I've played a lot of Fractal (and then Tectonics). I'm a real big fan of Tectonics, Huge, Marathon, 60% water, Normal Aridity.
But you're right, sometimes things can be unbalanced. I've had games where I had so many resources that I was an unstoppable rocket civ. My current game, I had resources, but also a lot of desert right in the middle. So it's turning into a long hard slog of a game that I'm not sure I'll be able to win.
Still, I prefer the unpredictability of Tectonics. You end up with mountain ranges, small outlying islands, and generally a few major continents along with inland seas, or bottlenecks, or places where you can create a canal with forts/cities. Each map is substantially unique.
I will always regenerate a few times if there aren't enough or the right type of resources immediately visible to my settler. Or if it looks like I'm going to be smack up against tundra, ice or desert.