[TC] Civcraft SC


User of Run-on Sentences.
Jul 26, 2005
Starcraft ©1998, 2002, 2003 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved. StarCraft, Brood War and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries.
"Civcraft: SC" is not affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment in any way. This project is a non-profit, fan-made project. Think of it as an interactive fanfic :P

Civcraft: SC
Latest version: v0.41 September 20, 2006
Known to work with Civilization 4 version 1.61 (get the patch here)

This project has been discontinued. If anyone would like to try to continue it, please contact me. Otherwise, it's been fun, but I'm going to be moving on to other things. Please see this post for more.

About Civcraft: SC
Spoiler :

Civcraft: SC is a Total Conversion mod for Civilization 4, inspired by Blizzard's hit PC Real-Time Strategy Series, "Starcraft". The idea of this type of mod for Civ4 was first conceived by Killamike718, who is still part of the project today. (For more information on Starcraft, visit the Starcraft Compendium.)

The goal of this mod is to provide a strategy game similar to Starcraft and its expansion pack, "Brood War", yet completely set in the turn-based realm. All units, spells, and strategy will be included, from the Terran's floating buildings to the resource harvesting to the deadly Psionic Storms and Broodling spawning.

The secondary goal of this mod is to really explore the full depth of power the XML, Python, and SDK package gives modders of Civ4 game. Even in the early stages of its development, Civcraft: SC holds very few parallels to the Civ4 game. Religion, Civics, and other Civ4 mainstays have been removed in order to concentrate more on the strategic movement of units. With many different types of units, strategy will be more than simply "get units that counter the other persons units, with better promotions, and more of them". Drop siege tanks at your enemy's mineral lines to cut off their resources, tech quickly to Dark Templar to try to catch an enemy off-guard who hasn't developed the proper anti-cloaking defenses, or move your units just right to defeat that enemy Reaver without being dealt much damage in return.

Although a ways off, the release of Version 1.0 will contain every strategic game play element that Starcraft has, from cloaking to lurker attacks to the almighty nukes. Because the game deviates from the typical Civ4-style game play so much, simply tweaking the AI to abide by the new rules is almost out of the question, and thus most AI code will have to be rewritten. However, the project is designed to be a multiplayer game first and foremost, until the AI can be rewritten, which will happen after the game play elements are in place. After version 1.0 is released, the only changes that will be made aside from the race balancing and bug fixes, should be AI code.

This thread will be the main interface for players of the mod. The development thread, where you can sign up for beta testing, find other ways to help the project, or possibly join up the upcoming Civcraft: WC project (Warcraft mod) can be found here.

About Combat

The most notable change that will happen will be to the combat system. All the subtle highlights of Starcraft's combat are, or will be, in Civcraft: SC...

  • All units and buildings have a set amount of HP, and the Protoss' units and buildings additionally have a set amount of Shields as well.
  • Each unit has a movement (how many plots it may move a turn) and attack (how many attacks it may make a turn) rating, where each attack also counts as a move. Each unit also has set damage that it does for each one of its attacks.
  • Attack is not "simultaneous", like Civ4. When the enemy attacks during their turn, your unit will simply takes the amount of damage the attacker will deal, and not fire back. You will have your opportunity to attack your enemy back during your turn. This means that proper scouting to know where your enemy is at all times will be important, and the opportunity to deal massive damage using surprise attacks and hit-and-runs will be even greater!
  • Some unit attacks are explosive or concussive, meaning their attacks will deal less against certain size units. Knowing what units you're opponent has will give you a decisive advantage, since you can build counter-units that will be dealt less damage every blow!
  • Some units deal "splash damage", where aside from the normal damage dealt to the enemy unit, "splash" (or "area of effect") damage is dealt to units inside the same plot, and sometimes to units in surrounding plots!
  • A pie-menu graphical interface will allow you to select specific units out of a stack to attack.

