

May 7, 2006
As the XML coder, it has occurred to me that most of the other XML files reference techs, which we do not have, yet. So kick around some ideas, and if you really want to be cool, accompany them with fun quotes to go along with them.
Cold Fusion
Geo Mining

Neurophysiology: Shaped a little like a loaf of French country bread, our brain is a crowded chemistry lab, bustling with nonstop neural conversations. - Diane Ackerman

Weather control: The trouble with weather forecasting is that it's right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it. - Patrick Young

Climate Control: We are what suns and winds and waters make us.
(W. S. Landor)


Miniaturization: We're gonna drink this one to Ozzie. A good man who tried to save my ass by injecting me into yours. Lt. Tuck Pendleton "inner space"

Artificial Intelligence

These techs may seem futuristic but that’s all we have in front of us.
How do these techs seem:

Space techs(in order):
Non-rocket spacelaunch
Artificial gravity
Moon colonization
Faster-than-light travel
Dyson sphere
Galaxy colonization

Fusion power
Semantic Web
Bio fuels
3D printing
Carbon nanotubes
Flying cars
Electric cars
Genetic engineering
Intelligence amplification
Cold Fusion
Geo Mining
Weather control
Climate Control
Artificial Intelligence
Mind uploading
Reversible cryonics

Thanks Amogos for some ideas.
I started a tech chart. much of it is very wrong, but I couldn't think of anything else. Constructive criticism:)

What do you mean by shields and Geo mining, Amogos?


ijnavy, this is an edit to your list:

NO Artificial gravity (AG is at LEAST a 1000 years away, it's only popular because you can't have a good space saga without it)
Moon colonization
Warp Drive is a better name than Faster-than-light travel, but still 100 years away probably if ever
Dyson sphere (please explain)
NO Galaxy colonization (just to remind you this is an Earth game not a space game [the tech is also at LEAST 2000 years away])

Fusion power
Semantic Web
Bio fuels
3D printing
Carbon nanotubes
Avro cars instead of Flying cars
Hydro Fuels instead of Electric cars (maybe)
Genetic engineering
NO Intelligence amplification (isn’t that what Mind uploading is)
Shields (to explain: Shield is the ability to pull the electric particles around the user to form a semi-solid armor, though, it can easily be disrupted)
Cold Fusion
Geo Mining (essentially advanced underground mining, the ability to go way, way, way, way, down)
Antidotes (maybe make all cures different techs)
Weather Control
Climate Control
Miniaturization (only the very basic shrink ray idea, it's not a conventional everyday tech)
Artificial Intelligence
Mind uploading is replaced by Implants
Reversible cryonics (explain)
Super Strong Alloy (or something to the jest)
Monobots (I think it's like independent robots [MechAssault])

Also tech chart Genetics does not requir Neurophysiology but Mind uploading/Implants does.
Dyson sphere, if you think that artificial gravity should not be in, then the Dyson sphere is way out. Dyson sphere: here.

Antidote for cancer?

Reversible Cryonics, cryonics is when you freeze a person. Reversible cryonics is when in the future(100 years?), you unfreeze them and they are alive and remember everything.

If you think that cloning and terraforming should stay, then artificial gravity, light speed travel, and galaxy colonization (as the last tech) should be in.
We have to be clear about how far into the future we expect this mod to be. Since we have one month per turn it won't be going too far. I don't think we should plan technologies for after 2050.
So most of the space techs are too far ahead. And so is, I guess, Climate Control.

And don't forget that we have to keep in mind the technologies of the present. Developing countries don't have researched every tech that we already have. Looking at the vanilla tech tree I presume that every tech is known in every country up to fission. Fission and everything that comes after should be in our tech tree, too.

One month ago I talked with NwabudikeMorgan about some techs, mostly non-military and social/cultural ones. Here are our suggestions:

(Post)Structuralism Basic tech for many cultural techs...1st to discover receives Great Intellectual

Solid Freeform Fabrication (=3D Printing) Enables civic Knowledge Economy (see World 2008 thread)

Organic Farming Enables Organic Farm Improvement (compared to conventional farms: -1 :food:, +1 :health:)

Genetically modified food Enables GMF wonder, which provides resource hybrid seeds, which makes (conventional) farmlands produce +1 :food: and +0,5 :yuck:

Microcredits still to think about it

Privatization do.

