Tales from the Ether (pre-NES)

It seems that I've become a bit busy - can't even get my orders in for PerfNES. School is really picking up and it'll be this way until I finish my research (will will be at the end of March). The only thing "fun" I have time for is sometimes making maps, and that is about 10 minutes here and there. So, the update will have to wait for another week, perhaps even another 2 weeks, because I want to write a quality one (not a rushed one). Sorry about that. But, I suggest people use this time to continue writing and moving their characters along.

What I'll do is pass the season today - so now we can be in Fall 1889. The update will thus consist of 2 seasons.
Story going to be up later this week - I'm going to say the authorities let us take the lizardman back, much more interesting.
Hey, I found a guy on youtube that has some animations of weaons from this period, could be useful for strorytelling. Here.
On Spring Break until Monday, too drunk to concoct proper plots, will add more on Tuesday.

EDIT: He isn't as reliable as I am (likely by virtue of being a worthless damn Mick), but Freeman is also down here in the tropics this week.
I'm sorry I haven't written any stories. I've been distracted. I will try to make an effort this week.
That's what I'm waiting for.
I am working on it. It is epic. A lot will begin to change in Europe this time around. And everyone has gotten into a sufficient amount of trouble. :D

I will be done with everything by school at the end of this week (Friday). So that should help speed things up (until the next research project).

Letting you all know I'm still around and still looking to post an update sometime soon. I enjoy the stories that have been posted.
The update might be short in terms of stuff about players. Milarqui is obviously working on radio, but other than that there isn't much to go by. Not even sure where exactly the Blue Argo is right now, other than somewhere on Mars. Which is fine, but it's just that I won't be able to post much about that. Just letting you all know in advance.
I stole from Russians! And there's my Automatic Rifle! ...and that is about it yeah, other than some investigations west of the Kolonie.
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