"Surely, you must be joking!" - Why?

I'll never get over Macho Grande.
"The passengers had a choice between Chicken or Fish". "That's right, I had the lasagna".
This map had 8 civs, including me, Roosevelt (Friendly), Gandhi (Roosevelt's vassal)(Firendly), Suryavarman (my vassal), Justinian (my vassal), Saladin (my vassal), Joao II (my vassal) and Zara Yaqoob, the wonder hog. Now, I and my vassals controlled much more than half of the map and still had NO Aluminium. Also, oil was very scarce. So, I had to go for the civs who had oil first - Saladin and Joao II. They were also much weaker than Zara. Also Roosevelt and Gandhi had been very friendly towards me and combined, they had quite a lot of units. Attacking Zara was the easier route IMO.

Why didn't you go UN diplo?
Because Roosevelt would have been my opponent, and he had Gandhi as his vassal. Where would I get the votes from?
Because Roosevelt would have been my opponent, and he had Gandhi as his vassal. Where would I get the votes from?


If you're #1 in pop just gift mass media to the person you want to run against and you win.

If you're #1 in pop just gift mass media to the person you want to run against and you win.

I had though about it, but I would have had to give 2-3 techs extra in order to give mass media to Joao, so I decided not to. In hindsight, it was a mistake - I should have gifted the techs to Joao along with a GE who was sitting around and the game would have been won then and there.

I really need to stop playing Noble, but it is no much fun in BTS. The AI isn't as stupid as it was in vanilla and I haven't really liked the monarch level the few times I have played. Still, I guess that I will have to move on to ensure that the game isn't won by the middle ages itself.
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