Tancredo: If attacked, bomb Mecca!


Don't make me destroy you
Apr 18, 2004
Death Star

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo’s campaign stood by his assertion that bombing holy Muslim sites would serve as a good “deterrent” to prevent Islamic fundamentalists from attacking the United States, his spokeswoman said Friday.

“This shows that we mean business,” said Bay Buchanan, a senior Tancredo adviser. “There’s no more effective deterrent than that. But he is open-minded and willing to embrace other options. This is just a means to deter them from attacking us.”

On Tuesday, Tancredo warned a group of Iowans that another terrorist attack would “cause a worldwide economic collapse.” IowaPolitics.com recorded his comments.

“If it is up to me, we are going to explain that an attack on this homeland of that nature would be followed by an attack on the holy sites in Mecca and Medina,” Tancredo said. “That is the only thing I can think of that might deter somebody from doing what they would otherwise do. If I am wrong, fine, tell me, and I would be happy to do something else. But you had better find a deterrent, or you will find an attack.”

Tom Casey, a deputy spokesman for the State Department, told CNN’s Elise Labott that the congressman’s comments were “reprehensible” and “absolutely crazy.” Tancredo was widely criticized in 2005 for making a similar suggestion.

If we are attacked with nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, or any other form of attack that would kill massive numbers of Americans, then it would be my policy to launch a counterstrike that would destroy Medina. A second attack, would prompt me to order the complete destruction of Mecca.
I know this was part of another thread, but I don't see the link....

on topic -- I think this is ridiculous. Maybe it's a deterrent, or maybe it's a way to piss off the REST of the middle eastern population. Talk about jihad...

This guy won't win anyway, so I'm not worried about it.

EDIT: That's like them bombing the Vatican, no? lol

If we are attacked with nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons, or any other form of attack that would kill massive numbers of Americans, then it would be my policy to launch a counterstrike that would destroy Medina. A second attack, would prompt me to order the complete destruction of Mecca.

OK, wow. Why?

This would only make the situation worse. Most Muslims are either indifferent towards the West or are willing to engage in dialog. This would only offend them all beyond all reason and drive them into a rage. It's not a matter of proportionality but rather American power: you can forget keeping Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt in the American fold, and if you even think that anything American can be placed in Turkey or any other Muslim country ever again, you are horribly, horribly wrong. India may be offended as well; I don't know about anybody else, though I wouldn't be surprised if the European reaction was harsh. Beyond that, we're talking big-time revolution across the Middle East. In other words: destroy Muslim holy cities=goodbye American power.
All the leftist like to toss around things like "proportional response" that would be in proportion for me.
I think we ought to do it preemptively (you never know what those terrists are up to).
Let's respond to the deaths of innocent civilians by killing more innocent civilians...wow....peope's logical consistency or lack thereof never ceases to amaze me.
Well if saying you would retaliate by destroying there holy playce could withhender an attack I say talk away, but i would think actualy going through with it for any reason is petty and ignorant. Most muslims are not fundamental exetremists. Also it is possible that a terrorist would gain alot of support if a western country attacked any institution of islam.
Based into what?

That they are born in Medina or Mecca, or that they just happen to follow the same religion some other people do and they together share the same holy cities?

Great, so if some jews or christians bomb you, you bomb Jerusalem or Vatican?
I really wish I could see a Futurama-style "What if" scenario of "What if Mecca was nuked?".
This is the fundamental flaw in many Republicans' foreign policy:

"If we assault them in the most infuriating way possible, maybe they won't attack us anymore." :pat:
Under certain circumstances, a response such as that could be justified.

We do not live under such circumstances.

If a nation is fighting a war against another nation, then attacking the sites important to a nation may be justified. But the US can't really withstand being at war against the entire world. And there are undoubtedly Muslim fanatics out there who would consider the loss of Mecca a small price to pay.

(I should watch what I say though, or he may go after Salt Lake City . . .)
Tancredo on terrorists:

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
it makes sense if you assume muslim = teh enemy!!!!1111!!11

however the sane people know that bombing meca will just make more terrorists when you anger a billion people. Not to mention choosing civilian targets is a very genocidal thing to do
Only problem is what to do if attacked by an atheist ?
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