• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

[submod] Cross' Overhaul: 17 New Civs, Shia Religion, Civics Rework, Crusades and Much More!

Oh by the way I remembered another thing

Is there any way to enable the option for the player to capitulate to an AI Civ through the diplomacy screen? I feel that in a lot of situations as various civs the only way to survive or catch up in tech is to become a vassal of someone ahead of you or who is about to destroy you in war
Hey! When trying to extract the contents of the .zip into the RFC cross overhaul folder I'm getting an error that the path is too long. It starts with the deref_traits.hpp file and continues for the rest of the .hpp files I believe. Think I saw someone else in the thread had a similar issue, and curious if anybody has found a solution to this?
New Patch

Push Zulu spawn back several hundred years and merge it with historical Zimbabwe.
Give Europeans more conquering colonial armies ("trading company event") but stretch it out into several instances instead of all at once.

  • Zulu is now Zimbabwe and Zulu, with Nelson Mandela
    • Zimbabwe dynamic names and leader name for Zulus.
    • Added Nelson Mandela leaderhead for the post-colonial era.
    • Moved Zulu spawn to 1200 and initial capital to Zimbabwe.
    • Disabled the indie Zimbabwe city.
    • Remove resource prerequisites from Impi.
    • Update Zulu UHV to account for 1200 start date.
    • Nerfed starting units of Zulu (Zimbabwe).
    • Make Shaka leaderhead less likely to build settlers.
    • Starts with Alloys tech.
    • English names for some cities in Zimbabwe/Rhodesia.
    • Nerf Zulu modifiers since they get a much earlier start.
    • Zulu respawn window is now 1815-1880, 1950-2020
    • Add Bantu close invaders in the Zimbabwe area for the period 1400-1750
  • Increase the number of Trading Company armies and expanded their potential locations in Africa, to compensate for the addition of Nigeria and Zimbabwe/Zulu civs.
    • Colonial acquisitions are only carried out against non-Europeans.
    • Increase the number of colonial acquisitions possible per civ.
  • Slight buff to Iroquois tech rate.
  • Many civics had their modifiers tweaked or moved around to be more thematic and hopefully more balanced.
    • Too many to list individually; best to peruse the civics screen, or look at the commit changes.
  • Adjust nationalism modifier for resurrection (forgot to divide it by 10 when changing the resurrect mechanic to check every turn).
  • Slight buff to number of extra AI workers for Moscow.
  • Add message for colonial conquest or acquisition "event".
  • Fix default title error in DynamicCivs script.
  • Remove "extended" (AI-only) birth area from Germany/Prussia; it should earn the west and south of Germany on its own against Austria or other civs.
  • Loch German renamed to Dublin.
  • Mississauga doubles as Toronto for the English name map.
  • Tweak a few European modifiers
Oh by the way I remembered another thing

Is there any way to enable the option for the player to capitulate to an AI Civ through the diplomacy screen? I feel that in a lot of situations as various civs the only way to survive or catch up in tech is to become a vassal of someone ahead of you or who is about to destroy you in war
Not that I'm aware of and there may be reasons why this is not allowed. I wouldn't mind having a human civ become a vassal but it might have all kinds of issues I would have to look into.

Hey! When trying to extract the contents of the .zip into the RFC cross overhaul folder I'm getting an error that the path is too long. It starts with the deref_traits.hpp file and continues for the rest of the .hpp files I believe. Think I saw someone else in the thread had a similar issue, and curious if anybody has found a solution to this?
New Patch
  • Add Mississauga -> Mississauga to Iroquois used language
  • Default to Norway name for post-Pagan Norse
    • The default is used when Norse owns none of Denmark, Norway or Sweden entirely.
  • Trading Company conquerors/acquisitions can still happen if the civ has respawned.
  • Add more of Balkans to Austria-period HRE war map.
Two remarks about UHV wordings, if I may. Firstly, South African UHV demands no EUropeans in "South" Africa, however tooltip help defines it as far north as the coast of Somali! A little confusing, wouldn't you say so? If we are the keep designated region then perhaps replacing South with South and East Africa could give human player a better idea about the task ahead. But perhaps we should re-define the region using modern SADC boundaries to have some reference point and be less random.