    Thus, the myriad of different unit types are given their full advantages and disadvantageous. While the Zergling may have VERY little HP, they are very quick and can attack many times per turn, aside from being insanely cheap and quick to make. While, the costly Battlecruiser might get fewer attacks every turn and be much slower, the attacks it does do are powerful, and it has a mammoth amount of hit points. The Reaver is the slowest land unit, but it can fire its mighty scarabs a long range for massive splash damage, especially to the enemy's workers!

About Resource Collection

Unlike Civ4, the Civcraft: SC mod will make workers do the resource collecting. There is no cultural boundaries, and the workers harvesting will be ACTUAL worker units, with each race having their unique worker (SCV, Drone, or Probe).

There are two resources to harvest...

Minerals are typically found in patches of 8-10 deposits in packed together on the maps. Almost everything you do purchase-wise will require minerals. Each mineral patch can be harvested at any time by bringing a worker unit to the mineral patch, and starting the units "harvest" automation command. The unit will continue harvesting, collecting minerals every turn from the patch. Note that every patch can only have three units harvesting from it, and units will harvest less minerals per turn if the patch is farther away from the central building (Command Center, Hatchery, or Nexus).

Vespene Gas:

Gas is a less-abundant resource. There is typically only one vespene gas geyser per area with resources. Units cannot start harvesting from the Vespene Gas Geysers until they have built the proper building on top of it with their worker unit (either a Refinery, an Assimilator, or an Extractor).

While typically most units will cost more minerals than gas, it's less-abundant nature makes it very important, especially when you want to do upgrades or make very powerful units!


Like Starcraft, each race will have a population cap that they can only raise by building the required units/buildings. Killing off these buildings of the enemy player will provide you with a huge advantage! The Terran will need to build Supply Depots or Command Centers, the Protoss need to build a Nexus or Pylons, while the Zerg will need to build Overlords.


People who have worked on or contributed to this project:

Killst4r: Has donated much graphics.
Killamike718: Has worked on getting those graphics to work in Civcraft, as well as creating original content.
darkonion: Much input throughout the entirety of the project.

Lord of the doom's world

Screenshots, Pictures
Spoiler :





Take a look at some of the models being worked on by Killamike718:




More can be found here:


How you can help!

1.) Currently, the game is in need of some major testing! Many features are still not developed, but testing those that are and continuing to test while more are being added is important! Prior-experience with the game Starcraft is very helpful, but not necessary. Your mission is to play the game online with other beta testers! Ask here or at the development thread here for more info.
2.) Place an ad in your sig. Show your support for this ambitious project simply by showing it off to your friends.
3.) Sound FX / Music creation? Join up! (No XML or other Civ4 modding experience necessary!)
3.) Any other mod experience? Graphical, XML, Python, c++? All help is welcome!

Submitting Bug Reports

Game crashed? Your marine just dealt 50,000 damage to an enemy unit if it moonwalks right before attacking? If the three moons align to form a triangle and after saying the words "Rabbit, Rabbit" you harvesters refuse to harvest? Some bugs are tough to track down due to the small scenarios that they arise. The best way for us to figure out what's happening to fix these bugs is if you submit the saved game prior to the event, with instructions on how to get the event to repeat. If the event is a one-time thing, or you can't get the event to reoccur, or your religion prevents you from saving video games, then try to give as much detail as possible. Use the following as a general guide:

  • Map you played on.
  • Race played
  • Each of your opponents and what races they are/were playing (If it was the AI, please say so!)
  • If this was a multiplayer game, what type of multiplayer game was it? (PBEM, Turn-based lan, pitboss, etc.)
  • How far into the game were you (the game "year", or if I've changed the years to turn numbers, then the turn number).
  • A brief overview of what happened in the past few turns (completed a factory, starting building a vulture, about one turn from when it was about to pop out, suddenly without warning....)
  • If the problem occured during your movement, the exact detail of your move. "I unloaded a group of two marines from a dropship that also contained an scv and a firebat to the south-western-most mineral patch on the left-middle island on "Challenger", when suddenly...")

See, isn't submitting a game save so much easier?

