Tech Quotes Voicepack?


Sep 21, 2005
Seen a few of these:

For consistency I'm thinking of making a voicepack for this mod as it has a bunch of new quotes, so 3 voices total. But maybe instead of replicating Nimoy I'll use AI to revoice every quote in a totally new voice, maybe a female one.
Has anyone beaten me to it? And what are your thoughts?
Thanks. I am reluctant to replace actual recordings with AI-generated ones, especially given that the ones we currently have are actually pretty good. Where I see a reasonable case for AI voice, if you feel that is possible, is generating unit voiceovers for the languages not currently represented, such as Armenian or Tamil.
But maybe instead of replicating Nimoy I'll use AI to revoice every quote in a totally new voice, maybe a female one.
Sounds really good at first but... But it's a lot of work and the quality will be far behind the one's we already have.
You know AI can read accurately but without the right tone, stressing and emphasis. So AI can read but it doesn't voice act.
So my suggestion is to create only those that are missing.
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