I wonder if it could be possible to do a patch to enhance the "CITY RESOURCES" part of the city screen ...
Some proposals :
- arrows : keep the original color for those from the city tiles, and an other color (green ?) for those from trade. ... and better : display inlay the number of each category (y/c those from corruption)
- coins, jewels, bulb : keep the original colors for those from tax/lux/research from initial tile arrows initial tile arrows, and other color for those from the buildings (temples, library, ...) ... and better : display inlay the number of each category
- shields : the same
It would greatly help to manage the cities and understand importance of some improvements and trade !
Darkpanda, i realy realy love your toolbox, especially "no_quiz", "pré_game settings", "custom settings" and "speed logo". I wonder why there is not possibility to change the specs of units and improvements in the civ.exe (rather than in saved games civil.sve). There was such utilities to do that, but only on 32 bits systems (necessity to use a virtual machine). It would be super, if this feature was inclueded in you toolbox !!!
Thanx by advance
I wonder if it could be possible to do a patch to enhance the "CITY RESOURCES" part of the city screen ...
Some proposals :
- arrows : keep the original color for those from the city tiles, and an other color (green ?) for those from trade. ... and better : display inlay the number of each category (y/c those from corruption)
- coins, jewels, bulb : keep the original colors for those from tax/lux/research from initial tile arrows initial tile arrows, and other color for those from the buildings (temples, library, ...) ... and better : display inlay the number of each category
- shields : the same
It would greatly help to manage the cities and understand importance of some improvements and trade !
Darkpanda, i realy realy love your toolbox, especially "no_quiz", "pré_game settings", "custom settings" and "speed logo". I wonder why there is not possibility to change the specs of units and improvements in the civ.exe (rather than in saved games civil.sve). There was such utilities to do that, but only on 32 bits systems (necessity to use a virtual machine). It would be super, if this feature was inclueded in you toolbox !!!
Thanx by advance