SURVEY: Which of the most common community Civ suggestions would you like to see included in DLC? [Link in the post]


Feb 4, 2024
Link can be found here:

When you are done, you can see the total community results.
Just a headsup. Despite filling the poll, I can't see the results. Is this intentional or do you intend to reveal the results later?
Great initiative. :)
Slightly surprised by the overwhelming opinion that a mesopotamian civ should have been in the base game, I feel like Persia fills that geographical niche well enough for the base game.
Bit off-topic, but I cracked up laughing when I saw the first reply is "This poll is not up to standard. The choices are not neutral. The options are not varied."
Persia is much younger. Mesopotamia is a cradle of civilization, it's quite different and important.
Aye, I think mesopotamia is too important to not be in the game eventually, but I don't think it not being in the base game is an issue.

"Sid Meier leads the Civ Fanatics Civilization in Sid Meier's Civilization VII ... his unique ability is "This poll is not up to standard. The choices are not neutral. The options are not varied." granting random bonuses of either positive or negative amounts of gold, culture, happiness, or science based on the number of unknown resources, civilizations, city-states each turn".


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I wonder what a neutral suggestion even is?
The real answer: I think hes not referring to the suggested civs but the poll itself. instead of having Elaborate Qualitative Text explaining each polling option (like look how long and how many descriptors are on the no option on the farthest right), replace it with just a Quantitative Number Scale with the left being the "most necessary at launch" and the right being "not needed in the game" or whatever; Idk as people say "any poll is a goal" and people can construe any poll to get to any conclusion they really want to see if they word the prompts right".

Joke Answer: Adding Modern India with nuclear unique abilities :nuke: for a nuclear Gandhi!
I forgot to add Modern Ashanti and Malagasy to my response for the open additional selections question.
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I would only like mesoamerica to get more examples , also antiquity has no mesoamerican option or examples.

Antiquity: ej: Olmecs, Teotihuacan, Zapotec
Exploration: ej: Purepecha, Aztec, Itza Mayans

as for the results, man look at that clamour for mesopotamian civ.
Link can be found here:

When you are done, you can see the total community results.
Why isn't there an option for Celts?
I wanted to say, you did a good job! However I have some critical comments:

Maybe it's just me, but I think it's a big mistake to conflate "Essential" with "Should have / could have been in base game"? There is a ton of civs whom I consider to be simultaneously "essential" (they have to be in or personally I'd love them to be in, the faster the better) and "they don't need to be in the base game", or even "they are essential DLC additions but they shouldn't be in the base game".

I think it would be much simpler if preference for a given civ was simply on a 1-5 scale with 1 being "I don't care for them" ("poor inclusion") and 5 being "I'd love to see them!".

Also, does it even make sense for a poll to include civs which are practically guaranteed anyway? Like, come on, it's 100% certain we get Mesopotamia, Ottomans, Norse, Korea, Aztecs, Portugal etc. It's practically a wasted poll slot to include them here.

Second comment: Sahel civs were not ancient! They absolutely belong to the exploration era, with some modern era leftovers (Sokoto).
Hausa themselves are medieval civ. The only Sahelian civilization that could be stretched into antiquity is Ghana, and even there it's more of a "Khmer-Missisipi treatment" of being logical progenitor rather than historical chronology.

Third comment: Austria does not equal HRE, those are two separate things. Also, I'd say HRE is a candidate for the medieval civ, seeing how it's centuries of being actually functional were early and high medieval, whereas Austria - modern civ (it only became political powerhouse from the late 15th century onwards and cultural from the 18th onwards). Especially if we define "modern" from the 17th century onwards (see: Mughals).
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By "essential" I mean "5/5, personally I would love to see them".

Germanic civ (esp. Goths) - essential, Germanic era II and era III civs really need non-Roman, non-Greek progenitor, plus Goths would be super cool. They'd also double as a progenitor for later era Spanish, Portuguese and Italian civs (kingdoms of Visigoths and Ostrogoths).
Gauls - essential, you add them and you have a progenitor civ for like half of European continent.
Yamato Japan - not essential though I'd like it. Mainly because ancient Japan was really underdeveloped (writing only began in the early 6th century, for example, half a millenium after Koreans) and I'd be fine with beginning with Han or ancient Korea before becoming Japan.
Steppe civ (esp. Scythians) - essentials, enormous potential as a cool progenitor civ. Scythians in particular would be crazy, as they could be a sensible progenitor for Mongols, all Turkic peoples, Iranian civs, some Indian civs, Central Asia in general, Ukraine, Hungarians, Bulgarians, and even Poland if you stretch it (and are aware of the Scythian origin myth of Polish nobility :D )

Varangians - why are they even in a poll? I have never seen them requested by anybody.
Fatimids - I would reframe them as "Islamic Egyptian dynasty" or Fatimids/Ayyubids/Mamluks and they I'd even consider moving them up to "essential" vote, since I love the idea of civ game finally acknowledging the existence of post-ancient Egypt. It could even have its own full lineup, with Muhammad Ali's or Nasser's Egypt in the third era.
Oman - at first I wanted to vote for them as poor inclusion due to their limited importance, but then I realized they are almost unique (after perhaps Tunisia) as a navy-oriented Arabic civ, so they are fine.
Edo Japan - I'd reframe it as "exploration era Japan" since it doesn't need to be Edo. Anyway I'd consider it essential in a way, because Japanese civ beginning only in the modern era feels really off.
HRE - separate from Austria. Essential imo- we have Charlemagne, finally we have a civ game where they make sense to be added, they'd be a progenitor to many civs, and they are much cooler than Teutons as a progenitor for Germany imo, due to being less... stereotypically militaristic and expansive.

Ottomans - see, now this is the "essential civ" which I'd also call "should be in the base game"!
Modern indigenous civ - essential, I want to start as NA indians and end as NA indians, not USA.
Italy - essential, they really deserve to be in the game, preceded by some era II Italian city state...
Safavids - they could be named "Iran" and combine stuff of Safavids, Nader Shah, Zand dynasty, Qajar and later Iran.
Anyway I'd consider them essential, because I desperately desire non-Achaemenid Iranian content.
Ethiopia - essential, the most notable modern era African civ, and we already got Axum.
Sahel civ - we practically only have Sokoto as a decent modern choice here. As unpopular as this notion is, I'd call it essential,
because I'd like for every part of Africa to have its own lineup, not being all mashed together. E.g. Ghana -> Songhai -> Sokoto.
I would also love for Nigeria to have some more representation.
Zulu - poor inclusion. Why? Because they've been in every civ game ever, and they always have the same boring features and design.
Canada/Australia - poor inclusion, because we had way to many Anglo-attached civs last time...
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Omani should be in Modern, not Exploration. But still, great poll.
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