I'm gonna be honest i have No idea what most of that means Haseri. Also where did your dollar amounts for the ship components come from, i hadnt really thought about the cost of my ship. Being an english lord of some wealth Craven just bought it or convinved the crown to do so. But i do like the idea of having value for component pieces so that if/when i wanna upgrade or build a new ship i can kinda gauge wether i'm overdoin it through that system. Did you just make the numbers up?
edit: also when it comes to calculating the speed of my ship i'm gonna leave it at 'fast' and never again think about it unless i upgrade it to make it 'more fast' hahaha
I did not make the numbers up, no. I suppose the writers of the GURPS Spaceships supplements, where I got the statistics (Books 1 and 7 specifically), did.
It doesn't really matter about the costs (I was thinking of reducing the Ether Screw's cost anyway, to account for the slower acceleration). Story always trumps reality in these situations. It was more of a mental exercise for myself and an aid just in case the fancy ever takes me to map my ship. And I'm glad the results were close.
For my next trick, I shall stat my characters out in GURPS! Mostly so I can work out story fights, like the one I'm planning.
And another thing: If we say GURPS $200 ~=~ £1 in this game, my ether flyer costs around £6000.
@Starlife: Hey, it could be made with 3e Vehicles rules - the modular system of Spaceships is quite elagent, if that's the right word. It only gets math-heavy when working out delta-V with large amounts of tanks and travel times, other than that it is just simple adding.