You may find the latest files here:


Keep up to date with the changelog:


Note: Technically speaking, all of the Civcraft: SC files are "Scenario" files, and not Map scripts. Thus, it would make more sense to call them "Scenarios". However, since really it's only the map part of the Scenario being used, and because map is less letters, I'm using the term "Map" to represent the games "scenarios".

Map Intro
Since Civcraft: SC will largely be based upon taking over the important, resource-abundant parts of the map, randomly-generated maps will be difficult to make fair for all players at first. As such, custom-made Scenarios will be the style of choice for playing Civcraft: SC. While later on a randomly-generated map script for Civcraft: SC could be attempted, the easiest way to assure for now a fair playing field is with custom maps.

Map Naming Convention
Spoiler :

 A  B       C
(4)SC-Dire Straights

A: "(4)"
This number represents the MAX number of players that can participate in this map. In this map, a max of four players can play this map. This means you're looking at games of two, three, or four players.

B: The "SC" is a signature for all maps that are to be played for the Civcraft: SC mod. It also makes it easier to see aside all of other scenarios you might have in your directory.

C: The final part of the map is the name. In this case, the map name is "Dire Straights".


Currently, there are three maps that come with Civcraft: SC...

A two-player map featuring unusual expansions. A little distance from the main base is a gas expansion, with the closest land-based mineral expansion being around a large turn that forces players to divert their forces early on to defend their expansion or to easily block reinforcements to their enemy's expansion by marching their forces straight up the middle. Each base has a near-by island expansion, and the map has two crucial middle islands that are up for grabs.

(4)SC-Dire Straights
A four-player island map that was a ladder map in Starcraft. It was commonly seen as a FFA map, although non-ladder 2v2 games were also popular. With an expansion lying somewhat between each base, and two more larger expansions in the middle, expect to see the player who works their air and special units the best come out on top.

A "Blood Bath" inspired map, Quickbath is a small, four-person map with each person starting in one corner. The name derives from the FFA matches that could be played, since the players start so close to eachother, and the only way to move land units to another persons base is through a small center connecting area..

Also known as, "Things that I'm sure someone is sooner or later going to ask."

Q: Why make a Starcraft game? Why not just play Starcraft?
A: Why make a pizza bagel? Why not just make a pizza? Ok, so they're completely different reasons, but my main reasons are these: 1.) Making mods are fun, 2.) Starcraft was fun, and thus it would be nice to honor it's funness.

Q: Where are all the graphic changes?
A: Unfortunately, most of the models we plan on using are in a file format that must be painstakingly converted properly to the file formats used by Civ4. Since there is still a ton of stuff left to code, there should be plenty of time for the graphics to get to the game.

Q: Will this work for Warlords?
A: Because all of the changes that are done mean that the Warlord gameplay additions are rendered useless, playing this mod should work so long as you install it like you would any other Civ4 mod. Since I don't have Warlords, I can't verify this, and I'm even not sure exactly the correct procedure for going about doing this, so if anyone could fill me in that would be great.

Q: Will there be real-time combat?
A: No. The idea of Civcraft is to combine the various units and races of Starcraft with the more strategically-minded and less trigger-finger-required pace of a turn-based strategy game. As such, unit attacks will still be turn-based.

Q: Do I have to play on the maps supplied with the game?
A: Yes. It's the only supported way currently. There are no scripts to make randomized maps, and none planned in the near future. The basic Civ4 scripts are going to make some crazy Starcraft maps (with resources that you don't use, put your starting location no where near what you need, etc.) So, you'll have to play the maps as custom scenarios. Don't worry, they're not THAT hard to make, so more will be added later if there is greater demand for them.

Q: How are you going to make the game do _______________?
A: The modability of Civ4 is extremely open. Even this project only touches on what could be done with a full-forced effort to changing the game. Almost every gameplay issue is moddable using the SDK and XML, and interface concerns can be handled with Python. For a project like this, the idea really is "Where there's a will there's a way."

