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[BNW] Super Power: Clash of Civilizations - A fully upgraded version of SuperPower

It didn't help. I've tried both (v 87) and (v 88) versions of DLL mod, but it's still broken.
I was really looking forward to playing this mod..

That's weird. I'm playing again and again this mod without any major bug
The receipe I applied : CivV Clean install + Mod from Unpacked Version + VMCv88 from pick'n Mix
Minor bug, Trick or new feature ?
About puppet city again
All is said through the 3 pics below...


  • Civ5Screen0_1.jpg
    735.4 KB · Views: 837
  • Civ5Screen0_2.jpg
    623.4 KB · Views: 449
  • Civ5Screen0_3.jpg
    617.5 KB · Views: 576
That's weird. I'm playing again and again this mod without any major bug
The receipe I applied : CivV Clean install + Mod from Unpacked Version + VMCv88 from pick'n Mix

Reinstalled the game from steam backup files and got the same issue. Since my steam backup was not created for clean game, I've uninstalled it and then downloaded clean game from steam and again got the same issue...

Maybe there is a conflict with other DLCs I have - Conquest of the new World Deluxe (I was under impression this one is a MUST together with Korea) and Monglos DLC.

I will disable these two DLCs and try without them - the last attempt to make it work :)

I saw that there was a tech tree issue in Super Powers v5.0 and then it was fixed. Also the same issue was reported many times on steam forums for this Mod.

When I start the game without 'Varoius mods components DLL' tech tree is OK, but lots of other stuff gets broken of course. So maybe the tech tree issue is caused by DLL mod.
"(3) A “MOD Option” will be available in the future versions to allow the player to turn on/off some mod mechanism like Electricity, immigration, nuclear winter and so on."

I am looking forward to seeing these options. The current immigration mechanics is everything but balance i believe. It kills definitely the losers and strengthen the winner. I'm speaking about international immigration of course.
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Awesome work, better then ever, thanks! :)

I tried to modify a few features, nothing big, just tweaks. One however doesn't work how it supposed to. It's the "NewPopulationRule.lua", especially the part, where a settler costs population of a city. I expanded that feature to almost all combat units. In previous mod version it worked just fine, but now every unit, even civic, religious etc. cost me population. And if I train the settler I get two notification, although only one pop is consumed. Don't know where the bug is, maybe someone can tell me where and how to fix it.

Here is the code, I did it in a new function, the settler function is untouched:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Combat Units & Population---------------------------------------
function CombatUnitTrainedCity(iPlayer, iCity, iUnit, bGold, bFaith)
   local pPlayer = Players[iPlayer]
   local pUnit = pPlayer:GetUnitByID(iUnit)
   local pCity = pPlayer:GetCityByID(iCity)
   local CityPop = pCity:GetPopulation()  
   local NewCityPop = CityPop
   if pUnit ~= nil then
       if pUnit:GetUnitType()== GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SPARTAN300 or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_NUMIDIAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ELITE_RIDER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ZHENGHE_FLEET or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DANISH_SKI_INFANTRY or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_LAND_IRONCLAD or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_RUSSIAN_COSSACK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SUPER_TANK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SUPER_BATTLESHIP or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_TASKFORCE_141 or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MECH or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_WARRIOR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MILITIA_ANCIENT or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CONSCRIPTMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MILITIA_MODERN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_NATIONAL_GUARD or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_JAPANESE_SAMURAI or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_FRENCH_MUSKETEER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_WWI_PARATROOPER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MARINE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_PARATROOPER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_EGYPT_UNIT777 or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_XCOM_SQUAD or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_AZTEC_JAGUAR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SWORDSMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ROMAN_LEGION or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_LONGSWORDSMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_KRIS_SWORDSMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DANISH_BERSERKER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MUSKETMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_RIFLEMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SWEDISH_CAROLEAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CELT_BLACKWATCH or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_GREAT_WAR_INFANTRY or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_INFANTRY or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SPEARMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_PERSIAN_IMMORTAL or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_GREEK_HOPLITE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_PIKEMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SPANISH_TERCIO or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ZULU_IMPI or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_HORSEMAN or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_KNIGHT or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_OTTOMAN_SIPAHI or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_LANCER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_WWI_TANK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_TANK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_GERMAN_PANZER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MAIN_BATTLE_TANK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_RUSSIAN_T80 or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ZULU_OLIFANT or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MODERN_ARMOR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CHINESE_TYPE99 or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_PERSIAN_ZULFIQAR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CHARIOT_ARCHER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_HUN_HORSE_ARCHER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MEDIEVAL_CHARIOT or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MONGOLIAN_KESHIK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_BOMBARD or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_AZTEC_EAGLE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CAVALRY or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_AUSTRIAN_HUSSAR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_BERBER_CAVALRY or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CRUISER_TANK or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_HUN_BATTERING_RAM or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_NAVAL_MILITIA or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CORVETTE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DANISH_ABSALON or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_TRIREME or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_GALLEASS or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DANISH_DRAGONSHIP or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_FRIGATE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_OTTOMAN_PRIVATEER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SPANISH_ARMADA or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_IRONCLAD or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DESTROYER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MODERN_DESTROYER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_KOREAN_SEJONG_CLASS or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_BYZANTINE_DROMON or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SLOOP_OF_WAR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DUTCH_SEA_BEGGAR or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_LIGHT_IRONCLAD or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SUBMARINE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_GERMAN_UBOAT or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_NUCLEAR_SUBMARINE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_VENETIAN_GALLEASS or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_KOREAN_TURTLE_SHIP or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SHIP_OF_THE_LINE or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_PROTECTED_CRUISER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_HEAVY_CRUISER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_MISSILE_CRUISER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_FRANCE_MISTRAL or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_DREADNOUGHT or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_ROMAN_REUMBERTO or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_BATTLESHIP or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_FUTURE_BATTLESHIP or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CARRIER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_NUCLEAR_CARRIER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_AMERICAN_NIMITZ or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SUPER_CARRIER or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_CARAVEL or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_PORTUGUESE_NAU or
       GameInfoTypes.UNIT_SSBN then
           NewCityPop = CityPop - 1
           pCity:SetPopulation(NewCityPop, true)----Set Real Population

