Seen a few of these:
For consistency I'm thinking of making a voicepack for this mod as it has a bunch of new quotes, so 3 voices total. But maybe instead of replicating Nimoy I'll use AI to revoice every quote in a totally new voice, maybe a female one.
Has anyone beaten me to it? And what are your thoughts?
Leonard Nimoy Voice Synthesizer
Hey Civ4 modders I happened across this and the Leonard Nimoy voice actually came out pretty good and it reminded me of Civ4 techs. So if you guys are still adding techs with quotes give it a shot (read the guideline first!)
[MODCOMP] - Nimoy Tech BTS Voicepack
I always found the Sid Meier tech narrations really jarring, so I created a voicepack to replace them with the OG voice actor. Just unzip to \Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Assets\Sounds\Tech and enjoy.
For consistency I'm thinking of making a voicepack for this mod as it has a bunch of new quotes, so 3 voices total. But maybe instead of replicating Nimoy I'll use AI to revoice every quote in a totally new voice, maybe a female one.
Has anyone beaten me to it? And what are your thoughts?