Secondly, the last part of Turkic 3rd UHV was designed by Leoreth to ensure that Turkic civ properly represents Timurids Samarkand. Because now we have a proper Timurid-Mughal civ the role of Turkic "Central Asian" civ can be re-imagined as Gokturks, Seljuks, Uzbeks(Bukhara)/Uzbekistan (that's how it appears in 1700 scenario and for the late game). Sword of Islam has a LH of Muhammad Shaybani, which can be used for late game Turkic civ. As for the 3rd UHV, it must be noted that Khanate of Bukhara reached its greatest extent and influence under its penultimate Abu'l-Khayrid ruler, the scholarly Abdullah Khan II (r. 1557–1598). So instead of Timur's death deadline (1400) we could extend the play until 1600 and demand legendary culture instead.
Two remarks about UHV wordings, if I may. Firstly, South African UHV demands no EUropeans in "South" Africa, however tooltip help defines it as far north as the coast of Somali! A little confusing, wouldn't you say so? If we are the keep designated region then perhaps replacing South with South and East Africa could give human player a better idea about the task ahead. But perhaps we should re-define the region using modern SADC boundaries to have some reference point and be less random.
Horn of Africa being in the UHV area was a mistake. It's been removed, and Kalahari added, so now it is the south of Africa.

Secondly, the last part of Turkic 3rd UHV was designed by Leoreth to ensure that Turkic civ properly represents Timurids Samarkand. Because now we have a proper Timurid-Mughal civ the role of Turkic "Central Asian" civ can be re-imagined as Gokturks, Seljuks, Uzbeks(Bukhara)/Uzbekistan (that's how it appears in 1700 scenario and for the late game). Sword of Islam has a LH of Muhammad Shaybani, which can be used for late game Turkic civ. As for the 3rd UHV, it must be noted that Khanate of Bukhara reached its greatest extent and influence under its penultimate Abu'l-Khayrid ruler, the scholarly Abdullah Khan II (r. 1557–1598). So instead of Timur's death deadline (1400) we could extend the play until 1600 and demand legendary culture instead.
I'll revisit UHVs when I have time. Turks are not the only ones affected by all the additions.

New Patch
  • Add Belgian Congo to Netherlands settler & war maps
    • Since Belgium does not exist, Netherlands takes its place.
  • Remove Horn of Africa from Zulu UHV
    • Add Kalahari to Zulu UHV
Strange graphical glitch occured on 3000 bc Bulgaria start where, upon birth, Barbarian city in Dacia appears as city ruin and a message offers to disband it. If you keep it, the city will still look as city ruin.

I should also mention weird neglect in Byzantine defenses of Constantinople. I can almost always capture it during the first turn of Bulgaria. 1-2 Archers or Spearman there. Both for 3000 BC and 600 AD starts.AI simply doesn't anticipate Bulgaria arrival. What is the reason for avoiding zero MP guard units? I see Byzantine Archers leaving key cities in some weird reshuffling maneuvers. Maybe you could tweak effects of Theodosian walls to generate Tagmata defender every time non Tagmata defender is killed? I think it's a pretty cool effect idea
Strange graphical glitch occured on 3000 bc Bulgaria start where, upon birth, Barbarian city in Dacia appears as city ruin and a message offers to disband it. If you keep it, the city will still look as city ruin.
I'll try Bulgaria starts to see if I can repro the issue.
What is the reason for avoiding zero MP guard units?
AI deletes 0 MP units. I haven't tried making the unit free in terms of maintenance. That will be something I will try to improve the Constantinople defenses issue.

New Patch
Give Khazars the Cossack UU.
At this point the number of civs with their possible rebirths got to such a large number that those rebirths should be documented somewhere in Pedia with respective time intervals. Otherwise this is getting too confusing. I am not even sure which historical entity Khazar Cossacks suppose to represent? Aren't they suppose to be dead after Crimean Khanate demise? With Cossacks being their enemy, not UU?
Zulu starting as Great Zimbabwe doesn't really make sense, from a historical perspective. They're different peoples, different languages, different areas, and really encompass different themes - playing as Zulu and having a few hundred years to build up infrastructure doesn't feel like Zulu - especially when you're building that infrastructure up in an area invaded by the Zulu during their migrations.

It'd make more sense (and probably feel better gameplay-wise) for them to be split - Zulu going back to its later start date and keeping its conquest focus and South Africa theme, with Zimbabwe representing the various Shona states (Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa, Rozvi) and either becoming its own civ, or just remaining an independent city.
Zulu starting as Great Zimbabwe doesn't really make sense, from a historical perspective. They're different peoples, different languages, different areas, and really encompass different themes - playing as Zulu and having a few hundred years to build up infrastructure doesn't feel like Zulu - especially when you're building that infrastructure up in an area invaded by the Zulu during their migrations.

