TCIT: 1304 AD - Tuesday, July 11th, 9:00AM CDT (7/11 14:00 UTC)


RF Bleachers
Jan 19, 2005
RF Bleachers
Term 7, Game Session 2, 1304 AD, July 11, 9:00AM CDT (7/11 14:00 UTC-I think)

This will be an on-line session.
The Designated Player is: GeorgeOP

Start Date/Time: Tuesday, July 11th @ 9:00AM CDT
(14:00 Tuesday, June 11th, 2006 in UTC - I hope)

Relevant Links:
Current Save
Previous Turnchat Thread

Instruction Checklist:

Secretary of State
Secretary of War

Minister of the Interior
Minister of Culture
Minister of Science
Governor of Boaring Wallow

Governor of Micalian's Gate
Governor of West Licentia
Governor of Auda Minor
Governor of New Port City
Governor of Fort Impervious

Only elected/appointed officials may post in this thread! Please use the DP thread in the Government subforum for questions/comments to the DP. Please use the officials' thread for comments to an official.

Only instructions posted in this thread prior to the start of the TC will be considered valid instructions. Instructions posted or changed after the start of the TC may be ignored. Instructions will not be accepted at the TC.
Secretary of State

1. first ask Russia to give us Optics
2. Don't give Germany anything for peace, if you see a really good offer, stop.

If we meet a new civ, if Russia declares war on us, or if Germany makes a peace-offer without asking for anything else.

Keep research at the present level and let the game self correct it.
Vind2 said:
Optics (dont' know if we finished this.)

See my instructions, we'll get it for free :king:

Govenor of Boaring Wallow

* Finish the forge (2 turns)

After the forge is complete, we'll make that mad guy happy again. Put him on science duty.

At this time BW will be maxed out on both health and happiness.

Work on horse archer(s) the rest of the TC.
Update of Defence Points

I have moved Defence Point 1 and added Attack Point 1.
See map for locations:

Def1: forest 1SW of Basillica
Def2: jungle 1N2E of Basillica
Def3: hill/jungle 1E2S of Toot Uncommon
Att1: forest 2E1S of Basillica

Basic Plan

Try to remove German units from Licentian soil (or leave them in a position very near Germany where they can't pillage) and move an attacking force to Attack Point 1


Micalian's Gate: move catapult to Old Sarai
New Port City: move catapult to Const Falls
Fort Impervious: move 'Def1b (axe)' to Def1
Old Sarai: promote 'Def2a (arch)' to Combat I and move to Def2
2SE of Old Sarai: move 'Def2b (cat)' to Def 2
2SE of Const Falls: move 'Def1c (sword)' and 'Def1d (crossbow)' to Def1
1N2W of Basillica: move 'Ba garr c (axe)' to Basillica to attack sword (follow it if it moves) before moving to Basillica
3N2W of Basillica: move 'Ba garr a (sword)' to attack German chariot 2N of Basillica asap before moving to Basillica
3N1E of Basillica: rename 'Ba garr b (arch)' to 'Def2 c' and move to Def2
Basillica: promote 'Ba garr i (arch)' to Combat I, promote 'Ba garr h (arch)' to City Garrison II, use 'Ba garr f (spear)' to attack Horse Archer 1N of Basillica

Attacking German units

Please attack German units. You can attack any German units on our soil if there is a 65% chance of winning or greater, with the following conditions:
  • you may not use garrison units from any city other than Basillica for attacking
  • you may use a Basillica garrison unit if it has not yet reached Basillica
  • you may use either of the horse archer garrison units in Basillica if you have 65% chance
  • you may only use other Basillica garrison units if you have at least 70% chance and there are at least 2 fully healthy archers in the city and the city has more than the minimum garrison (see below)

If the units are on German soil and you have a 70% chance of winning and a line of retreat to a point of safety, you may attack


Please follow any promotion instructions given above
I would like to get an axe/spear/archer in Basillica with Medic I (whichever unit comes to it first - but don't give it to a horse archer or cat).
Give defensive promotions to Basillica garrison units asap (if the unit can take defensive promotions of course!)
Generally, do not promote units until required. However, if a unit is likely to encounter a German (either by attacking or defending), give that unit the most appropriate promotion at the time to help win that battle. If it is not clear which promotion is best, I'd prefer stacks with mixed promotions.

Basillica Garrison

Do not let the garrison of Basillica fall below 3 archers plus one other unit. Reinforce from nearest Def/Att points if that happens (or a suitable city).

Attack Point 1

Once our territory is clear of German units (or there is one unit south of Basillica where it can't do much damage), try to move units to Attack Point 1 (Att1).

Leave at least the minimum garrison in Basillica (see above) and leave one defensive unit fortified at each of Def1, Def2 and Def3.

Use the units at Att1 to defend against German attacks, attack roaming German units if 70% chance of success and pillage German improvements if the coast looks reasonably clear.


If Bismarck offers us a ceasefire for nothing, take it. Rather than using Att1, build up mixed stacks at Def1 and Def2. We could really do with maces, swords and cats if the Governor instructions will let you.

Building Units

I do not have the authority to override the instructions of the Governors. However, if any don't post and you're looking for ideas:
  • we need 2 spear, 2 crossbow and 2 swords asap
  • switch the cats currently in production to those above
  • MG and BW are better for horse archers as they will move to the front more quickly
  • once we get Civil Service, start a couple of maces

Stop Conditions

Stop if we can no longer maintain the minimum garrison in Basillica because we have lost so many units so quickly
Stop if a Stack of Doom appears anywhere near another city of ours
Stop if Russia declares war on us
West Licentia.

