On the Outside
Pinman was rather new to the landscape of Team FREE and did not immediately recognize the palace. It did look like much of a palace and certainly much less than Pinman expected.
He walked up the steps and saw two figures next to the building. The one on the left wore a shapeless black hat with a wide brim, had a poncho that may have been red some time in the past but was now just a dirty brown slung over his left shoulder, some kind of animal skin vest, faded long sleeve shirt, well worn jeans and holstered gun on his right hip, where his right hand, very much free of the poncho, lightly touched the weapon. He was standing away from the building, the thin cigar, as yet unlit, hanging from the corner of his mouth and almost lost in the brownish short beard.
His eyes swept over Pinman and looked away, squinting off into the distance, but he kept an eye on the newcomer just the same. He said nothing as Pinman approached.
Pinman did not know quite what to make of the man on his left. The man on the right looked similar to the one on the right, but not exactly the same. He was about the same height but was clean shaven. He wore slacks, a shirt with a tie and a pullover V-neck sweater and a unbuttoned sports jacket. He had no hat.
Pinman said to the man on his right, I thought this was a no smoking zone.
Well, was the rather slow reply, hes not smoking it yet; just getting ready to. Plus, hes more concerned about lead poisoning than lung cancer.
Lead poisoning? Our water is not contaminated.
Not lead you drink; lead you eat.
But who would
Here, let me show you. And reaching inside his coat he pulled out a handgun, the largest that Pinman had ever seen. And he began talking down to Pinman. This kind of lead poisoning. But being that this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, youve got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Lucky enough to ask him to put away his cigar?
Uh, no, not that lucky, as his eyes darted back and forth from the gun to the silent man.
Smart, said the silent man.
Youre Pinman, right? said the better dressed man. You had better get inside. They're expecting you.
Y-yes, I am Pinman. Who are you?
Callahan. Inspector Harry Callahan. And he, nodding at the man in the poncho, doesnt really have a name but is sometimes known as Blondie.
Blondie? Who would
You dont want to know, said Blondie.
Pinman was rather new to the landscape of Team FREE and did not immediately recognize the palace. It did look like much of a palace and certainly much less than Pinman expected.
He walked up the steps and saw two figures next to the building. The one on the left wore a shapeless black hat with a wide brim, had a poncho that may have been red some time in the past but was now just a dirty brown slung over his left shoulder, some kind of animal skin vest, faded long sleeve shirt, well worn jeans and holstered gun on his right hip, where his right hand, very much free of the poncho, lightly touched the weapon. He was standing away from the building, the thin cigar, as yet unlit, hanging from the corner of his mouth and almost lost in the brownish short beard.
His eyes swept over Pinman and looked away, squinting off into the distance, but he kept an eye on the newcomer just the same. He said nothing as Pinman approached.
Pinman did not know quite what to make of the man on his left. The man on the right looked similar to the one on the right, but not exactly the same. He was about the same height but was clean shaven. He wore slacks, a shirt with a tie and a pullover V-neck sweater and a unbuttoned sports jacket. He had no hat.
Pinman said to the man on his right, I thought this was a no smoking zone.
Well, was the rather slow reply, hes not smoking it yet; just getting ready to. Plus, hes more concerned about lead poisoning than lung cancer.
Lead poisoning? Our water is not contaminated.
Not lead you drink; lead you eat.
But who would
Here, let me show you. And reaching inside his coat he pulled out a handgun, the largest that Pinman had ever seen. And he began talking down to Pinman. This kind of lead poisoning. But being that this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, youve got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Lucky enough to ask him to put away his cigar?
Uh, no, not that lucky, as his eyes darted back and forth from the gun to the silent man.
Smart, said the silent man.
Youre Pinman, right? said the better dressed man. You had better get inside. They're expecting you.
Y-yes, I am Pinman. Who are you?
Callahan. Inspector Harry Callahan. And he, nodding at the man in the poncho, doesnt really have a name but is sometimes known as Blondie.
Blondie? Who would
You dont want to know, said Blondie.