
Who should be taxed more?

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Formerly God
Jul 1, 2001
Who should be taxed more? The single parent earning 13K a year or the wealthy middle aged couple earning 70K+ a year?

edit - clarification: income tax
You better mention what currency we are talking here otherwise people may get confused, I am assuming £s at this point.
You better mention what currency we are talking here otherwise people may get confused, I am assuming £s at this point.
Well yes, but any westerner will understand the different between 13,000 and 70,000+.

It's very simple, biased question, aimed at making people actually think about the current levels of tax in relation to poor vs the rich. I mean, should the single parent on 13k even be paying income tax in the first place?
Neither, clearly. There must be no taxes. Or, failing that, they should both pay the same, because otherwise that would be communism.

If I were a horrible, horrible person, I'd vote option A, because I plan on being middle aged couple B in 30 years' time.
They should both pay the same.
Depends on what country we are talking about, as taxes should not be based on ideology, but the economic situation.

I voted flat tax though, since that's what I think Denmark needs at the moment.
Same % or same amount?

Does it matter? As long as there is no equality in taxes, it is redistribution of wealth, and that must not be allowed.
Redistrobution of wealth is fine as long the taker works for said welth.

They should be taxed at the same %. Fair is fair equal is equal.
Does it matter? As long as there no equality in taxes, it is redistribution of wealth, and that must not be allowed.

Of course it matters - if it's the same amount then I would be against it - as it doesn't make sense at all that somebody making $10,000 should be paying exactly the same amount in taxes as somebody who makes $70,000.

If it's the same % then that's a bit more fair.. although I support higher taxes for higher income brackets.

What do you mean 'redistribution of wealth' and 'equality in taxes' ?
I don't really understand how taxing two people with two different incomes the same % is fair or equal. I mean they both get the same benefits (although the rich person, I suppose, has more to protect), so why two different prices for what is, roughly speaking, the same level of service?

Unless, of course, your goal is to make society better.
Uhhh... the same?
I can understand why someone would vote for either b or c, but I don't get why you should vote for a.
If you'd tax the wealthy couple more, the single parent with the little money can benefit from this money through social benefits for his/her child.
If you'd tax them equally, that would still be a just system since both parties would have nothing to complaint about.
I don't see the logic in higher taxes for someone who's already got little money and a child to raise though.
Of course it matters - if it's the same amount then I would be against it - as it doesn't make sense at all that somebody making $10,000 should be paying exactly the same amount in taxes as somebody who makes $70,000.

It makes perfect sense if you consider the government to be a provider of services. Why should one person pay more for the same policemen, firemen, hospitals, schools and roads than someone else?
Unsurprisingly I voted b, since Davo acknowledged the question is biased ;)

Now I'm eagerly waiting for his explanation :)
Well, basically I know people are going to vote either 'b' or 'c' and throw the usual capitalist vs socialist arguments about etc, though I hope to see some discussion on ultimutely which being taxed more benifits the economy the most and so on.

What i'm curious about is how many people talk about living wages and disposable income, and whether people think it is fair that the single parent on 13k pays proportionately alot greater amount on tax than the 70k+ couple, and whether this should continue.

This will show alot about whether people think we should all be able to spend our money on enjoying life, or if this should just be the privalege of the wealthy.

If you look at tax in the sense of how much disposable income the person has at the end of it (after living expenses) then in fact option A is the reality.
I don't really understand how taxing two people with two different incomes the same % is fair or equal. I mean they both get the same benefits (although the rich person, I suppose, has more to protect), so why two different prices for what is, roughly speaking, the same level of service?

Mise said:
It makes perfect sense if you consider the government to be a provider of services. Why should one person pay more for the same policemen, firemen, hospitals, schools and roads than someone else?

If we were to tax everyone the same $ amount, then we would not be able to collect the money needed for all the services that society needs. Thus, the more you make, the more you get taxed.
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