I'm not saying you're playing the game wrong or are approaching your role in the game in the wrong way, I'm just saying this is a bad poll, as there was no specific discussion. The results of the poll would be an "on the fly" decision of the voters.
People put up bad polls all the time. They seem to be more common than good polls. I always try to point them out, as normally they are easily corrected the next time.
But we DO need more participation from everyone. It doesn't take much to start a discussion, or to join in. The saves have been moving really slowly lately. We've had time for planning. Our team leader may want to focus on starting these discussions. It's not a good idea to put all this weight on the turn player, as I've mentioned before.
Each team now gets 30 hours added to their time clock each turn. There is now need to rush. We have 96 hours banked already, so if we need to take a day or two for a discussion, we have the time factor covered.