[BTS] Suggestions for mid-late game examples


Feb 4, 2020
Does anyone have suggested YouTube play throughs of games that run late (i.e. space race victory or very late domination / diplomacy win)? I'd like to see some examples of more experienced players in the late stages and compare to my play. I'm curious what those better than me think of preferred tech paths after lib / astro, and when to build / not build stuff like oxford, wall street, corporations, etc. My general assessment is that I probably build too many buildings in the late game (forges, factories, hospitals, etc. to get good production for spaceship parts, then to undo the unhealthiness penalty). Same goes for observatories + laboratories - feels like I want one in most of my cities to minimize time to launch?

I typically would watch Lain, but it seems like most of his videos are domination wins, and from what I've seen he tends to wrap up games pretty early.

I have taken a gander through the stickied posts, but it seems to me that most content is a few years old or more.
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My 2 favorite games of Lain are those:

1. Playing as Kublai Khan on a large continents map with a late Science Victory (attacks included, not only peaceful)
2. Playing as Wang Kong the "Prepare to Die"-Map. Epic stuff! Also quite a lot of warfaring with a Diplomatic victory in the end on an almost impossible map script. It's probably the best Civ4 content i have ever seen.

You'r right, most of his more recent games are Dom victories, but these two maps are particularly hard and he played them with even finer tactics and consideration for what is going on around him.
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