TEAM Vote: Game Settings

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Councilor & Merlot Noble
Aug 8, 2005
Washington State (GMT -8)
TEAM Vote: Game Settings​

This thread is for each TEAM to cast their vote in.
Please – no individual votes or discussion in this thread.

Once your team has decided how they would like to collectively vote, please have your team representative post here.

Your post should look something like this:

I am the team representative for [TEAM #X].
My team casts it's vote as follows:

- Huts: On/Off
- Events: On/Off
- Vassal States: On/Off
- Barbarians: None, Normal, or Raging
- Tech Trading: Normal, No Tech Trading, No Tech Brokering
- Difficulty Level: Low (Noble/Prince), Medium (Monarch/Emperor), High (Immortal/Deity)

If any Individual Category fails to get a 3/5 Majority of team votes – the top 2 options will be put to a vote. Again – each TEAM will get one vote.

At least, I think this is the way we've all agreed to make this happen. If anyone disagrees, please discuss here: BtS MTDG Game Settings & Map thread.

All the settings depends on the others so we should for example decide on huts and barbs and tech trading(this goes for all teams) before we chose difficulty level... By chosing all at once we can end up with some really weird settings that noone wants. If barbs are on i want a way lower difficulty level than i would want without for example.
Team three chose

Based on what I see in this thread, the settings look like:

- Huts: Off (7:1 vote, not close)
- Events: Off (6:3, a little closer)
- Vassal States: Off (8:0 by my count!)
- Barbarians: Normal (7:0); I'm assuming "yes" votes were for normal barbs
- Tech Trading: Normal (8:1, or something like that)

Posted by sulla.
Ehem. :nono:
Remake - we're still discussing this thing. We'll have a formal vote in our forum, then elect someone to post our official position at that time.

Thanks for your zealousness though :)
Double Post: You know - I think this whole thread might have been a mistake :lol: - I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night (infant daughter has the flu).

Are we just going to let Sulla handle this by peaking in all the team's forums?
If so - perhaps you should just delete this thread Ginger_Ale! :blush:
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