Nationalization build a unit to nationalize foreign corporations so their gold benefit goes no longer to the foreign civ but the other benefits are still working

Research on Climate Change could give possibility to reduce global warming

Preventive State could enable the civic preventive state that reduces danger of hostile espionage and terrorism, causes unhappiness

Surveillance enables building CCTV (increases costs for hostile espionage/terrorism missions, but causes +1 :mad:)

Integral Medicine could add bonuses to hospitals

Renewable Energy more options on power plants

Solar thermal energy enables improvement Solar Power Plant for desert squares

Electric Car +1 :health: to Public Transportation system

Nanotechnology stll to think about that

Stem Cell therapy health benefits, health wonders etc.?

Gender Mainstreaming enables building Daycare facility which increases: +5%:culture:, +5%:commerce:, and +5%:hammers:

Biopolitics enables building Health promotion centre or HIV prevention centre that could increase :health:
I'd love to include a severe HIV problem into the mod that would constantly reduce population in underdeveloped countries until they build such buildings.

Integration enables civic Multiculturalism

Consumerism enanbles Mall (no UB) that increases :gold:, produces :yuck:

Web 2.0 dont know about that yet

Antipsychiatry enables building Rehabilitation Facility that replaces Jail after that tech is discovered (IMO Jail should produce :mad: in peace times). Will have the benefits of Jail without the just mentioned :mad:

Cogeneration upgrades factories and power plants

GPS might enable a project called GPS that grants units a "morale"-like promotion (=+1 movement)
Your list is very good.
I just have to ask why is each turn 1 month, why can't it be 1 year or more. That way, we can play til 2400 (392 turns) or even farther and make the game more interesting?
Well, IMO it happens so much in one year that one year per turn would be too fast. I think we're trying to display the world as it is now and not to create a science fiction mod. :)
And it's hard to believe that a marine unit would take one year to get from one square to another... ;)
We're not creating a science fiction mod of the future:( ;)

How about a warrior taking 25? years to move one square, CIV is not completely realistic.
Well, you know what I mean...2008-2050 is not classicaly "science fiction" but near future. 2400 is science fiction. :)

You're right, CIV is not completely realistic. But aren't we trying to make something quite realistic?
I agree with your point. Well I guess I won't see cloning, galaxy colonization, and a Dyson sphere wonder.
Lets then start working on your list and maybe get somewhere about 30 techs?
I did a new tech tree with (almost) all the tech that were named here...
Some are missing. These were the ones I didn't know quite how to take.
Here it is...what do you think about it?


I don't see any techs that relate to clean coal, shale coal or ultra deep oil drilling. These are all technologies that are on the verge. We will still be using fossil fuels for atleast the next 50 years so excluding them is unrealistic. Also the Arctic is becoming a hotbed for future energy sources and should play a role in its future. Other than that I think it is a great start to the tech tree :goodjob: .
I would like to argue that cybernetics and genetics are two totally different branches of research. Genetics is using small tools to adjust small things that grow big like a bloody two headed sheep :eek:; this can also be small things making big things change drastically; and finally is considered incredibly immoral (only because most people are religious). Even cybernetic implants has little to do with genetics, cybernetics is about big thing making medium things to repair or replace human body parts; a scientist only needs some biological knowledge (so you know how to attach mech to man) and sophisticated electrical equipment.
And a couple other tech ideas.
Cell Phone
Advanced Flight
Identification (cultural tech, essentially writing ever citizen, when born, one a long list to keep track)
3D Modeling
I don't know what it would be called but using the internet to connect different computers to compute information faster (some people are doing that with the PS3 to find cures for disease)
ijnavy, this is an edit to your list:

NO Artificial gravity (AG is at LEAST a 1000 years away, it's only popular because you can't have a good space saga without it)

I'm sorry but couldn't artificial gravity bbe easily achieved with magnetic forces and suits that would rspond to the pull? Perhaps more of a simulated gravity?
leoncalvin, magnets won't work because they effect computers :badcomp:. And simulated gravity (spinning the space ship to make gravity) is not anywhere near Earth's gravity so they actual effect is very limited, but it could be a tech to increase space ship production :).
Actually magnets do work! In a futuristic society we would have perfected solid state storage devices which are not affected by magnets. Hard drives as we know them are going out as it is. Solid-State Is much faster and reliable. In facct you could almost make that a tech.

Solid-State storage- with an added event that happens when you discover computers. Solid state would stop magnetic erasing of research.

Seems like a bad idea bt i put it out there in case anyone migh tmae it a good one via overhaul.
All suggestions should be considered leo and it's a fine one IMO. Solid State Storage could be revolutionary.
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