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Aug 12, 2004
yo im goku frum plant namec thsi is my frst NSE plz join

100 soldiers
12 robot mehk
21 baots
38 playnes

maek yur own cuontry but ti cant b bettr than mien. M me an il inspcet it
peace out

SSJ Goku
k i aded 1 moer ****ry

Plante earf
35 solders
3 robot mechz
5 boatz
5 plaenz

plz repli now i no lot ov peopel waent to b earf

I looked at this..And now I can't stop laughing.
Hey goku!I'll be plante earf!What now?
I will maek mhi own cuontry its called Kalinia on the plant Earf
500 bttl emek!
Whens update?

I Want Update!

ten words :D
Can I run a plant and a plante at the same time?
hey i no u all want 2 paly but b pashint, update wil coem in 4 hors.

plz sign oup

story is :

goku is un truble because of the sayans arte coming for him.

vegeta and napa r going to kil u unles yo u join forces

who wants to be gohan/
I wanna be that one dude, you know the one who does that thing and he says something before. But when he does it something happens and then he can fly.
Jason The King said:
...who are you? and what is this?
iam goku of corse who r u? i never herd ov u
You have never heard of Jason the King of all things. He rules this world with an iron fist and his band of evil talking cats who roam the country side killing anyone who disobays him. Each year on the 30th of february he gets orders from satin who is his master.
julia cn b lpantet joopitur
satlin is gohan my son i gaev him plantet powerer he has 50 mekz 10 baots 89 soljurs
aymon is plante muun he has psykik powerz snd me ordrs for wahr now plz
peace goku
Julius Gandi said:
You have never heard of Jason the King of all things. He rules this world with an iron fist and his band of evil talking cats who roam the country side killing anyone who disobays him. Each year on the 30th of february he gets orders from satin who is his master.
eww i totly h8 catz they r bratz bcuz they eat ratz
Julia who the **** is julia? Satlin WTH is going im not on one of those LSD trips am i?
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