Suzerain bonus capped at 100%?


Jul 11, 2013
Both the International Space Agency (+10% Science per CS Suzerain) and Collective Activism (+10% Culture) seem to be capped at 100% even if you are the Suzerain of more than 10 CS's.

In my current game, I'm Suzerain of 27 CS's, my base science is 777.6, my total science reads 1555.2, and tracking how many turns it takes to research stuff, 1555.2 seems to be about what I'm getting. Per the drop down, though, my bonus from Suzerain says "+270% (+2099.6)", so my total science should be 777.6 + 2099.6 = 2,877.2, so I'm getting majorly ripped off.

Culture is doing the same thing--it says 270% bonus, but the math is working out to 100% bonus.

Anyone not seeing this behavior?
I experienced the same cap.
The Civ Score you get is also capped !
If you need for example 7,500 science to get 2 Civ score points and you get per turn more than 15,000, you do not get 4 civ score points per turn, but 2.
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