Sullla's AI Survivor Season Seven - Game 2 Thread

Honestly, I think Mansa will actually do pretty well in this game, but I'm not going to pick him. He should most def get the first reli, and likely will end up hoarding most of them. Otherwise, no clue with this bunch how relis will turn out. No one starts with Myst or even has a reli flavor than Mansa.

I think I'm going to fall into the trap and pick Hanny here once again, so I expect to fall on my sword. I like Sully's start position and surrounding land - I think it's the best on the map. I've been torn between picking him and Hanny. However, I think it is Carthage's time and I feel he won't plant an absolute abomination of a first city like he did last year.

First: Hanny
Second: Augie (I think he will mostly do nothing this game and back into the second spot)
FTD: Lincoln (hanny or sury will kill him)

(If I had to bet money on this game I'd go with Sury)
Mansas definitely in the running for an early religion, but I dont think it's quite that simple for him to get one. While a religious flavor does assign a (10) flavor to mysticism, meditation and poly, culture also has a (7) flavor associated with mysticism and (9) attached to both meditation and polytheism. Mansa's issue here is his lack of commerce for both his 1st and 2nd cities where unless he miraculously settles next to the oasis tile, he loses the straight beeline to both culture flavor civs when vying for a religion even with turn order advantage. Of course, ais are finicky and loaded dice rolls are still dice rolls, but chances IMO definitely favor the western leaders for religions, with suryavarman with his gold + mining and SUleiman with his riverside commerce being the most likely candidates. Of course, any of the western leaders could also go for a religious beeline if the dice roll that way, and really only one of them has to found a religion for it to likely spread to the rest due to the river connection.
I just saw Augu starts with a workboat already in the video (but has no seafood) :lol:
I always say that early scout wb is important :lol:
I see no big reason not to go with Mansa here. He has a ridiculous capital, a corner spot, and yes an ok or even mediocre land around him but Augustus is also high PW and he has Skirms if he gets attacked by Sury or Biz. If Mansa manages to settle 8 cities he will tech past these guys.

It's a fairly strong field though. Sury I like but I think Sully has an amazing start improving 2 Corn right away and he's my dark horse pick for this one. Hannibal always seems to disappoint and rolls unlucky starts and here it happened again. He has a seafood start and the least room to expand of anyone. Lincoln too has very little room and his high PW is a problem. We shall see.
I choose fun.
Snake Man, once again into the breach, I choose you!
Cow power for 2nd place at least :please:
Never underestimate the POWERFUL plains-cow start.

plains-cow 5.png
Well of course, for an IMP leader like Augustus plains cow is effectively a 7.5 yield tile ;) What with that and the copper he’ll be churning out settlers like no tomorrow!
Plains-Cow: Augustus and Lincoln both have a plains-cow tile start, but Augustus' cows long to go to space. Since cows raised on the harsh plains with a dream of wandering the stars touches the soul, I cannot help but sympathize with their goal. Also Lincoln's cows have mad cow disease, so he's probably first to die.

Alright then.
My second pick suprised me last game by virtue of being being left alone and having space to build, so I'll put Sully as mine. Lincoln's a safe pick for FTD. Mansa, I'm not too sure. Start isn't great, but Sid seems to smile on him in these games for some reason, and Sury has been known to crap the bed on occasion, so I guess I'll give MM first.
Throwing out a prediction mostly based on what I want to root for.
Please don't fold like a paper bag Abe. :D

1 sury
2 sully
ftd mansa
space 310
12 wars
*Edit* So many picked space so I changed to a culture instead to have something to hope for if everything else fails. :D */Edit*
Throwing out a prediction mostly based on what I want to root for.
Please don't fold like a paper bag Abe. :D

1 sury
2 sully
ftd mansa
space 310
12 wars
*Edit* So many picked space so I changed to a culture instead to have something to hope for if everything else fails. :D */Edit*
You still have time to make your prediction in google docs.
Go Hanny!!! Don’t fail me again! (He will)
My buddy picked Hannibal.

Mansa has it unless someone punches him in the face good.

I need Suryavarmin to win and Rome to do good let's go!
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