It'd make more sense (and probably feel better gameplay-wise) for them to be split - Zulu going back to its later start date and keeping its conquest focus and South Africa theme, with Zimbabwe representing the various Shona states (Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa, Rozvi) and either becoming its own civ, or just remaining an independent city.
They are separate, just encompassed as a single civ slot. They have different dynamic names, adjectives, leader names and (re)spawn areas. That's why the civ in the menu was renamed from "Zulu" to "South Africans" which is a catch-all term for the various peoples. It is just much quicker and more civ slot efficient to reskin a civ with dynamic names than to make a whole new civ. Maybe in the future I will split the civ up, or split up one of the many other civs that have respawns that encompass different cultures and areas, but that process is a big pain in the ass that involves getting a new flag decal, diplo flag, leaderheads, UUs, UBs, UPs, UHVs, war map, settler map, finding a color that doesn't clash with all the possible neighbours or colonial powers, doing extensive balance passes, etc.

At this point the number of civs with their possible rebirths got to such a large number that those rebirths should be documented somewhere in Pedia with respective time intervals. Otherwise this is getting too confusing. I am not even sure which historical entity Khazar Cossacks suppose to represent? Aren't they suppose to be dead after Crimean Khanate demise? With Cossacks being their enemy, not UU?
The Khazars respawn as the Golden Horde & Crimean Khanate.

Respawns are documented here. Pedia documentation is very low on the list of changes to make. (People keep asking for more stuff!)
consts.py line 644
Spoiler respawns :

dResurrections = CivDict({
iEgypt : [(-3000, -100)], # can revive as Ptolemaic dynasty
iBabylonia : [(-3000, -1450), (-700, -630)],
iAssyria : [(-1450, -650), (910, 1200)],
iChina : [(580, 1127), (1600, 2020)],
iChinaS : [(910, 1550), (1850, 1920)],
iShu : [(200, 300), (910, 970)],
iHittites : [(-840, -670)],
iNubia : [(500, 1500)],
iGreece : [(-900, -500), (1800, 2020)],
iIndia : [(330, 480), (1600, 1800), (1940, 2020)],
iPhoenicia : [(-800,-300), (1000, 1500), (1950, 2020)],
iPersia : [(910, 1000)],
iCelts : [(400, 1150), (1910, 2020)],
iRome : [(-338, 450)],
iMaya : [(0, 800)],
iDravidia : [(300, 1650)],
iEthiopia : [(1270, 1520), (1750, 1880), (1940, 2020)],
iKorea : [(1800, 2020)],
iKhmer : [(1950, 2020)],
iMali : [(1340, 1590)],
iNigeria : [(1790, 1860), (1950, 2020)],
iByzantium : [(850, 1000)],
iFrance : [(750, 810), (987, 1250), (1700, 2020)],
iMalays : [(500, 1500), (1940, 2020)],
iJapan : [(1800, 2020)],
iNorse : [(1520, 2020)],
iTurks : [(870, 980), (1505, 1700), (1980, 2020)],
iArabia : [(1900, 2020)],
iBulgaria: [(1170, 1250), (1848,2020)],
iKhazars: [(1300, 1550)],
iMoors : [(1220, 1750), (1940, 2020)], # Marinids / Ziyanids
iJava : [(720, 1650), (1940, 2020)],
iSpain : [(1150, 1300), (1700, 2020)],
iEngland : [(1700, 2020)],
iHolyRome : [(1800, 2020)],
iBurma : [(850, 1885), (1950, 2020)],
iRus : [(1970, 2020)],
iVietnam : [(938, 2020)],
iSwahili : [(1960, 2020)],
iPoland : [(1920, 2020)],
iPortugal : [(1700, 2020)],
iInca : [(1800, 1930)],
iItaly : [(1820, 2020)],
iMongols : [(1350, 1650), (1910, 2020)],
iTimurids : [(1526, 1630), (1940, 2020)],
iThailand : [(1700, 2020)],
iSweden : [(1250, 2020)],
iRussia : [(1280, 1550), (1700, 2020)],
iOttomans : [(1505, 2020)],
iIran : [(1505, 2020)],
iNetherlands : [(1700, 2020)],
iGermany : [(1840, 2020)],
iAmerica : [(1776, 2020)],
iArgentina : [(1810, 2020)],
iMexico : [(1810, 2020)],
iColombia : [(1810, 2020)],
iBrazil : [(1820, 2020)],
iCanada : [(1867, 2020)],
iMamluks : [(920, 1250), (1800, 2020)],
iMacedon : [(-400, -150)],
iArmenia : [(50, 1050), (1870, 2020)],
iMinoans : [(-3000, -1300)],
iParthia : [(200, 550)],
iGhorids : [(1220, 1400)],
iZulu : [(1815, 1880), (1950, 2020)],
}, [])
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New Patch
  • Remove Hungary from Bulgarian core
    • This also fixes the Sibiu ruins flip issue.
  • Turn Tagmata UU into "Thematic Spearman"
  • Give AI Byzantium a special immobile, 0 maintenance, 7 strength version of the Thematic Spearman on spawn.
    • I figured out how to make it work, with the DOMAIN_IMMOBILE category.
  • Give Rome Law on spawn, remove Currency.
  • Give France Brittany as a Core.
    • I know that Brittany was separate from France, but France really needs the extra core population when it acquires colonies.
  • Restrict range of Lombard barbarian spawns from 660 to 600.
New Patch
  • Merge last two Leoreth patches
  • Add Algier to German name map
  • Start Byzantium with Monarchy rather than Despotism
    • Better from a stability standpoint with Citizenship, which it starts with.
  • Give cases for Brian Boru & Ho Chi Minh to appear
    • Brian Boru: resurrected or medieval
    • Ho Chi Minh: industrial era
New update:
- improved implementation of formatting victory goal descriptions
- improved wording of certain victory goals
- corrected and adding some victory titles