Q: Why does the AI just sit there?
A: Since the game rules are completely being rewritten, it makes no sense trying to reuse a lot of the AI code, especially the parts that are no longer even in the game (religion, civics). All the code is still there, it's just not being called anymore. Thus, during the AI's turn, the code has been ordered not to do anything, and so the AI just sits there. Also, writing the new AI code now wouldn't work. In order to make the AI good you have to know all the rules to the game, and currently, the rules are constantly changing, so every change made now will mean a probable change in the AI code. This is why the AI will be written after the mod has reached v1.0, so there will be less having to rewrite. While this does make the game a little less exciting for those who wish to play it singleplayer, it does take a load off of the development time.

Q: Ok, so when's version 1.0 coming out?
A: Don't ask.

Q: Why do marines and firebats sometimes take 2 turns, sometimes 3 to train?
A: I tried to get all the units to be as close to the original Starcraft equivalent for build times, using the official numbers found in the compendium. Because most units were built in a number of seconds that is divisible by ten, I was able to divide the number by ten and use that as the amount of turns. Thus, Drones, Scv's and Probes that have a build time of 20 seconds are built in Civcraft in two turns, and a Battlecruiser (160 seconds) can be built in 16 turns.

Unfortunately, the Marines and Firebats are the only units without divisible-by-10 build times, at 24 (Actually, Hydralisks and Zerglings also have non-divisible build times at 28, but I thought those were close enough to 30). Putting Marines and Firebats at two turns to train would probably allow them to build too fast, while putting them at three too slow. Thus, I made them 2.5 turns. The first time you pop out a marine or firebat from a barracks, it will take three turns, and every time after that alternate between taking two and three turns to build. Because they alternate, the build time will average out to 2.5 turns to build.

While it might have been possible to double all build times so that the marines and firebats would be at an even 5 turns, imagine waiting 32 turns for a Battlecruiser. The amount of time a player will play a turn in Civcraft: SC will fluxuate in length (during battles they may take a bit longer, when post-battles or in times of "build up" the turn lengths are much smaller). And while all the numbers used are still open for change, I highly doubt anyone will want to wait 32 turns to build one battlecruiser.

Perhaps after some testing, we will see that the marines and firebats are over- or under-powered, and that their build time can go up or down to a fixed value.

How are you ensuring that one race isn't stronger than another?
A: First off, many of the values being used are sticking as close as possible to the original Starcraft values. However, some units will become more powerful simply because it will now be easier to micro them (all spell-casting units will probably be more powerful). So, Zerg will probably get a little disadvantage, since they were more of a macro-intensive race anyway.

Of course, the only way to be for sure is to try it out and see what players think.

Q: What about Blizzard? Haven't they cracked down on Starcraft mods before?
A: There has been some discussion on this, but the end point is this: the law system is probably something too large for us modders to fully put our head around without a lawyers help. As such, it's in my belief that the use of content in this mod that may be considered non-original can be considered Fair Use. If Blizzard disagrees, they can contact us, and we will come to an agreement. I have tried contacting them via e-mail numerous times, but have yet to recieve a reply that is anywhere close to definitive. If you have any comments on this legal matter, I would please ask you not to post them in this or the development thread. This may seem harsh, but you'll have to understand that doing hours of work at no pay in your spare time requires a lot of patience for making these kind of projects, and that any time you have to worry about the legality of an issue that makes you realize that all your hard work may be for naught just gives you less inspiration to finish.

Simply stated, "We'll cross that bridge if we come to it."

Newest Release (v0.41) September 20, 2006

- Implemented new cooldown (attacks/per) system. You won't realize a big change, but trust me, it's there.
- Implemented stim packs +2 attacks per turn while stimmed.
- Implemented acid spores:
  • Max 9 acid spores attached to a unit.
  • An air unit gets a spore if it's in a plot where a devourer's attack is taken place.
  • For each spore, the unit gets 1 additional point of damage for every attack done to it.
  • For each spore, the unit will have 12% longer cooldown times. For units that already have long cooldown times (like the Valkyrie), this will be huge.
- An acid spore is removed from a unit automatically after 12 turns since the spore was attached, or immediately following a medic's usage of "Restoration" on the target.

