

Xia: 2070 BC start, represents Xia, Shang, and Zhou.
Shu: 1200 BC start, represents the ancient kingdom of Shu (non-Han-Chinese ethnicity), as well as Shu-Han from the 3 Kingdoms period, and other incarnations of Shu.
Qin (former China): 380s BC start, represents Qin, Han, Sui, Tang, Qing and other northern dynasties
Wu: 200 AD start, represents Wu, Song, Taiping Rebellion and other southern dynasties

I have not playtested the feasibility or fun-factor of the new UHVs. That will come in a later patch. I just wanted to get these new civs (which were validated in several autoplays) out before Christmas.
  • Add Shu and Xia civs
  • Improve settler map preferences for China (North) and Wu.
  • Tweaks to modifiers of civs in China.
  • Buff Parthian modifiers, and give Cement on spawn.
  • Remove castle and stables production bonus from Hegemony (it was moved to Vassalage).
  • Tweak the geography of northern China.
  • Give AI Babylonia an extra settler at start.
  • Add Persis to Parthian core.
  • Remove starting wars for civs that are expansion civs and whose targets are already in the war map as values of 5.
  • Fix Babylonia being cleared (forced collapse) in scenarios other than when player is in autoplay.
  • Check for resurrections every turn, but lower the probability accordingly. Also, only give pre-Nationalism secession-check buff to the human player.
  • Buff Macedonian modifiers.
  • Add Dacian barbarian city in Transylvania.
  • Restrict Sassanid revival conquerors to Mesopotamia.
  • Fix Stratocracy happiness bonus from Academy to Military Academy.
  • Remove Baltics from Crusading considerations (wonky Eastern Europe borders).
  • Play with a few more civ modifiers.
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Wow, talk about Christmas 🎄 🎁 present! I was in the middle of my Wu Taoist URV game but now feel like restarting to experience proper 3 kingdom fighting. This was very unexpected and I wonder what prompted 2 more Chinese civs( instead of 2 African ones as announced?)

Xia control Northern China "by" goal triggers upon the birth. Better replaced by "in" goal.

Something weird happened for human Mongols: entire North China and North Korea flipped to me and I am not even at war with "Qin"! Where is a fun in that? I think it was meant for AI Mongols, but even then -- did they ever flip North Korea on spawn?
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Wow, talk about Christmas 🎄 🎁 present! I was in the middle of my Wu Taoist URV game but now feel like restarting to experience proper 3 kingdom fighting. This was very unexpected and I wonder what prompted 2 more Chinese civs( instead of 2 African ones as announced?)

Xia control Northern China "by" goal triggers upon the birth. Better replaced by "in" goal.

Something weird happened for human Mongols: entire North China and North Korea flipped to me and I am not even at war with "Qin"! Where is a fun in that? I think it was meant for AI Mongols, but even then -- did they ever flip North Korea on spawn?
I think Leoreth changed the Mongol spawn area in his latest patch. I'm going to restrict the spawn to the old area.

I will update the Xia goal to "in" thanks for the feedback.

I added these 2 civs because I wasn't satisfied with the development of China 2000BC-200AD. African civs are still in the cards.
When I (play as Qin) raze a Shu city, there's a popup reminded me that I have failed UHV1, is it a bug?

Spoiler :
When I (play as Qin) raze a Shu city, there's a popup reminded me that I have failed UHV1, is it a bug?

I looked into it some more. I think the reason it is failing is because of a condition to never lose a city prior to 200AD. Capturing and then razing a city fails that condition. I am writing an alternate UHV that goes for something similar.
New Patch
  • Re-add Mongolia birth area exceptions
  • Lower Ramesses II city raze chance.
  • Norse avoid human stability penalty for razing, like Mongols.
  • Modify first Qin UHV to be similar but without the "no city lost" condition.
  • Refine Xia UHV 1 (area control + building forge UB)
  • Increase Spanish colony maintenance mods
  • Refine Bulgarian and Byzantine respawn periods.
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New Patch

  • Increase difficulty of Xia culture UHV.
  • Reduce number of archers that spawn with Qiang city.
  • Change Contract to depend on Writing & Arithmetics rather than Construction & Arithmetics.
  • Buff Xia starting techs.
  • Buff some Xia modifiers.
  • Add copper to Xia lands.
  • Add city name for city west of Chang'an.
  • Demote Hu horseman barbarians to Chariots in the -800 to -300 range.
  • Fix Nanyue (Vietnam) early name.
  • Default vassal titles under Xia, Shu and Wu, same as Qin ("Tributary X State"
  • China does not spawn if Xia is human and solid stability
    • Also, China cannot respawn if Xia (Zhou) is alive and vice-versa.
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Intriguing additions, will make a fun holiday play.

Any interest in grabbing Nanzhao/Dali from RFCA and Merjin's Tondo/Philippine civ?
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New Patch

  • Remove some resources in Tunisia in 600 AD (desertification)
  • Deplete the gold and silver mines of Spain in 1450 rather than 1550.
  • Nerf Vietnam research rate modifier.
  • Give AI England some extra workers (and remove some extra AI units that are not needed since it flips Scotland at spawn)
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