Continue to build cats in all cities and start horse archers when they are finished. Abydos is starving so please adjust a citizen to a food tile to stagnate starvation.
End of Turn Chat Report:

Turn 5 Save
Turn 8 (final) Save

War Status: Peter and Bismark has signed a Peace Treaty Turn 8 (which guarantees peace between the two for 10 turns). Also, Bismark has stopped demanding Basillica for peace. He will sign either a Cease Fire or a Peace Treaty. It appears his citizens tire of war.

Licentian Losses:
Cottage by Basillica was pillaged
Ba garr a Swordman died in battle (attack)
Villiage by TU was pillaged

German Losses:
Horse Archer North of Basillica died in battle (defence)
Chariot SW of TU died in battle (defence)
Swordsman NW of Basillica died in battle (defence)
Cat from Berlin died in battle (attack)

Spoiler Detailed Report :
Turn 1:
MG finished Cat, HA started
NPC finished Cat, Crossbow started
all free units were sent towards Basillica
Abydos's citizens were moved so it was no longer starving
Russia gives us Optics for free, we start working on Feudalism
Cottage NW of Basillica is pillaged by a rampaging German HA
Peter adopts Bureaucracy
End of Turn 1: Fued in 19, 40 S/0 C/-10 gpt/43 Gold

Turn 2:
Ba garr a Swordman attacks 4.3 HA that pillaged Cottage (71.2&)-Licentia Swordsman dies in battle, German HA down to 0.9 health
Ba garr c Axeman attacks 0.9 HA (100%)-Axeman wins without taking damage
HA near Def 1 is attempting to go around the defenders. Defenders are moved to block the rest of Licentia and force the HA back towards Basillica and the other troops.
It is noticed that TU and AC are starving, so without any governor orders the TC player re-orders the citizens to prevent starvation. However, AC continues to starve due to unhappiness.
End of Turn 2: Fued in 17, 40 S/0 C/-11 gpt/33 Gold

Turn 3:
Sistine Chapel and Kong Miao are both built in a land far away. (I wonder how we found out about this)
BW finishes it's forge. It has one Scientist. Work on the Settler continues.
The HA that was near Def 1 runs back to Germany after seeing what happened to the other HA.
Chariott goes around Licentian armies and heads towards TU. Units form a picket line two spaces away to protect TU and it's workers.
End of Turn 3: Fued in 15, 40 S/0 C/-4 gpt/27 Gold

Turn 4:
Chariot moved and destroyed village by TU
Ba garr c Axeman attacks 4.0 Chariot for destroying cottage (70.1%)-Axeman wins with 2.3 health left
Now the German Swordsman NE of Basillica is the only unit left in our lands.
Troops moved to converge on that last unit
End of Turn 4: Fued in 14, 40 S/0 C/-5 gpt/23 Gold

Turn 5:
TU finishes Axe, Spearman started to combat all these horeses
Abydos finishes Cat, Market restarted
Alhazen has been born in a land far away (again, how did my agents find this out?)
the German Swordsman is moving towards our injured Axeman, so the Axe was given Shock to help it survive the coming battle
End of Turn 5: Fued in 13, 40 S/0 C/-3 gpt/18 Gold

Turn 6:
CF finishes Cat, HA started per instructions
German Swordsman doesn't attack Axe, instead moves across the river onto a road square
Def1 d Crossbowman is in Basillica (which is now connected by a road) and can attack the 6.0 Sword (81.9%) Crossbowman barely wins and finishes the fight with 0.9 health left.
Licentian terrritory is now clear of all foreign troops
4 Defenders are sent towards the 3 Def positions. All other troops are sent towards Att 1 position
End of Turn 6: Fued in 12, 40 S/0 C/-4 gpt/15

Turn 7:
OC finishes Cat, HA started per instructions
4 of our troops move into position Att 1. We have now entered German territory. We can also see Berlin. It has 2 HA with Combat 2, an Axe with Combat 2, a Cat, a Longbow, a Longbow with City Def 1, and a Longbow with City Def 2. It will be a hard nut to crack.
End of Turn 7: Fued in 11, 40 S/0 C/-6 gpt/11 Gold

Turn 8:
Cat from Berlin suicides itself against Att 1. The Swordsman takes no damage, but the collateral damage hits the other three units. All 3 are set to heal (in 3 turns iirc) and the Axe is fortified.
BW finishes Settler, HA started. BW is maxed out in both happiness and health, so a second scientist is added and now growth has stopped.
Peter announces he has signed a Peace Treaty with Bismark. The TC player has been checking with Berlin every turn. This is the first time they have not asked for Basillica in return for peace. Both CF and PT are available to be signed, so the TC is ended.
Blast... I thought that the TC was tonight and I still had some time to post instructions. Well as a former MoI, I trust that George did the right thing. ;)
Well I guess that cuts it...we need to poll for peace for nothing I assume. George do you think we have an advantage to keep attacking or is this a good time for peace.
Thanks for the info George. Hope the instructions were OK - let me know if you think I could improve the style/flexibility etc for the next TC.

I think we came off not too badly considering we were attacking them.
Sigma/ I forgot to mention that the workers spent most of the time building roads. After completing the road to Basillica I moved those four workers to a floodplain to rebuild those cottages.

Oldbus/ I liked your instructions. They gave generalities that allowed me to make my own initiative. You gave me set instructions about defence and gave me objectives to complete with clear "don't attack unless it's over 70%" rules. These are good qualities for a real world general to give.

Robboo/ I don't have any feelings about whether to continue the war at this time. I know there was some talk about getting a CF or PT to build more units, but Germany wouldn't do it. Not only will he do it now, but Peter has dropped out of the war in the same turn. I just felt that it was better to have discusion than continue the last two turns. If we decide to make peace, and have it for a long time, that would have been two turns wasted gearing up for a war we won't fight.
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