• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).



Shades of the Sun
Oct 10, 2007

Welcome to the land of the Mighty AMAZONs! - All AMAZONs are Equal! (But some are more equal than others;))

To Join Us: 1. Go to Group Memberships Page 2. Click on the box next to Team AMAZON 3. Click join groups at the bottom of the page 4. You will be prompted to give a reason... "I am an AMAZON" should suffice. 5. Click join group to join. :goodjob:


1. TheMeInTeam
2. Lord Civius
3. Tinkerbell
4. Sommerswerd
5. Zack
6. remake20
7. damnrunner
8. link16
9. Gingi
10. leonisgod
11. wideyedwanderer
12. Majic
13. Norton I
14. mariogreymist
15. WithTea
16. Quaczar
17. pappyball
18. nabaxo
19. harvman
20. fireflames
21. kujayhawk
22. SilentConfusion
23. RasmCiv
24. IlBrago
25. Loev
26. Calis
27. Kaspog
28. Saemon
29. Brian Shanahan
30. Memphus
31. Duo
32. askthepizzaguy
33. 2metraninja
34. King Commando
35. dick76

(so far... anyone is free to volunteer for this list:goodjob:)​
1. Sommerswerd 2. Tinkerbell 3. TheMeInTeam 4. remake20 5. SilentConfusion 6. nabaxo 7. Lord Civius

Mission Statement
This team's vision will be pure Democracy. Polls and debate will be the backbone of this team. The focus of the team will be maximum participation and maximum fun. All other goals will be secondary.:goodjob:

What will this team be like?
We will have polls often and run our nation by majority rule. Our tech choices and our city locations will always be polled and anyone will be able to call for polls on any disputed issue, so there will almost always be something to vote on. :gripe:

Anyone can play the turn. As long as the team approves, we will make a list of who wants to play turns and how many turns they want to play. Then we will simply take turns, with each member of the team who wishes to play, taking a few turns, then passing the responsibility to whomever is next on the list. AMAZONs playing the turn will be expected to follow the wishes of the team on any issue where teammates have made their wishes known, and use their best judgment on other decisions.

There will be at least one default turnplayer so that the turn always gets played if the person who's turn it is is not available. We can elect the default turnplayer by poll. If necessary, we can also change our turnplayer rules by poll.

We will make a list of things that we need in our turn log so that turnplayers know what to do when taking turns. If a turnplayer does not know how to do something (like taking screenshots or writing narratives) the default turnplayer can do it for them. Not being able to take screenshots or write naratives will not prevent anyone from being able to play turns.

Once our team is formed, we will use polls to elect officers as needed. For example, when we meet other teams, we can elect a Diplomat who will have control over how our team communicates with other teams (email, instant-messaging etc.). If we go to war, we can elect a General who will have control over how our civ conducts the war (builds, attacks, defense etc.). We can vote on the particular powers of an officer by poll. As a default, turnplayers will handle things, but anyone can volunteer to fill an office on our team. If mutiple people want to fill an office, we can have poll/election.

-------- Officer - Captain
We can elect a Captain who will be responsible for moderating team disputes, including poll related disputes (like the legitimacy of a poll). Everyone should respect their fellow AMAZONs, and try not to name-call, insult or be condescending towards teammates especially their teammates ideas/suggestions/questions. Although tempers and passions may flare at times (especially on a team that polls frequently), the Captain will be responsible for keeping the threads on-topic, respectful, productive, and generally for keeping the team running smoothly. The Captain (or some other elected Officer) will have tie-breaking power on closed, tied polls.

City Governors
Anyone on the team can ask to be elected Governor of a city. If someone asks to be a Governor we will have a poll on whether we want the person to be the governor of that particular city. City Governors will have more control over the builds, micromanagement etc., of particular city (like a state or province) and (possibly) units that the city produces. Our team will decide by poll, how much control Governors get, and we will be able to vote to limit (or expand) the power of city Governors by poll.