I also added some 2D "abilities" graphics that I made, including Stim Pack, Defense Matrix, EMP Shockwave, Irradiate, and Optical Flare.. They're pretty sad, but hey, if you think you can do better, you should join the team :P

v0.4x Changes
Spoiler :



-TXT_KEY's for all abilities that didn't have them.
- Every spell now lists the amount of energy it needs to be used.
- New Main Menu


- Fixed Queen's Spawn Broodlings from being able to be cast without the required research.
- Fixed Science Vessel's EMP Shockwave from being able to be cast without the required research.

v0.3x Changes
Spoiler :



Some special abilities:
Corsair Disruption Web (Cast on a group of plots, all ground units within the web cannot attack, but can move and do specials. This will also work for defensive buildings when they are implemented).
Medic Restoration (Removes negative effects from a unit, such as parasite, lockdown, etc.)
Battlecruiser Yamato Gun (Powerful, one-shot weapon)
Science Vessel EMP Shockwave (All units within the targetted plots lose any energy or shields they have)
Dark Archon Mind Control (User takes control of another players unit. Casting archon along with losing energy loses all protoss Shields)
Dark Archon Feedback (Targetted unit loses all energy and takes damage equal to that amount of energy lost)
Arbiter Recall (All of the arbiter player's units within the targetted plot range are warped to directly under the arbiter).
Defiler Consume (The Defiler "consumes" one of it's own units, instantly killing the unit and giving the defiler an instant 50 energy points)
Queen Spawn Broodling (Kills one targetted unit and replaces it with two broodlings under the Queen's owner's control)

Gave all unit effects TXT_KEY's, and put any effects a unit has under it's name in the info pane.


- Fixed plague from affecting units currently in a stasis field.
- Fixed error when using Defensive Matrix spell.
- Fixed problem with blind units losing all movement points when walking into an unrevealed plot.
- Fixed unit conversions not properly setting shield and energy levels on the newly converted unit.
- Fixed issues with multiple defilers casting plague on one unit producing errors.



- Graphics for:

  • Supply Depot
  • Barracks
  • Engineering Bay
  • Academy
  • Armory
  • Factory
  • Robotics Facility
  • Stargate
  • Citadel of Adun
  • Hatchery
  • Spawning Pool

- Added a UnitAttachment implementation (similar to the plot attachment). Now units can have different things (like plague, parasite) attached to them without resorting to using promotions, also it helps out with making them disapear in a few turns, along with doing all the custom actions in python (which is different than the plot attachments).

- Added the "something for nothing" cheat code. Using this code completes all possible researches.

- Added the following special abilities:

Marine and Firebat:
Stim Packs (Still need to change attacks per turn, this will be done later on when I change how the whole attacks/turn system is handled).

Optical Flare (Blinds unit).

Lockdown (Renders mechanical units immovable for a short amount of turns)

Science Vessel:
Defensive Matrix (Gives a unit a protective matrix that takes most damage. The unit will always get 1 point of damage, the rest goes to the matrix).
Irradiate (Causes per-turn damage to the unit and all surrounding biological units at the end of the players turn.

Dark Archon:
Maelstrom (Renders all units within a range of plots immovable for a small amount of turns)

Stasis Field (Renders all units within a range of plots immovable and untargettable (can't be attacked or be targets of special abilities) for a number of turns)

Plague (All units and buildings caught in the plague slowly lose hit points over time. They will not die if the plague brings them to below one hit point, but rather stay at one hit points and become VERY vulnerable to death. Plague does not affect protoss shields)

Parasite (The player whose queen casts this on an enemy unit gains visibility of that unit until the parasite is removed or the unit dies).
Ensnare (All units in a selected group of plots are "ensnared" and thus their movement points are cut in half).


- Workers now "Gather" resources rather than "Harvest" them. This doesn't really mean anything besides the fact that the hotkey is "G" instead of "H".

- All units can now "Hold" their ground (Hotkey H). Previously, it was some needed to "sleep", some needed to "hold". Now, it's all unified. The hold actually works as a sentry though, where the unit is awaken as soon as an enemy unit comes within it's range of attack.


- Fixed many problems with the plot attachments until I eventually just rewrote it. It should now work for simultaneous play.



