[GS] Sweden Discussion Thread

They said they wanted players to play the map in Gathering Storm. And with Sweden where you'll want to settle on all 5 differents sort of terrains, we can say they nailed it.
Colonies...colonies EVERYWHERE. *Insert picture of Buzz/Woody*
When I first looked at the Nobel Peace Prize screen and saw a "1" next to a Great Scientist and Great Musicians I thought this must mean one point per turn for each, but apparently it is you get a free Great Scientists and Great Musician.

The Nobel Peace prize look like it'll influence games for sure. If Sweden is in my game i'm for sure going to be aiming to get lots of Diplomatic Favour.
It's really easy to snowball GWAMs anyway, even without bonuses towards earning them. Well, easy if Kongo, Russia and Greece aren't in the game, I mean. :lol:
The song is an old drinking song, "helan går" :lol:

I hit the mark fairly well I guess. My guess of the Carolean as a unique unit was right and the open air museum (skans) was my second guess as unique building/district. I had also suspected Minerva of the North would be the name of her ability and some great people generation bonus being involved.

Now, what I had NOT expected is Sweden to be so heavily culture focused. There are some interesting mechanics related to the open air museum that will have you totally reconsider where to settle your cities.

(Also, I think it may be the same voice actor as that of Brigitte in Overwatch)
What I'm really curious about is whether the Nobel Prize competitions trigger after Sweden is eliminated from the game.
So Sweden wants to go out and settle desert? Seems strange to me. I like they went with something different though.
I should say that I was disappointed to see that English "British Museum" will be replaced, as I really enjoy the ability. Luckily, with Minerva of the North giving me something similar to British Museum, I think I can safely proclaim that Sweden will be among my favourite Civs to play.

I like Swedens Biblotechmathingy much more than the British Museum.

As much as the BM was cool, it felt silly being able to build more than one. BM would work better as a Wonder.
Now, what I had NOT expected is Sweden to be so heavily culture focused. There are some interesting mechanics related to the open air museum that will have you totally reconsider where to settle your cities.

Same here, thought it would be heavier Diplo/Great Person focus
Noble Prize world congress: It begins at Industrial, which the game never last that long.
UU: Too late.

Yeah, yeah...they're a late game Civ. Well, mid to late game.
So Pedro II and Kristina will be best buddies in game. :)
Yeah, yeah...they're a late game Civ. Well, mid to late game.
Depend on when they get their UI as that seems to be their biggest strength and if they can get it early they can produced 100+ Culture relative early in the game. The rest of the stuff however is kind of late.
The Carolean is a little weird and its ability is a bit ahistorical. The Caroleans were known for their highly aggressive attack favoring to get into melee as soon as possible and also carrying more melee weapons than their equivalents. They were not pike and shot however, they were line infantry. The tactics made sense as Sweden was a low population country so battles of attrition hurt them far more than their enemies, it was better to rout the enemy and end the battle as soon as possible.
But did they have problem with hands at Firaxis? Tamar's hands look too big and to heavy, while those of Kristina appear to thin and ridiculous, like toddler hands.
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