Team Pitboss Game
We can have a team Pitboss game running right as soon as the team is formed so that people can learn how to play turns. We can also have multiple pitboss games going at once, so that no one is left out of the pitboss experience (even late joiners to the team) and also so that we can play different versions (BTS, Vanilla, Mods, etc.). Not everyone has BTS afterall;)

Role Playing
Role playing is welcomed and we willl try to add a strong role playing element to our diplomacy. AMAZON themed Avatars are welcomed!:) (but not required;))

We will decide as a team by poll what sort of themed-names we want for our Officers, Cities, Units etc., although we will not need to poll every Unit or City name. We can simply vote on a theme, which the turnplayers can follow.

Finally, we can poll on a final name/theme for our team. We do not have to be AMAZONs if the team wants somthing else...

Above all remember, MAJORITY RULES on this Team! Silence, or non-participation will be treated as consent with whatever actions are being taken by the team. :goodjob:
Well I do agree we should get the ball rolling I'm not sure I like the idea of people starting the teams the way they want. This is a Demogame, not a succession game (I think that's what I mean). I think the whole team needs to decide how their team is structured and with this everyone could start their own team and we don't even know how many teams there is going to be. Also I would think we would need to start on a map first.
Well I do agree we should get the ball rolling I'm not sure I like the idea of people starting the teams the way they want. This is a Demogame, not a succession game (I think that's what I mean). I think the whole team needs to decide how their team is structured and with this everyone could start their own team and we don't even know how many teams there is going to be. Also I would think we would need to start on a map first.
The thing is, the more active posters tend to be the ones who define how the team is structured anyway. Just look at the team Sommerswerd was in (Kaz) and then the team I was in (Saturn). Basically we were some of the most active members in our team (if not the most active), and the teams ended up running pretty much how we advertised them here. Amazon sounds like Kaz II, and Sirius is pretty much Saturn II. I don't see anything wrong with that; if anything it's an improvement because people can see what they're getting into beforehand. :)

Then you can look at Provolution, who was possibly a slightly less active poster in Kaz, but didn't end up having the team run quite in the way he would have liked. This time around, he can specifically advertise for a team that will be willing to play the game in the way that he enjoys.

Basically, I don't see this method of advertising teams as "excluding" people in any way. Rather, it gives people much more information, and allows them to pick a team that they will actually enjoy participating in. Some people enjoy strong role playing (Provo and Quatronia), some enjoy lots of heated polling and debate (Sommerswerd and Amazon), and some prefer more structured and leisurely discussions (myself and Sirius). And if someone feels that they don't fit well into any of those categories, then there's still at least a fourth team slot that needs to be filled. :)
I would like to sign up for this team.
Yaa! Our first teammate!:D One IS the lonliest number.:)

Welcome to the team Tinkerbell! All the AMAZONs cellebrate your arrival with HUGE party :band: and merrymaking! :cheers: Everyone is glad to have a new member of the government of AMAZON and everyone congradulates you on your excellent Avatar choice :clap:

Then we have a show in your honor:

And Finally:
Princess Diana, The Chair of the Welcome Wagon bestows you with your Golden Rope. Forever binding you to the nation of AMAZON
I would also like to sign up for Team Amazon.

Welcome to the team Zack! All the AMAZONs are hung over from all the drinking during Tinkerbell's party... But we all :vomit: and rally :beer: so that we can celebrate your arrival with an EVEN BIGGER party [party]. AMAZON is all about showing :love:

Then we have a show in your honor:

And Then:
Diana arrives to bestow you with your Golden Rope. Consider yourself an AMAZON!

Team AMAZON so far:
My loyalty lies with team Amazon sign me up Sommerswerd :deal: .
At last... The Mighty Lord Civius has joined the AMAZON nation! All the AMAZONs have heard of your exploits in the Kingdom of Goldenhorde and your triumphs in the Empire of Artonia. All the AMAZONs know of your legendary polling skills...