- Some info was being changed without the interface being updated, including unit HP/Shield/Energy amounts. This is now updated immediately.

- Fixed problem with units being able to cast spells (such as cloak) even though they didn't have enough energy.


- Added line to ini file to ignore normal worldbuilder saves. Just cleans things up a bit on the map-selection screen, if you ask me.

- Made XML and SDK infos for "Plot Attachments". These are my way of implementing a plot that has some affect on it (Psi Storm, Dark Swarm). The plot keeps track of the affects by player, and every turn for a player the attachments are incremented until they've reached the max amount of turns to be on a plot, and are thus removed.

- Gave abilities for Plot Attachments to deal damage (upon immediate attachment, and also at the end of each player's turn). This allowed me to also create the Psionic Storm spell.

- Gave abilities for Plot Attachments to have units be dealt no damage from ranged units if the defending unit is inside a plot. This allowed me also to create the Dark Swarm spell.

- Added the cheat "the gathering", which allows units to cast regardless of if they have the energy, and also they won't lose energy from casting. A unit might still need to get the required tech first, however.

- Made a "not enough energy" message appear when a unit doesn't have enough energy to cast what it's trying to.



- Fixed problem with units without shields but with energy having a "gap" between their energy and health bars.

- Fixed colored plots and info pane not updating correctly when a unit finishes their attacks for a turn but not their moves.

- Placed textual reference that a unit is cooling down in the info pane.


- Implemented a seige-tanks siege mode.

- Implemented High Templar and Dark Templar warps into Archons and Dark Archons.

- Added TXT_KEY's for Burrowing and siege mode.



- Finally disabled the bit of code that made AI try to declare peace.

- Lurker Aspect was incorrectly being available to players without a lair. This is fixed.


- Implemented burrowing. No txt key or pictures because I was lazy. Burrowing is simply a form of cloaking, except when you burrow or unburrow you lose all your movement points. Also, you can no longer move or attack (with the exception of the Lurker).

- Created lurker attacks. Lurkers have a special attack that only works when they're burrowed. Select a plot, and it will make a straight line between the lurker and the selected plot, doing damage to all the enemy units in all the plots the line passes through (the different colors represent a possibility later to do less damage to plots that are barely hit (less visible shade of red). For now, though, if it's colored red at all, it will do full damage.



- Placed Shield bar back into unit-selection popup. Also added Energy bar.

- Added energy info into unit pane for unit along with hit points and shield.


- Implemented "Cloaking." Units can only be cloaked if they have researched the proper cloaking research or if they start cloaked (Observer, Dark Templar). Also, if a unit is within two spaces of an arbiter owned by the same player it is automatically cloaked (with the exception of arbiters which can't be cloaked by themselves or other arbiters).

- Cloaked units are invisible to enemy players and will not be seen nor can they be targetted in an attack. They will be hit by splash damage however. If an enemy unit is a detector and the cloaked unit is within range of the detecting units visibility, then the cloaked unit is considered visible to the detecting units team.

- A cloaked unit (either yours or an enemy who you have revealed with a detector unit) will have the Civ4 "promotion" effect to signify it's cloaked (to hopefully be later replaced by something else).

- Ghost and Wraiths have the ability to cloak themselves once their correct researches are made. Whenever they cloak themselves, it costs 25 energy. Their energy will slowly degrade so long as they are cloaked. They can uncloak at any time.


Ok, so basically everything's the same, but I now have all 1.5 months worth of GerikSpells into the code-base, which I think alone should represent a point in the standings.


- GerikSpells merged into the codebase.

- The attack modes are now completely controlled by GerikSpells, including right-clicking. It's a bit awkward how it works, but once I get more feedback onto how people think it should work then I'll get more into making it right.

Note: Any reference in the changelogs to "the thread" probably refers to the development thread, located here.

I'll probably do a few (or all) of these and release them in a one bunch.

For v0.5:

Implement the Templar's Hallucination ability and broodling death after an amount of turns.

Implement launching nukes (no animation, obviously, but I can use the "nuke" effect for when it actually hits). Boo-friggen-ya!

