Taxes after Independence?

Remember all those Founding Fathers you put into Congress? Guess what their first legislation was - new taxes. They weren't revolting against taxation as such, it was 'taxation without representation' they didn't like.

Of course the more likely explanation is just lazy programming.
I encountered that problem too.Ok I know that people have to pay taxes,but what I don't understand that I the leader of an independent country have to pay taxes to my european motherland.If you ask me that doesn't make any sense!And with this we come back to the part dalgo said:it's probabaly just lazy programming (but I had 51% taxes for god's sake)
This is fixed in the unofficial patch (and thus PatchMod and AoD2).
Sounds like an issue with the LCDs contrast.
What happens when you left-click on the blue CC2 icon in the start bar and adjust the contrast slider?
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