Unfortunately even the AMAZONs have limits and we are all still so wasted from Zack's party... so we elect to drink a simple toast:xmascheers: and then play a spirited game of croquet for entertainment, instead of our usual druken party. Everyone enjoys knocking balls into the bushes!

As usual we have a show in your honor, however, one of the AMAZONs (obviously still a little drunk) puts on a bunny suit, ties the tail to one of the celebratory rockets... and then things get really interesting:

Since we were all Partying so hard, Diana did not have time to cut your rope... so you get an extra long one...no one gets jealous... It's great to be an AMAZON!

Team AMAZON so far:
Lord Civius
The AMAZON "Mission Statement" and the "Team Pitboss Game" section are good comments on your question IMO. If you are looking for multi-player training... I don't know of anyone who is more qualified than Indiansmoke:goodjob: I learned loads and loads from Smoke on team Kaz, and I plan on putting those lessons to use.;)

If you look at the team Kaz threads, you will see that when we were polling a decision, or when a poll was coming up, there were heated debates where everyone came to the table with their reasons for or against a particular course of action. I learned so much in those situations, because people felt motivated to prove why their course of action was better. Like hypothetically, why farming corn for 3 turns was better than roading wine, or how building a city South of Iron instead of East would get Axes faster because of the BFC.

If you read my later posts where I was playing turns near the end of the game and contrast with my earlier posts, you can see how much I learned in terms of micro, beaker management, food/growth management, GP point maximization etc.

If you want to be on the winning team... I wish I could forsee who will win... hopefully more participation and discussion will flesh out good strategies... but more importantly, it will make for maximum fun:)
The important thing for me in deciding which team to join is whether I'm going to learn how to win multiplayer games from it. Any comments on that?
If you can't find your way in one of the existing teams, please consider setting up a new team with your idears in the mission statement:

Team DS: The mission of team DS is for its members to keep improving their capabilities of winning multiplayer games.
If you can't find your way in one of the existing teams, please consider setting up a new team with your idears in the mission statement:

Team DS: The mission of team DS is for its members to keep improving their capabilities of winning multiplayer games.
Absolutely, that sounds like an equally good idea. We do still need a fourth team (at the minimum), after all. :)

I think I remember Dave saying he wanted to be sure to get at least a few veterans on his team though, so there'd have to be some others floating about that wanted to join him if he did this...
Now that we have a few members, I wanted to try and get a couple things moving for our team.

Are any of you... Tinkerbell, Lord Civius, Zack interested in playing turns?
If so, how often, and what days are best for you?

I ask about the days because I want to get a skeleton schedule going for turnplaying so as new members join, we can just add people to it, instead of trying to do the whole thing all at once.

Team Pitboss
Also, are you all interested in starting our first Team Pitboss game? We could start out with a small map, Quick speed, kind of game between the 4 of us... Our 1st team pitboss game might be over by the time we get the MTDG game started... Then we can start another, larger game for the new members of the team.

Remember, we are not limited to one pitboss game per team. We can start a small one now, and then start a larger one once we get more teammates. FYI, I can host the team's pitboss game(s). So we can start right away, that is not an issue.

Map Settings
Finally, we will have to decide as a team on what kind of settings we want on the map. There will be a few team votes, where we vote as a team what we want, and then all the teams give their votes to the mapmaker... so let's start kicking the ball around about what settings we think are best and why.

We can use this thread for all our comments related to the issues above, particularly how we plan on making our team votes... until we get a private forum. Hopefully members of other teams will be respectful of that.:)
It would be great to have an own forum. The forum can be public untill the game is about to start.

Interested: YES! I do need to see which times work best. I have three young kids (1, 4, 6) at home so time is a bit scattered. Some evenings (GMT+1) will work fine, not a clear pattern now.

Team Pitboss
I think the aim of having it finished before the start is great. I'll join a fast game!

Map settings
I don't have a clear wish, just a fun map. I think early interaction is fun (and dangerous too).
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