Spider mines. Probably not necessarily have them blow up or anything, but at least have them be able to be planted.

Units that produce ammo (carrier interceptors, reaver scarabs).

Mutalisk splash damage.

Make transports limit how much they can transport.

Some bug fixes still in the bug database.

This should bring us to v0.5

With the release of version v0.5, I'm gonna' start making a huge push for beta testers. With MOST of the spells and special abilities in place, games should be much more exciting than the previous "Lemme build a medic so it can do NOTHING but sit there."

The v0.5 updates will all be about buildings. First, the defensive buildings (Photon Cannons, Sunken Colonies, Spore Colonies, Missile Turrets, and Bunkers). Also to be done will be how spider mines work, since this will probably be along the same lines as these defensive buildings). Will also deal with the inner workings of special building abilities, such as comsat, shield battery, and terran building lift-offs, movements, and set-downs.

The v0.6 updates will deal with Protoss pylons and zerg creeps. Also, raised terrain (cliffs, etc.) will be dealt with.

The v0.7 will be any game rules that haven't been dealt with yet.

The v0.8 updates will strictly be interface and graphics (buttons, button on-screen alignment, hotkey tweaking, sounds, explosions, etc.).

The v0.9 branch will be just adding in the small little things to make it complete, although by then, perhaps short a missing model, button or bunch of sounds, it should be complete. This is probably when we'll take a look at growing a larger library of maps to go along with the release.


There is no time-table for a final release, but I'm planning on trying to get all the game-rules coded and done by January 1st. This gives me four months to complete four major milestones (v0.4, v0.5, v0.6 v0.7), although I have in mind that I can complete up to v0.5 by Ocotober 1st, and v0.7 has nothing on it unless I have forgotten something huge. I will probably be using that time to work on making sure team games work like they should.
erikg88 said:
This is ten different kinds of awesome. Downloading now.

Glad to hear the enthusiasm!

Just remember, it's in it's infant stages, but work is progressing nicely! We're having some hickups with graphics, so there isn't much change there.

Just know that this project's in it for the long haul, so you might need to be patient before you play the end result :P
Starcraft in Civ 4 ? Bleehgarghhh :vomit: :vomit: :vomit:
hey yea you finally got it done (atleast the first steps ;)!
looking forward for further releases!!!
More positive feedback then I expected. It was gerikes that was hard at work doing all the Programming. Hopefully well try to see if people like the combat system or what. And as we get feedback, well improve.
This is a really ambitious project, I hope it works, because it should be awsome:goodjob:

I wish I could help, but I have no experience with starcraft, or modding:(
Mr. Bojangles said:
This is a really ambitious project, I hope it works, because it should be awsome:goodjob:

I wish I could help, but I have no experience with starcraft, or modding:(

No prob, Boj. If you want to help, just find a mate and play a game against them! Anything from bug reports or general feedback will help this project improve!

BTW, if anyone is willing, PM me for a game. I'm very willing to try it out, as playing against myself on my other computer isn't exactly challenging. (Although I do have a .500 record...)

And Strategyonly, yes, there's quite a bit to go, I know this isn't a small task. A lot of just getting this part was learning the various nuances of the SDK and how it plays with python and XML. With more experience under my belt, I should be able to bite off more and more every day.
on the custom music part, do you need to original music from StarCraft or are you going to make your own custom music for this mod? If i have some available links and websites that allows me to download some starcraft music, then i might help this mod out in the musical part of it.
darkedone02 said:
on the custom music part, do you need to original music from StarCraft or are you going to make your own custom music for this mod? If i have some available links and websites that allows me to download some starcraft music, then i might help this mod out in the musical part of it.

Actually, I have extracted the original Starcraft Music, and well, we cant use it because, blizzard is an aggressive company and if they see we stole their music and put it into our mod, they would probably file a lawsuit. and we'd be screwed. So we were planning, I guess to go with custom Music, when we get the chance. All help is greatly appreciated.:D
This seems utterly amazing! I'm going to try it out right now!
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