New update:
- adjusted Zamburak art
- Iran starts with Zamburak in 1700 AD
- added second Celtic UU: Gallowglass (Heavy Swordsman): -1 strength, does not require copper or iron, +50% attack on flatlands, hills, and forests
- added second Celtic LH: Brian Boru
- added second Vietnamese UU: Viet Cong (Infantry): +2 first strikes, starts with Guerilla and Woodsman
- added second Vietnamese LH: Ho Chi Minh
- renamed Mughal Mausoleum to Durbar
- Pnom Penh starts with additional defenders in 1700 AD
I hardly recognized you, Cross? What has inspired your new image? Is it a tribute to AI? :mischief:

Anyway, I have just loaded Canadian 3000 BC start and I am presenting 4 exhibits below. Exhibit A shows strange error after I press F9 screen in certain situations. Pretty sure it is reproducible, but mostly rears it's ugly head in the debug (Ctrl Z) mode, so I am not even reporting it as a bug. Just an oddity. Exhibit B shows the glory of Western Tibet -- people there has built a Louvre in 1717! Exhibit C shows strange situation with updated Zamburak art -- it is now exactly like the first UU and without Camels, so pretty sure something went wrong during the update. Finally, the late game AI autorun map overall and America in particular look very cool! All the "canonical" US cities are present! Except for poor California, strangely? There has to be an event in 1848ish helping AI American with the West Coast, correct? Well, looks like it didn't fire.


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The Zamburak issue might exist in base DoC, I didn't take the time to check. Anyway, it's fixed now.

New Patch
  • Fix Zamburak art def unit
    • The camel gunner part is now first, with the qizilbash second.
  • Slightly increase English inflation modifier.
  • Add Spanish & Portuguese name for Qart-Tin tile
Can we please discuss Bulgarian UHV3 for a moment? It's bad enough that Orthodox Bulgaria has to hike across the hostile Catholic/Protestant Europe to aid Spain in Reconquista, but also good chunk of Asia Minor is considered Europe for UHV purposes! As Bulgaria I was able to secure Constantinople (I wish there were a name change to Tsargrad), which is on European side, but not Efes! It didn't even cross my mind to check tiles in Asia, as I was focusing on tiles in Europe, so the loss was very unexpected :badcomp: .


  • 20250112124202_1.jpg
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Can we please discuss Bulgarian UHV3 for a moment? It's bad enough that Orthodox Bulgaria has to hike across the hostile Catholic/Protestant Europe to aid Spain in Reconquista, but also good chunk of Asia Minor is considered Europe for UHV purposes! As Bulgaria I was able to secure Constantinople (I wish there were a name change to Tsargrad), which is on European side, but not Efes! It didn't even cross my mind to check tiles in Asia, as I was focusing on tiles in Europe, so the loss was very unexpected :badcomp: .
Sounds good.

There has to be an event in 1848ish helping AI American with the West Coast, correct? Well, looks like it didn't fire.

There is an event which fires when America discovers the Railroad tech which makes it declare war on the owner of any cities in the California area. If America doesn't research the tech, or Spain/Mexico doesn't colonize California, nothing will happen.

I will probably look into the settler map / spawn area of Mexico.

New Patch
  • Add Italian conquest of Crete in 1205
  • Add Russian, Ukrainian, Ruthenian names for Byzantium (or edit existing ones)
  • Alter Bulgaria UHV3 to no Islam in Central Europe & Balkans + 2 orthodox cathedrals
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