Survival: The Next CFCRPG

I dig into the ground to get the rock out. Maybe it'll help us with getting across.
Wait! Shouldn't we test the water to see if it's piranha-infested?
Well better safe than sorry. We should test the waters first.
You can't "test" the water, they don't swim near shore.

Anyways they're not in the part of the Amazon that we are on. The only part of the Amazon with rapids is in Ecuador.
Perf, you go take a swim in the rapids. if we lose you in there, it's no big loss. :p
I say we trust Perfection, he is the professor after all, build a raft and attempt to get the piece of aluminium. :)
The piece of the ruined canoe will not make a good raft as it is only half the boat. As soon as people get on it, it will sink.

Cube digs up the piece of stone. According to Professor Perfection, it is the making of an ancient native tribe. The writing takes a while to decifer, but the Professor says it points out that the small brush nearby is a type of poisonous plant.

There are no pirannas in the water.
Carefull, it might be poison Ivi
Suddenly you see a man run out of the forest. "MUMAMBA! MUMAMBA!" He screams. His face is completely white and his eyes are so big you can barely tell he had eyelids. He is wearing the skin of a leopard. A water cask and spear are tied to his back.
Uhh, being an entertainer, I don't know WHAT I can do to help this situation. *runs away* :p
Stop! Stop!

*runs to the man and tackles him*
Good thinking, Perf! Now try to force it into him while I attempt to distract him!
The native man drinks the calming potion. He then says something in Japanese! Civgeneral knows minimal Japanese and makes out "God, War, There, Mumamba". The man then falls asleep because of the potion. He is out cold. Perfection figures he'll be asleep for several hours. But wait! Superevie finds writing on the tablet...

Mumamba, God of War
Originally posted by Perfection
Woah Woah, where'd this tablet come from?

The tablet Superevie found with the description of the poisonous plants. When you threw it in the Amazon it must have washed back up.
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