Sullla's AI Survivor Season Six Announced

No idea Sampsa, sorry.

Asoka with the right tech picks early (Agri and Hunting after Reli), Giggles weird 3rd city.
Wow they closed in on Giggles.
Qin just ruined his early research with a miles away horsies only city oO
Shaka had his gold pillaged whaaat, 1 barb in his whole territory..:lol:

Ouch as mentioned earlier, Qin is broke and on strike..never seen that.
Asoka messed this up Lymo ;)
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Poor Asoka lol...did not expect him to do so bad expanding early

sampsa..the online bracket is not updated yet, so I can't see the picks

I did think AC was a real darkhorse here, which is why I had him second.

AC may change religions which could be bad for him though
We're seeing why AC usually does not do well in Survivor. He has a real chance of getting destroyed before an otherwise eminent victory. I'm rootin' for him though.

AC avoiding military and not even going for Space stuff..ha

AC with power move!!! lol
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I'm impressed with Shakas sheer determination, throwing units onto that hillside holy city for 150 turns, nice to see that worked out okay for him.
Also very nice to see August not messing up with the nice position he got himself into. Loverly to see that quick and well timed landgrab against Qin too!
Dankok and NZ did well in this one. NZ actually picked AC and Shaka. Surprised he went with Culture victory though or he mighta won the week.

I so struggled with actually picking AC to win in this one but he did exactly what I said he would do with the early peaceful expansion. Yet I went with lame duck Asoka...ha. I was just afraid that AC's nature would prevent him from really going for the victory..
The only thing I'm severely dissapointed with in my picking choices was Qin for second. The only reason I did that was because he shared peaceweight with Shaka/Gilga and where likely to get the same religion as Asoka (which I imagined would be the prevailing religion in that area).
Had I gone with August second I would be content that I did good picks.

Next game looks really fun! Loads of exciting possibilities there and fun AIs to root for.
Ramsy giving away the most valuable city for peace, not just at any random point in time but after actually having war success, sums things up nicely.
Stopping picks here, not cos i'm disappointed or so but i remember having more fun without hoping for something to happen. All random anyways.
Good predictions by me this time!

Augustus really flexing that Roman muscle at the end there and made an almost human-like move to attack Gilga before the Sumerian king incorporated Egypt and grew into an unstoppable monster. Gilga won a deserved wildcard finish and should have been second in all fairness but Ram gifting him that holy city was a pivotal moment in the game. +40 gpt influx when the entire economy is 200 was just a massive factor for Gilga. And the consequent switch of religion by Ram painted a huge target on his back. Honestly Ram is the one that had he kept the holy city and stayed in Islam could have actually done something... or not. He truly threw it away with that city gift although I think Gilga ends up surviving anyways. AC didn't really like Ram and would have come after him. I also thought Shaka was terrible as crazy warmongers usually are declaring war before Construction and suiciding stack after stack. I said Asoka would get dogpiled and he did.

Next game also looks totally unpredictable. Gonna have to look around the map!
I think I'm gonna have to adjust my theory after this game, and take into account more factors. I picked Gilgamesh to win since I was sure his flood plains start would give him enough of an advantage to snowball over someone and win from there. However, AI does not know how to fight wars, and you absolutely cannot depend on them to declare on the right person. Additionally, flood plains matter less because they'll just idiotically farm them like Giggles did this game, while otherwise crap cities for the human player, the AI can definitely make useful, as maintenance is nothing to them (well, except for Qin...).

So, in terms of how starting land affects AI win rate, I want to say the quality of land matters far less than quantity, the opposite of a human player. For someone like us, 6-7 cities on flood plains or whatnot is a dream, because we can't even expand that fast on deity, so even if we have space for more we may not beat the AI to it. OTOH humans actually know how to develop cottages for tech, and whip for production. For an AI, 13-14 "meh" cities will do far more good than 6-7 "great" cities, because again they pay little upkeep and grow cottages on tiles regardless if there's a river or not. Also, their food bonuses mean a plains cow to them is basically a wet corn to us. If a human has that much space they can't even fill it all, that's the problem. And that's what happened to Augustus here, he just had more land, even if it was pretty garbage. Gilgamesh, a far better techer overall with undeniably the best start on this map "for a human", just couldn't win the breakout victory he needed. You can depend on human players to win early game wars if they're stuck with limited but great land. You absolutely cannot for even the most balanced and competent AIs.
Good point on quality vs. quantity for human and AI @Fish Man .

What are everyone's thoughts on Game 4? This one seems just as unpredictable if not more at first glance.
What are everyone's thoughts on Game 4? This one seems just as unpredictable if not more at first glance.

There is a lot of good insights in this thread. :)

We have seen 3 games in a row where an AI left alone with a lot of room to expand tended to run away and win.
Frederick, Pacal, Augustus all expanded to the mid-game without getting DOW'd.
They were all also coastal-ish civs that avoided getting flattened like most of the civs that started in the middle of the map.

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3

Next, look at the preview of Game 4.

In the south are 3 low peace weight civs with Alexander, Stalin, and Brennus.

In the north are 2 high peace weight civs with Hammurabi and Elizabeth, 1 a bit above average with Charlemagne, and 1 low peace weight civ with Catherine.