           local text = Locale.ConvertTextKey("TXT_KEY_SP_NOTIFICATION_SETTLER_TRAINED_CITY", pUnit:GetName(), pCity:GetName())
           local heading = Locale.ConvertTextKey("TXT_KEY_SP_NOTIFICATION_SETTLER_TRAINED_CITY_SHORT", pUnit:GetName(), pCity:GetName())
           pPlayer:AddNotification(NotificationTypes.NOTIFICATION_STARVING, text, heading, pUnit:GetX(), pUnit:GetY())
Problem when using the DLL File the tech tree is bug but when I don't use it the unit command panel does not show up. Please help!
Problem when using the DLL File the tech tree is bug but when I don't use it the unit command panel does not show up. Please help!

I had the same problem (like many other people on steam forums), but now it works fine.

The explanation in my case is that Installation requirements for this this Mod are incorrect.

it says required DLC are:
Gods & Kings
 Brave New World
 Civilization and Scenario Pack: Korea

But this is not the case.
Several weeks ago I've bought all leader DLCs (90% off sale on Steam, I had only Korea & Monglols before) and Ancient Wonders DLC since it was must have for Vox Populi Mod.
I tried again this mod few days ago, just to check is it finally working and it does!

So my conclusion is - Various DLLs mod require ALL Leader DLCs + Ancient Wonder DLC to work properly.

Maybe someone can update the SP Mod Install reqs...
I had the same problem (like many other people on steam forums), but now it works fine.

The explanation in my case is that Installation requirements for this this Mod are incorrect.

it says required DLC are:
Gods & Kings
 Brave New World
 Civilization and Scenario Pack: Korea

But this is not the case.
Several weeks ago I've bought all leader DLCs (90% off sale on Steam, I had only Korea & Monglols before) and Ancient Wonders DLC since it was must have for Vox Populi Mod.
I tried again this mod few days ago, just to check is it finally working and it does!

So my conclusion is - Various DLLs mod require ALL Leader DLCs + Ancient Wonder DLC to work properly.

Maybe someone can update the SP Mod Install reqs...
So exactly which DLC do I need?
I want to ask is there a way to modify this mod to NOT lose population in cities because of soldier deaths?
Can someone explain to me what an efficient way is to find the cause of my bug? I have the first turn production bug, had it for a long time and I really want to fix it now.
I want to ask is there a way to modify this mod to NOT lose population in cities because of soldier deaths?

Open Lua\Economy\NewPopulationRule.lua.
Add "--" at the beginning of the lines "GameEvents.UnitKilledInCombat.Add(UnitDeathCounterAI)" and "GameEvents.CombatResult.Add(UnitDeathCounter)" - they will be out-commented, thus the functions, called by this lines, will not work and no pops will be lost if a unit dies.
Uhm, I'm new to debugging(I've been modding CivV for 2 years now but it's only now that I actually post anything) and I'm not really sure why but... When I throw the Tsar bomb on somebody's capital(the Byzantines. Damn them and their religious fervor.) my game crashes... The game was on random seed and I've confirmed it twice...

Also, what map/settings do you guys recommend to enjoy Super Power? I myself play on a PerfectWorld3 map on lvl8 AI
Spoiler :
but mid-game I have to save some poor friendly civ against that military superpower then get denounced by that same poor civ I saved a few turns ago just because I took a small coastal city(and kept it) from that super power(it's almost always Germany) to keep him in check since small coastal captured cities are really easy to defend with a well-planned preparation, specially when Airlifts are available and I can just go buy a courthouse, a city hall building, and military buildings, then fly in my land units, secure the border, spread some SF units to scout... and sit there until the Super power had drained all his resources on re-taking that city that I would have some leeway to field a carrier or four and basically bomb the hell out of everything while fighting a two/three/seven front war back home... God how I love subs and SF units for scouting and reconnaissance.
and by mid-game if I don't join in the war everybody would leave me alone and win by cultural victory 200-300 turns later since the last dude standing would be too large and thin to oppose me culturally...
It's seems mod abonded. Sad.

It is
SP is one of the best full conversion mod ever with very unique features and very clever global changes.
Nevertheless there is a hope. CoC v5.7b came without expectation nor communication. Lincoln_lyf doesn't appear very talkative. As the promise at #1 a final version could be released someday

Lincoln_ly, tell us it will
I experienced some crashing in the 1400's and beyond, could be a bug or a memory issue? Whatever is causing my game to crash I hope it's fixed in 6.0, if fixed this could be the absolute greatest CivV mod ever made. I'm hoping Lincoln surprises us with an update.:)
This has been one of my favorite mods of all time ... I really hope one day you will work on the transition to CIVILIZATION VI !!! This mod is outstanding!!!
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