[submod] Cross' Overhaul: 17 New Civs, Shia Religion, Civics Rework, Crusades and Much More!

New Patch

  • Further increase the number of Mexican settlers
    • Also increase the number of starting workers.
  • Constrain Vietnam respawn north Vietnam rather than its expansive Nanyue flip.
  • Tweak some civ modifiers for tech rate by 1867
  • Give Portugal slight aversion to assembly line, so it tries to fill out its tech tree more.
Hey, is it possible for the Celts in the 600 AD start to be at a similar tech level to civs like France and Spain? It feels like there's a massive gap between them and everyone else for no reason
I need some clarification on obsolete Wonders, please. Say, The Great Lighthouse gets obsolete with Compass. Does this mean that if Compass is discovered by ANY civ in the world -- that wonder can no longer be built or loses the effect if it is already built? I was building GL as Polynesia and Chinese discovery of compass killed it. But I was under impression that I have to own Compass in order for this to happen...
I need some clarification on obsolete Wonders, please. Say, The Great Lighthouse gets obsolete with Compass. Does this mean that if Compass is discovered by ANY civ in the world -- that wonder can no longer be built or loses the effect if it is already built? I was building GL as Polynesia and Chinese discovery of compass killed it. But I was under impression that I have to own Compass in order for this to happen...
Obsolescence is specifically for your own civ in Civ IV.
Ending the turn in this save simply crashing you to the desktop with no explanation. It's on the most recent version. I would really like to finish this game, so @Crossphazer , please let me know if you can deduce the reason for this crash and how could I mitigate it?


Obsolescence is specifically for your own civ in Civ IV.
That was my experience until today. Perhaps there are additional rules for some ancient/pagan religion only wonders.
I need some clarification on obsolete Wonders, please. Say, The Great Lighthouse gets obsolete with Compass. Does this mean that if Compass is discovered by ANY civ in the world -- that wonder can no longer be built or loses the effect if it is already built? I was building GL as Polynesia and Chinese discovery of compass killed it. But I was under impression that I have to own Compass in order for this to happen...
IIRC there was a change in DoC according to which wonders can't be built if someone has the obsolescence tech anywhere in the world. But they don't lose their effect if already built until the owner has the tech.
Ending the turn in this save simply crashing you to the desktop with no explanation. It's on the most recent version. I would really like to finish this game, so @Crossphazer , please let me know if you can deduce the reason for this crash and how could I mitigate it?
Were you on the same version of the mod for the entire game? If so, what was the version number?
Were you on the same version of the mod for the entire game? If so, what was the version number?
I have updated to b41ea2d1 this morning (b41ea2d1: Give Mexico more possible settlers at spawn)
Try reverting to the version you were on before. Updating versions mid-game can often cause issues.
I did and it did not solve anything. I must be triggering some division by zero or other issue with your mod. The major suspect is the fact that I am playing Polynesians which you never playtest during this overhaul. There has to be the way to investigate and debug my save, I hope?
I did and it did not solve anything. I must be triggering some division by zero or other issue with your mod. The major suspect is the fact that I am playing Polynesians which you never playtest during this overhaul. There has to be the way to investigate and debug my save, I hope?
In the meantime, have you tried loading an autosave from a few turns prior and redoing a few turns? It would help determine if it is a deterministic failure or not.
In the meantime, have you tried loading an autosave from a few turns prior and redoing a few turns? It would help determine if it is a deterministic failure or not.
I did exactly that and it worked like a charm! It was a event for Vietnam creating a champion unit (very rare, not even sure what it does). All good now!
I did exactly that and it worked like a charm! It was a event for Vietnam creating a champion unit (very rare, not even sure what it does). All good now!
Great news for your game! If I crash I will typically load the last autosave to see if it's something deterministic or not. You narrowed it down to a champion unit creation event? How so?
Just a hunch!
Great news for your game! If I crash I will typically load the last autosave to see if it's something deterministic or not. You narrowed it down to a champion unit creation event? How so?
It did fire during the crash turn, when I went one save back. But now I realize this means the exact opposite, so :dunno:
IIRC there was a change in DoC according to which wonders can't be built if someone has the obsolescence tech anywhere in the world. But they don't lose their effect if already built until the owner has the tech.
I believe this change was to prevent civs like Aztecs, Inca, and Polynesia from getting any classical wonders that never got built in the Mediterranean, so it looks like it worked exactly as intended here.
Very happy with my 352 AD settlement of Hawaii. The date of the first settlements is a continuing debate. Kirch's textbooks on Hawaiian archeology date the first Polynesian settlements as early as 300s AD, although his more recent estimates are as late as 600. The most recent survey of carbon-dating evidence puts the arrival of the first settlers at around 940–1130. It should be much harder to settle New Zealand (which happened around 1200 AD), but the game allows to get there with the 3rd ring of the capital on Tonga island, while you need 2 Great Artists to get to Hawaii that early.


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I finished with Atua religious victory and pretty high score, while deliberately avoiding Writing and settling every available Historical Polynesian land, for extra challenge. Needless to say, Polynesians are always very enjoyable, it's a shame AI cannot settle the ocean properly. I could not help but notice a single mistake with tiles marked as historical: Tabwakea belongs to Kiribati, who are Micronesians and, just like Melanesian Fiji, should be red for Polynesians. Of course, there is no way to avoid it in game if you want to settle Hawaii, but attention to such a little details by the mod designer will prompt the player to learn something new!



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