Brennus is the most interesting because he won't attack at Pleased and gets massive +diplo with anyone sharing his religion given enough time.
Brennus (due to -1 starting diplo with all, +2 warmonger respect, and +0 peace weight) will start out with a First Impression of +2 to +4 with Alexander, -1 to +3 with Stalin, +0 to +4 with Catherine, and -5 to -1 with Charlemagne.
If Brennus feels like stretching out to the far northwest, his First Impression will be -7 to -3 with Hammurabi and -9 to -5 with Elizabeth depending on the rolls.
Brennus doesn't mind border tensions/stolen land tiles too much, so he usually only gives -1 diplo to his border neighbors.

Charlemagne and Brennus are the only 2 civs that start with Mysticism, and they both won't attack at Pleased.
This will be significant with anyone who shares their religion for 50 turns that they should both found.
They should also expand a bit slow at the very start without farms, roads, and mines, but deity bonuses mean AI can improve tiles very fast.

Charlemagne should have the more dominant religion with easy natural spread to England and Catherine, while Brennus will struggle to expand his religion beyond Stalin due to map distance.
Charlie also has rivers, so he won't crash his economy like Brennus might.
Hopefully Brennus sticks to his small river and settles south towards the fish and fur and later silver to keep his economy up.

Alex is the only true mad dog in the game with a constant thirst for war.

Hammurabi has bronze in his capital and Bowman (+50% vs. melee), so no early pushover there for Alex.

Brennus and Charlemagne should have religious conflict.

Alex could clobber Stalin/Elizabeth/Hammurabi relatively early if he settles bronze or beelines Iron Working.

Both Russias are in position for a good backstab when their neighbors fight.

Elizabeth might get lucky and avoid a fight long enough to really tech ahead since Hammy shares her peace weight and won't DOW at Pleased, but with 4 low peace weight leaders on the map her luck will run out sooner or later.

I like the two Russias, but Catherine might get squeezed if Charlie sends his holy city east, and Stalin is still surrounded ultimately even with his great land of corn and gold.

If I had to pick someone to win, (zooming out and looking at the overall resource map), I'd say don't listen to me because I haven't won at picking a single time yet :lol:

I probably want Alex for domination.
Pigs, rice, plains hill capital with an Iron hill and +27:hammers: per turn production. (Heroic Epic with marble too much to ask?)
That's swords + horse archers + jumbos easily.
Just need him to run over Elizabeth or Stalin!
Fishing and rivers should keep his teching afloat at the start of the game.

Charlemagne will eventually share vassalage with Alex for +diplo hmm

So hard to bet against Cossacks.
Wasn't there a past game where 2 Russias conquered the world?
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Damn I took a look at this map and really thought about it and I still struggle to see who wins.

I think Charlie and Brennus will have different religions and be each other's worst enemies. Given that Catherine and Stalin are beside them with both being quite aggressive and declaring on Pleased I think one of Charlie/Brennus is likely gonna be a victim of a dogpile and first to die. And I think it will be a bit tough for either to win here. Alex cannot be pacified, Cathy can hardly be pacified and Stalin doesn't care about religion.

Stalin has a good start including lots of happiness resources pre-Calendar but has Alex as a neighbor. If the Greek doesn't attack him and goes after Hammy or maybe Liz he can do very well. As is I'm probably most confident in his chances. If Alex doesn't attack him I'd go as far as calling him a favorite.

Cathy does a great job expanding but she is is very aggressive and doesn't have easy targets nearby. She could also get squeezed on land if Charlie settles towards her. Still I might choose her as second place. Russian duo for the win!

Liz is normally a peacenik who gets clobbered but here she has a chance. On one side is Hammy who isn't aggressive. On the other side is Charlie who is on the same river and whose religion likely spreads to Liz. If Alex and Stalin fight for a long time and Charlie/Cathy like her she could be free to build for a long time and get very far ahead in tech. Her land is quite nice. She's actually done reasonably well in past seasons too.

Alex I find unlikely to win because he's likely to attack someone pre-Construction and lose a lot of units plus there are no squishy targets around anyways. Liz is a bit too far to attack early, Hammy has Bowmen and Copper in his BFC and Stalin is no pushover. But like I said; if he attacks Stalin he will torpedo both of their games.

Hammy will just sit in his corner and build wonders and just wait to die. Don't see him winning.

My Picks

1st Place: Stalin
2nd Place: Cathy
First to Die: Brennus
Victory Type: Spaceship
Victory Turn: 330
This will be chaos... again... and I love it.

I am a little bit behind in the contest, so a Stalin to win pick is not going to make me climb the rankings. Instead I've gambled on another possibility:

Elizabeth, Space.
Stalin, 2nd.
Alexander, FTD.

I do depend on a few things, though. Alexander to DoW Stalin in the South instead of one of the high peaceweight leaders up North. Charlemagne and Catherine to have enough quarrels in the East to effectively negate their winning chances. Stalin to be too busy with Alexander/Brennus down South to smell the dangers as Elizabeth gets her scientists to work overtime to figure out how to escape the planet before Stalin is ready to march up North.

Good luck in the contest. Starting in less than two hours now. GET YOUR PREDICTIONS IN, ASAP!

Yep, this is another tough one. I juggled ideas on who I thought would win and be ftd, ultimately reversing one idea completely with making who I thought ftd finish second. I liked Kait's logic and went with Alex for domination. Cathy second. Anything could happen here.
I went with Cathy to win, but Hammy FTD.

I expect Alex to punch through but not make it to escape velocity. I imagine he will kill Hammy and dent Lizzy but after that I think he will fall behind.
I added Charly as #2 because I hope he and Cathy will buddy up.

This game feels completely random, very hard to guess outcome.
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