
May 18, 2005
Too near The Temple of Jerry Jones

CommandoBob looked at the clothing he was going to wear very, very soon. An eyepatch, a black, three-cornered hat, breeches (not trousers, no way), a head bandana, a long sleeved shirt with puffed sleeves, a fancy vest called a waistcoat and stockings (really tall socks to cover the parts of his legs that the breeches missed). And that was just the basics. The Charming Mrs. CommandoBob had gleefully added some of her costume jewelry to his wardrobe. Golden earring (that attached with a clasp and not through a pierced ear), bracelets and chains and a bright red sash were her contributions. He longed for a flintlock pistol or cutlass, but knew he could not use public transportation with such things. Belaying pins would be good enough.

As he looked at the costume, his wife walked into the bedroom.

'Um, there's a problem with this.'

Startled, he replied, 'Huh? What? What's wrong.'

'We have a wedding to go to.'

'Okay,' was the slightly puzzled response.

'My brother Pat is getting married this Friday, did you forget?'

'Uh, no.'

'Are you going to wear that to his wedding?' she asked, pointing to the garments on the love seat.

Sensing a trap, he tried to evade.

'Does he know about Friday?'

'I don't know. Did you tell him? I sure didn't.'

'I sent an email to his son because I don't have Pat's email address; but that email came back undeliverable. I tried to call him today but all I got was his voice-mail. So, no, he doesn't know.'

'Don't you think you ought to tell him?'

'Well, yeah, I do. I just haven't been able to.'

His wife just looked at him, with not quite a frown and not quite a smile on her face.

'Well, what are you going to do if you don't get in contact with him?'

'Well,' said CommandoBob, as he tried to rescue himself, 'he's got a good sense of humor. I think it would be okay. I mean, I'm not in the wedding party or anything.'

'Yeah, but how many people in East Texas are going to go to a wedding dressed like that?'

'At least one?'

'Well, it could also be your last wedding, since you may not survive. Especially if some people we know show up. And I don't think your son would like that, not with his wedding in January.'

'Arrr', he growled quietly, sensing defeat.

The grand plans for a fun Friday were coming slowly to a halt. He had to get in contact with Pat, and soon. He didn't think it would bother his brother-in-law, but he wasn't sure about the wife-to-be. Maybe, just maybe, and with a lot of luck, the bride and groom would agree to be dressed like him.
Cap'n Slappy walks into a bar with a paper towel on his head.

The bartender looks at him in surprise and says, 'Cap'n, what happened? You forgot your hat.'

'Arrrr', replied Slappy, 'I've got a Bounty on me head.'
Cap'n Slappy is explaining his attire to a new shipmate.

'Cap'n,' asks the rookie, 'how much did you golden earrings cost?'

'Arrr,' was the reply, 'about a buck-an-ear.'
Yuk Yuk Yuk
Tell us some more of those.
Cap'n Slappy is warning a young mariner about taking up a life of piracy. "Matey, ye be careful, now. Piracy be addictive!"

"Why is it addictive, Cap'n?" asks the young sailor.

"Why, they say once ye lose yer first hand, ye get hooked!"
Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ye best be treatin' pirates with respect or ye might be finding yerselves tossed in irons. Arrrrgggg!
Happy talk like a pirate day!

What is a pirate's favourite type of music?
Arr and B!
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